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【山本耀司】毫無新意的 2018秋冬女裝系列!

原標題:【山本耀司】毫無新意的 2018秋冬女裝系列!

毫無新意 完全沒有誠意的系列


The invitation signaled that this Yohji Yamamoto show would be especially meaningful. Beside a cropped female nude appeared 「Hommage」 followed by 「1. M. Cubisme」 and 「2. Mon cher Azzedine」 (the French spelling was used).

The friendship between Yamamoto and Azzedine Ala?a dates back to 1987, and a quick online search yields a photo of them together from 1990—both still in their 40s yet already well established. Whatever ostensible difference in vision, these two fashion legends were and remain overwhelmingly alike: the obsessional rigor of construction, no matter the outcome; the dogmatic devotion to black (in design and in dress); elusiveness to all but their inner circle; a fantastic rejection of trends amid a steady embrace of business; a mischievous twinkle in the eye that anyone who』s had the great privilege to meet them could confirm. Backstage, when Yamamoto mentioned 「shock」 and 「loss」 upon learning of Ala?a』s death in November, it was clear that words wouldn』t come anywhere near expressing his feelings with the same sincerity that a collection could.

=== 細節 ===



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