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中國恆瑞全球業務拓展總監Erich Fries接受JEC雜誌專訪


最近,中國恆瑞(HRC)全球業務拓展總監Erich Fries先生接受了JEC雜誌的採訪,圍繞公司的發展戰略和亞洲複合材料市場所面臨的挑戰性問題回答了記者的提問。

在即將開幕的JEC World 2018展會中,中國恆瑞(HRC)將在更大的展覽面積中展示全新的企業形象,更完備的專業團隊將與行業上下游分享成果,交流互動。





Can you introduce HRC?


Erich Fries

HRC is a leading CFRP solution provider in Asia, specialized in development and manufacturing of composite parts. We have commercial offices in Shanghai, Barcelona and Augsburg, R&D team in Changshu and Jerez. In 2015, we started up our 10,000 m2manufacturing base in Changshu, Jiangsu province of China and the 133,000 m2second phase plant is now under construction.


Our technology covers RMCP, HP-RTM, C-RTM, Wet Molding, PCM, autoclave, etc. We are competent in composite product design, simulation, composite processing and production at varied scale. Our main targeted business sectors are automotive, aerospace, industrial and construction.



Can you tell us more about your cooperation with Fraunhofer?


Erich Fries

HRC and Fraunhofer ICT are strategic partners with focus on component and process development for the manufacturing of high performance composites. From one side, Fraunhofer ICT is one of the world』s most authorized and leading application science institute, from the other side, it is the most active participant in the most dynamic automotive market. Frank Henning, deputy director of Fraunhofer ICT, and the key initiator of major partnership programs between HRC and ICT, once mentioned: 「The boundary condition of partnership is that the participants involved hold the same view on how to prepare a market and are open to understand customers』 needs.」

中國恆瑞(HRC)與弗勞恩霍夫化學研究院是長期戰略合作夥伴,雙方的合作側重對高性能複合材料產品和工藝的開發,無論在國內還是國外複合材料和工業領域都稱得上是前所未有的創舉。弗勞恩霍夫研究院是世界頂級的應用科學研究機構,其下屬的弗勞恩霍夫化學研究院活躍在全球主流汽車市場,開發過多個工業化的碳纖維前瞻項目,並一直在重新定義「不可能達成」的任務。我們的一切合作都是基於彼此認同和對亞洲市場的共同期待。弗勞恩霍夫化學研究院副院長,也是雙方合作的主要發起人之一——Frank Henning博士曾表示:雙方在迎接市場挑戰上有一致的見解,並且對理解客戶需求保持開放的態度,是合作夥伴關係達成的重要條件。」

Now we are building ACTC(Advanced Composite Technology Center)together, the first composite center with the mission and purpose to become a unique R&D platform to support and collaborate with Chinese industry (OEM, material and supplier industry).


ACTC is going to present future processing technologies for Sheet Molding Compound(SMC), Thermoplastic UD-Tape Processing ATP, Thermoset Prepreg Technology, Injection Molding, High Pressure RTM(HP-RTM), Compression Molding, Wet Compression Molding(WCM/LCM). The first stage investment is over 20 million Euro.



How do you see the evolution of the Chinese market for composites?


Erich Fries

『Heavy Industry needs Light solution』. Over the past 5 years, China automotive industry has undergone enormous changes due to emission control policy and new energy vehicles have been identified as suitable traffic solution for Mega cities. However, one of the greatest challenges is cost control in composite parts series production. Another big challenge is the integration of talents from traditional composite industry and automotive industry, it takes time and real practice to have a team that can think both ways.


As one of the few existing comprehensive lightweight solution providers in Asia, HRC is now official composite parts supplier of most of the OEMs in China and handled various cases from sample manufacturing to series production projects, and our experience of balancing cost and final delivery is crucial to EV manufacturers in China.



Why do you participate in JEC World 2018? What do you expect from it?


Erich Fries

JEC World is one of the most important events in our yearly calendar. It is an open and global platform for presenting our brand, team and service to the most professional composite talents in the world.

一年一度的國際JEC展是我們向世界範圍內的複合材料專業人士展示品牌、團隊和服務的開放性國際化平台。藉此機會,我們能博覽發明創造,交流心得想法,獲得一手的市場信息和專業見解。因此, JEC World也是我們每年固定參與的重大市場活動之一。

It has been a hard-working year with a lot of achievements for HRC. So here we are, sharing all these information with friends we already made last year and those who are interested in our company and of course, China, this massive market.


* 轉載自中國恆瑞(HRC) 黑話碳纖維






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