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I never fear any opponent, but the opponent is not strong enough!!!(我從不懼怕任何對手,只怕對手不夠強大)——喬丹

Have ever seen the scene of Los Angeles at 4am? I see often, because I have!!!(知道凌晨4點的洛杉磯是什麼樣子嗎?我知道,我知道洛杉磯凌晨四點的樣子)——科比

They can not break me . The only way to break me is to kill me,And everything that does not kill me makes me stronger!!! (他們不可能打倒我,除非幹掉我,而任何不能幹掉我的就只會令我更堅強)——艾弗森

There are a lot of possibilities in the world, but it"s not possible for the Lakers to beat us!!!(世界上有很多種可能,但是湖人戰勝我們就不可能)——拉塞爾

My life is striking!!!(我的一生都引人注目)——張伯倫

I pass you like crossing too early in the morning of the road, here I want to Lore you, such as recognition, is here!!!(我過你就像過清晨的馬路,等下我要在這裡絕殺你,認住了,是這裡)——拉里-伯德

My grandma and Jordan can play together and get six rings.!!!(我奶奶和喬丹一起打球也能拿六個戒指)——奧尼爾

The future is yours!!!(未來是你的 )——鄧肯

Don"t do anyone, just want to do first!!!(不做任何人,只想做第一個自己)——詹姆斯

My grandmother told me I was hit to fight back!!!(我奶奶告訴我被打了就要還手)——巴克利

If you haven"t experienced my failure, don"t share my success!!!(如果你沒經歷過我的失敗,那麼,不要分享我的成功)——韋德

Let"s fall in the enemy"s body!!!(讓我們倒在敵人的屍體上)——慈世平

Your son will say to you, after watched TV ? dad, carter dunk in your head again!!!(你兒子在看了電視之後會對你說,?爸爸,卡特又在你的頭上扣籃了)——卡特




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