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Sn?hetta unveils plans for world』s first energy positive hotel with minimum footprint in Norway



該酒店名叫「Svart」,設計師與Arctic Adventure合作開發,該公司旨在成為挪威北部可持續旅遊的先驅。「Svart」項目將建在斯瓦蒂森(Svartisen)山冰川腳下,該項目的名字直接來源於斯瓦蒂森山自然遺產,這裡有著寶貴冰川和自然環境。Sn?hetta事務所聲明:「挪威語中『Svart』代表著『黑色』,直接表達了斯瓦蒂森冰川以及其中深藍色的冰塊。」

Norwegian architecture firm Sn?hetta has unveiled plans for a new circular hotel, creating a minimum footprint on Norway"s arctic land - the hotel will be the world"s first energy positive hotel concept above the arctic circle.

Named Svart, the hotel concept is developed in collaboration with Arctic Adventure of Norway, a company aiming to become a pioneer of sustainable tourism in Northern Norway, Asplan Viak and Skanska,

The Svart will be built at the foot of the Svartisen glacier that runs through Mel?y municipality in northern Norway and the project takes its name directly from the natural heritage of Svartisen, its precious glacier and its natural surroundings. "The name 「Svart」, meaning "black" in Norwegian, is a direct tribute to the deep blue ice of Svartisen and the Svartisen name," stated Sn?hetta.



「在這樣一個寶貴的環境中建造建築,建築師有責任保護自然美景和場地的動植物。因此可持續發展的建築很重要,讓建築對環境的影響降至最低。」Sn?hetta事務所創始合伙人Kjetil Tr?dal Thorsen說。



Sn?hetta"s new hotel not only will reduce its yearly energy consumption by approximately 85% compared to a modern hotel, but it will also produce its own energy - an absolute 「must」 in this precious arctic environment, the architects added.

Conceived as the first of its kind to be built in compliance with the Powerhouse standard, the Svart will also become the world』s northernmost Powerhouse building.

"Building in such a precious environment comes with some clear obligations in terms of preserving the natural beauty and the fauna and flora of the site. It was important for us to design a sustainable building that will leave a minimal environmental footprint on this beautiful Northern nature," said Founding Partner at Sn?hetta, Kjetil Tr?dal Thorsen.

"Building an energy positive and low-impact hotel is an essential factor to create a sustainable tourist destination respecting the unique features of the plot; the rare plant species, the clean waters and the blue ice of the Svartisen glacier."

The hotel is composed of a circular volume extending from the shoreline by the foot of the Almlifjellet mountain and into the clear waters of the Holandsfjorden fjord. The circular shape provides a panoramic view of the fjord and an experience of living in proximity with nature.

設計靈感來源於當地的本土建築「Fiskehjell 」(一種為晾曬魚的木質結構)和「Rorbue 」(一種漁民們使用的傳統季節性房屋)的形狀。Sn?hetta事務所參考了Rorbue的結構類型,因此 酒店的支撐結構由在海灣表面以下幾米的耐候性木杆建成。




Inspired by local vernacular architecture in the form of the 「fiskehjell」 (A-shaped wooden structure for drying fish) and the 「rorbue」 (a traditional type of seasonal house used by fishermen), Sn?hetta"s reference for the rorbue translates into the hotel』s supporting structure which is built from weather resistant wooden poles stretching several meters below the surface of the fjord.

The structure is raised above from the water through poles, ensuring that the building physically places a minimal footprint in the pristine nature and gives the building an almost transparent appearance of 「Svart」. The circular shape provides a panoramic view of the fjord and an experience of living in proximity with nature.

"The poles of the hotel double as a wooden boardwalk for visitors to stroll in the summer. In the winter, the boardwalk can be used to store boats and kayaks, reducing the need for garages and additional storage space. The height of structure also allows for paddlers to paddle under the hotel corpus," said the firm.

"The precious nature surrounding the hotel can only be accessed by boat and there are plans to introduce an energy neutral boat shuttle from the city of Bod? to the hotel."




To achieve the Powerhouse standard, the studio uses several cutting-edge design choices. For example, the architects have conducted an extensive mapping of how solar radiation behaves in relation to mountainous context throughout the year to optimize the harvest of energy.

The result of the study has been an importance premise for the circular design of the hotel, and both hotel rooms, restaurants and terraces are strategically placed to exploit the Sun』s energy throughout the day and seasons. The hotel』s roof is clad with Norwegian solar panels produced with clean hydro energy reducing the carbon footprint even further.

The hotel comprises secluded terraces, providing a shadow play in the fa?ade of the hotel while also ensuring privacy. The facades are carefully designed to protect against insolation from the sun in the summer when the sun is high in the sky, removing the need for artificial cooling.




Powerhouse是由Sn?hetta、Entra、Skanska、零排放資源組織(ZERO Emission Resource Organization)和Asplan Viak的共同合作的組織機構,有著多個住宅項目,其中包括挪威的第一個擴建房屋,也是世界上第一座修復房屋。


圖片來源:Sn?hetta/ Plompmozes

"During the winter months, when the sun is low in the sky, the large windows of the fa?ade allow for a maximum of insolation to exploit the Sun』s natural thermal energy," detailed the firm.

The architects use special materials equipped with low embodied energy to reach the Powerhouse standard. "Embodied energy is the amount of energy that is required to produce, transport, build and replace materials and products that go into a building. Embodied energy is highest in materials produced with energy derived from fossil fuels," added the studio.

The architects aims to minimise the environmental impact of the building by using use wood in construction and cladding. They avoid adding typically energy-intensive materials such as structural steel and concrete as much as possible in construction.

Powerhouse is a collaboration between Sn?hetta, Entra, Skanska, the ZERO Emission Resource Organization and Asplan Viak. Powerhouse is responsible for several plus house projects, including Norway』s first plus house, the world』s first rehabilitated plus house at Kj?rbo in Sandvika, Norway.



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