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What is the saddest you"ve ever felt as an NBA fan?


The Mavs losing in 2006Finals hurt, the Mavs losing to the Warriors the following year was arguably worse.


But I think the saddest I"ve felt regarding the NBA was the Isaiah Thomas thing last year with his sister. Maybe not sad, butemotional. What a strong human being to be able to play through that emotional pain.


My next saddest moment will most certainly be when Dirk retires. What are some of yours?


[–]Supersonicsreality_czech 985 指標 9小時前

When my team left


[–][DET] Ben WallaceAnarchistAnachronism 247 指標 9小時前

You win.


[–][DAL] Nick Van Exelglansberg_stephen[S] 150 指標 8小時前

I always create Seattle in my2k franchise, and if it makes you feel any better, I usually make it to the second round


[–]Magicthebottomofthenet 530 指標 9小時前

watching allstar oladipo lead a playoff team whileterrance rosseats hospital bills


[–][DAL] Nick Van Exelglansberg_stephen[S] 93 指標 9小時前

Keep the faith, things will turn around. Hopefully you guys can get a top 5 pick this year!


[–]Magicthebottomofthenet 125 指標 9小時前

why so we can draft another fucking big man with a low ceiling or should we take doncic andlet him suchup shit behind our refusal to trade our already gruesomely overpaid2 guard


[–]MagicYoung_macadamia 78 指標 8小時前

No we"re gonna draft ayton, hes gonna lead us to the finals and we"ll win 2 games this time... but then he"ll join the lakers and we"ll have to start all over again.


[譯註1] 1994-1995賽季,奧尼爾率領的魔術總決賽被火箭橫掃;2008-2009賽季,霍華德率領的魔術被湖人4-1擊敗。

[–]RaptorsNoticeMeFakerSenpai 80 指標 8小時前

Shaq - 0 Games Dwight - 1 Game

Your only 3generationalcenters away my dude. Maybe by 2030.



[–]Hornetsdank-kush 199 指標 9小時前

Right now


[–][DAL] Nick Van Exelglansberg_stephen[S] 52 指標 9小時前

But you guys are pushing towards the playoffs!


[–]Hornetsdank-kush 119 指標 9小時前

We are pushing toward an inevitable 9th seed, if it was my choice I would have rather tanked. I have no choice but to believe now and be ultimately disappointed


[–][UTA] Corey Crowderjohn_smokin 26 指標 5小時前

Eastern Conference Jazz


[–]SunsSportsMasterGeneral 1246 指標 9小時前

Drunkenly buying anAlex Len jersey


[–][DAL] Nick Van Exelglansberg_stephen[S] 309 指標 9小時前

Fuck man


[–]Celticsiamgarron 152 指標 9小時前

I know at least 5 people who hadAaron Hernandez jerseys so...


[譯註2]:前NFL巨星埃爾南德斯在2015年因犯謀殺罪被判處終身監禁, 2017年4月在獄中上吊自盡。

[–]Knicksmatty_a 187 指標 9小時前

At least Hernandez was good at one point.


[–]CelticsMartin5hkreli 82 指標 8小時前

Did you read that his autopsy revealed severe CTE? He was only 27. Really made me think about the state of the NFL 10 years from now.


[–][OKC] Russell WestbrookAnti_Thon 47 指標 8小時前

He was gang related prior to his NFL career though. I guess one can make a case that CTE influenced some of his decisions? Idk


[–]SpursBEE_REAL_ 101 指標 8小時前

I have a hard time believing his brain looking like this didn"t affect his ability to make decisions.


[–][DET] Ben WallaceAnarchistAnachronism 138 指標 9小時前

The Pistons losing to the Heat in 2006. You could feel that it was the beginning of the end for that team. Losing the Finals to the Spurs the year before should probably feel worse, but it doesn"t. Letting Shaq get his revenge after we whooped his Lakers and watching D Wade absolutely murder us while knowing we passed on him forDarko Milicic was pure misery.


[–]FinalsLegend_23 24 指標 3小時前

D wade straight murdered the same Pistons defense that locked down Kobe like aprison bitch. What a performance


[–][DET] Ben WallaceAnarchistAnachronism 18 指標 3小時前

He shot 69% from thefield in that series. 75% if you don"t count the last game, which they won. It was fucking bonkers.


[–][CHI] John StarksLiquidgoldvelveeta 421 指標 9小時前

DRose meniscus tear

there was still hope he"d come back to being a top guy after theACL tear, after the meniscus tear, deep down you knew that was probably it for the hopes he"d return to form



[–]Bullsalba7or 71 指標 9小時前

This, the whole saga just made me more and more depressed :(


[–]RocketsState_of_Trance 62 指標 8小時前

Watching MVP Rose highlights on Youtube makes me tear up inside. That dude was so explosive, there was no way for his game to adapt after the injuries.


[–]Cavaliersclebrink 45 指標 7小時前

I think everyone needs to go back and re-watch MVP D Rose highlights if they haven』t recently, his athleticism was absolutely insane.


[–][DAL] Nick Van Exelglansberg_stephen[S] 102 指標 9小時前

The whole situation was just shit. D Rose was supposed to be the challenger to LeBron for years, I hate how it ended up.


[–][BKN] Jarrett AllenExpulsure 178 指標 9小時前

Going 12-70 and ending up with only the third pick was fucking awful, the first year ofsucking without our draft picks wasaids, so much more i could say


[–][HOU] James Hardennoelhadid 183 指標 8小時前

the night before mySAT I stayed up till like 1 am to watch Dame hit that 3 with .9 seconds left and eliminate my team from the playoffs

火箭球迷: SAT I考試前夜,我熬夜到1點,然後看到利拉德0.9秒三分絕殺,季後賽淘汰我火。

[–]Spursshadesta 379 指標 9小時前



[–][SAS] Dejounte Murraydicky_________seamus 226 指標 8小時前

I"d say Tim slapping the floor at the end of Game 7 hurt more.


[–][SAS] Tim DuncanSWchibullswolverine 83 指標 6小時前

went to both Game 6 and 7...I 100% agree with you.


[–]Lakersfriskydongo 685 指標 9小時前

I pretended to be a Celtics fan because the cute girl thatlived down thehall was a Celtics fan. We smashed but I felt bad on my way back to my place.


[–]LakersDynoDunks 468 指標 7小時前

Right before you finished you shoulda yelled Kobe. That would have been an interesting moment.


[–][BOS] Luigi Datometonyhawk8 136 指標 7小時前

What else would one yell when they bust?


[–]LakersDM_ME_UR_SOUL 248 指標 6小時前



[–]LRAW4 144 指標 9小時前

Seeing the lakers give near max contracts to Luol Deng and Timothy Mozgov right when free agency opened


[–][DAL] Nick Van Exelglansberg_stephen[S] 42 指標 8小時前

I was actually sad hearing Magicmake a joke about trading Deng, I"ve like Luol for a long time and to see him kinda dragged through the mud wasn"t very fun


[–]Lakersbrandoi 83 指標 9小時前

Kobe"s achilles after it was diagnosed was awful for me. Then his jersey retirement topped that for me.



[–][LAL] Pat RileyOBPing 56 指標 8小時前

Watching the press conference regarding Magic』s HIV. A lot of us cried non-stop for a few days thinking our hero is going to die at any moment now.


What was really hard was watching his last All-Star game and not knowing how that would be like. Even though he did great, it felt like a funeral because the next time we see pictures of Magic, he could be rail thin and on his death bed.


[–][OKC] Russell WestbrookWestbrooksScowl 174 指標 8小時前

I thought I might kill myself on July 4th, 2016

It was already the worst year of my life, then we choked, then KD went to the team we choked too.

I honestly don"t know how or why I continued to watch basketball after that




[–][LAL] Brandon Ingramashishvp 52 指標 4小時前

Westbrook"s Scowl saved your life man. Never let him go.


[–][OKC] Russell WestbrookWestbrooksScowl 46 指標 4小時前

Indeed. The flip side to the above mentioned terrible story is that I turned my life around, Russ won MVP, and he signed the extension. All"s well that ends well, eh mate?




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