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設計|每天一部電影 每天一幅海報(上)





A Movie Poster A Day




Day 1 of 365 – Pulp Fiction

Day 2 of 365 – Terminator 2

Day 3 of 365 – The Martian

Day 4 of 365 – The Bourne Identity

Day 5 of 365 – The Grey

Day 6 of 365 – Requiem for a Dream

Day 7 of 365 – Interstellar

Day 8 of 365 – The Royal Tenenbaums

Day 9: Return of the Jedi.

Day 9 of 365 – The Dark Knight

Day 10: A New Hope.

Day 10 of 365 - Gravity

Day 11 of 365 – Inception

Day 12 of 365 – The Man Who Fell To Earth

Day 13 of 365 – Fight Club

Day 14 of 365 – The Life of Pi

Day 15 of 365 – The Shining

Day 16 of 365 – E.S.O.T.S.M.

Day 17 of 365 – Fargo

Day 18 of 365 – Oblivion

Day 19 – Dr Strangelove.

Day 20 of 365 – The Commitments.

Day 21 of 365 – Mad Max.

Day 22 of 365 – TRON.

Day 23 of 365 – Upstream Color.

Day 24 of 365 – The Lego Movie.

Day 25 of 365 – Looper.

Day 26 of 365 – Ex Machina.

Day 27 of 365 – Memento.

Day 28 of 365 – 2001: A Space Odyssey

Day 29 of 365 – ALIEN.

Day 30 of 365 – Vertigo.

Day 31 of 365 – Bladerunner

Day 32 - Kill Bill.

Day 33 of 365 – District 9

Day 34 of 365 – Bullitt.

Day 35 of 365 – The Proposition.

Day 36 of 365 – Almost Famous.

Day 37 of 365 – Moon.

Day 38 of 365 – Under The Skin.

Day 39 of 365 – Frank.

Day 40 of 365 – Robocop.

Day 41 of 365 – Tree of Life.

Day 42 of 365 – Star Wars Episode V.

Day 43 of 365 – Terminator 2.

Day 44 of 365 – The Social Network.

Day 45 of 365 – Interstellar #2.

Day 46 of 365 – Rear Window.

Day 47 of 365 – Primer.

Day 48 of 365 – The Outsiders.

Day 49 of 365 – The Hurt Locker.

Day 50 of 365 – Adaptation.

Day 51 of 365 – Macbeth.

Day 52 of 365 – Contagion.

Day 53 of 365 – Me and You…

Day 54 of 365 – Solaris.

Day 55 of 365 – Up.

Day 56 of 365 – The Matrix.

Day 57 of 365 – Apollo 13.

Day 58 of 365 – The Prestige.

Day 59 of 365 – Whiplash.

Day 60 of 365 – The Bermuda Triangle.

Day 61 of 365 – Sunshine.

Day 64 of 365 – Flight.

Day 65 of 365 – Groundhog Day.

Day 66 of 365 – World War Z.

Day 67 of 365 – MI GHOST PROTOCOL.

Day 68 of 365 – United 93.

Day 69 of 365 – Drive.

Day 70 of 365 – The Birds.

Day 71: Hanna.

Day 71 of 365 – All is Lost.

Day 72: Eyes Wide Shut.

Day 72 of 365 – Lincoln.

Day 73: The Conversation.

Day 73 of 365 – Akira.

Day 74 of 365 – The Mirror.

Day 75 of 365 – Prometheus.

Day 77 of 365 – Godzilla.

Day 78 of 365 – Inglorious Basterds.

Day 79 of 365 – Quantum of Solace.

Day 80 of 365 – Catch Me If You Can.

Day 81 of 365 – The Iron Giant.

Day 82 of 365 – Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation.

Day 83 of 365 – The Dark Knight Rises.

Day 84 of 365 – Pacific Rim.

Day 85 of 365 – Logan』s Run

Day 86 of 365 – The Old Man And The Sea.

Day 87 of 365 – Lost Highway.

Day 88 of 365 – Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

Day 89 of 365 – Minority Report.

Day 90 of 365 – The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.

Day 91 of 365 – Batman Begins.

Day 92 of 365 – The Grand Budapest Hotel.

Day 93 of 365 – The Thing.

Day 94 of 365 – Europa Report.

Day 95 of 365 – Iron Man.

Day 96 of 365 – High Fidelity.

Day 97 of 365 – Being John Malkovich.

Day 98 of 365 – Spectre.

Day 99 of 365 – Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes

Day 100 of 365 – Batman V Superman (Batman Edition).

Day 101 of 365 – Batman V Superman (Superman Edition).

Day 102 of 365 – The Revenant.

Day 103 of 365 – 12 Angry Men.

Day 104 of 365 – Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.

Day 105 of 365 – The Fantastic Mr Fox.

Day 106 of 365 – White Ribbon.

Day 107 of 365 – Dawn of the Dead.

Day 108 of 365 – Rain Man.

Day 109 of 365 – The Godfather.

Day 110 of 365 – The Pianist.

Day 111 of 365 – Purple Rain.

Day 112 of 365 – Friday the 13th.

Day 113 of 365 – Jurassic Park.

Day 114 of 365 – Event Horizon.

Day 115 of 365: Reservoir Dogs.

Day 116 of 365 – Back to the Future.

Day 117 of 365 – Back to the Future II.

Day 118 of 365 – Back to the Future III.

Day 119 of 365 – They Live (limited edition glow in the dark print).

Day 119 of 365 – They Live (glow in the dark layer shown).

Day 120 of 365 – Aliens.

Day 121 of 365 – Wall-E.

Day 122 of 365 – Black Swan.

Day 123 of 365 – Scarface done in cocaine.

Day 124 of 365 – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (1 of 3).

Day 125 of 365 – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (2 of 3).

Day 126 of 365 – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (3 of 3).

Day 127 of 365 – There Will Be Blood.

Day 128 of 365 – Spinal Tap.

Day 129 of 365 – Good Will Hunting.

Day 130 of 365 – Saving Private Ryan.

Day 131 of 365 – Forrest Gump.

Day 132 of 365 – Robocop.

Day 133 of 365 – Snowpiercer.

Day 134 of 365 – High-Rise.

Day 135 of 365 – Her.

Day 136 of 365 – Fahrenheit 451.

Day 137 of 365 – Birdman.

Day 138: The Science of Sleep.

Day 139 of 365 – Love Actually.

Day 140 of 365 – The Usual Suspects.

Day 141 of 365 – Cube.

Day 142 of 365 – North by Northwest.

Day 143 of 365 – Babel.

Day 144 of 365 – Garden State.

Day 145: The Place Beyond The Pines.

Day 146 of 365 – Inception.

Day 147 of 365 – The Road.

Day 148 of 365 – Seven.

Day 149 of 365 – Jaws.

Day 150 of 365 – Particle Fever.

Day 151 of 365 – The Signal.

Day 152 of 365 – Everest.

Day 153 of 365 – The Imitation Game.

Day 154 of 365 – Cast Away.

Day 155 of 365 – American History X.

Day 156 of 365: The Book Of Eli.

Day 157 of 365 – The Silence Of The Lambs.

Day 158 of 365 – Mulholland Drive.

Day 159 of 365 – The Truman Show.

Day 160 of 365 – Reality Bites.

Day 161 of 365 – Into the Wild.

Day 162 of 365: Dumber and Dumber.

Day 163 of 365: Ocean』s Eleven.

Day 164 of 365: Moneyball.

Day 165 of 365: Office Space.

Day 166 of 365: Blind Fury.

Day 167 of 365: American Beauty.

Day 168 of 365: Enter The Void.

Day 169: Easy Rider.

Day 170: Steve Jobs.

Day 171: 2001 – A Space Odyssey.

Day 172: 28 Days Later.

Day 173: The Shawshank Redemption.

Day 174: The Terminal.

Day 175: The Bourne Ultimatum.

Day 176: Eye in the Sky.

Day 177: Weiner.

Day 179: Pi.

Day 180: Neon Demon.

Day 181: Outbreak.

Day 182: The Sound of Music.

Day 183: Animal Kingdom.

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-to be continued-












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