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第一課 Jose Galvez 與性別經濟學

















Gender in the Economy


Instructor 導師: Jose Rolando Galvez

去美國的第一堂課,就是性別經濟學,全班就只有我一個中國人,舉目無助的彷徨和聽不懂的緊張煩擾了整整一個學期。但幸好我遇到了導師Jose Rolando Galvez,他幫助了我許多,並且鼓勵我在美國求學過程中,語言會是我的障礙,但不會成為阻礙我學習知識和表達思想的絆腳石,因此無論是寫作還是說話的過程中出現再多的語法錯誤,只要能表述出你想闡述的觀點,結果還是按能力論英雄。


這門課,從第一次小測只有37分,到第三次小測時能有73分,到期末總分拿到了82分。這門課,從一開始老師給我第一個Good,到後來Good work,再到了後來Really Good Work,一步一個腳印,如此艱辛,但又如此驕傲。



The course provides an overviewof the economics of gender. It considers gender a relevant socially constructed category in moderneconomies. It studies how gender affects economies of households, firms, communities, societies andglobally.






Critical Preface

I have chosen to investigate the issue of changes in gender role in family. Since the gender roles and family dynamics are changing in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis, many women want to work rather than stay at home to do housework. I am interested in this issue because I have noticed that more and more males focus on household chores than his wife is. In order to find out more about this issue, I investigated three research questions: What are gender roles? How gender roles change in family? How gender roles』 changed affect marriages? What』s to be done with these changes?

I conducted this research during a four week period from February to March 2014. I have included five sources: one article from a peer-reviewed scholarly journal, two articles from newspaper, an article from a magazine, and one chapter from an anthology. Two of these sources were published in the last twelve months and the others were all published within the last five years.







Folbre Nancy, 「the Future of the Gender Bend」, New York Times, New York Times, 1 April. 2013. Web. 1 April, 2013. In this article written for common people especially women who are hesitating about future major and jobs, first Folbre discusses the biological differences between males and females and second she encourages women to choose their major and job freely. She explains that biology determined distinction between men and women and the gender role debate is regard to nurture versus nature. The supporting detail related to Folbre』s purpose is from Levin, who states that biological determinism is the source of gender roles. Her other evidence is from Anthony Carnevale of Georgetown University, who say women should not choose lower wage jobs, because if they find a higher paying job, they will not have enough time to take care children. I believe that this is a credible source because Folbre is an economics professor of the University of Massachusetts, and she studies gender economics for a long time. In addition, although she is a professor of university, she uses the vivid, brief and understandable language to show her purpose, which is effective to attract the audience. The little ineffective feature of her article is that she did not talk much about the future of the gender bend, which does not satisfies with the headline of her article. This source gives me a good answer in what are gender roles and how to deal with the change in gender role. Women who are controlled by their husbands or parents are the stakeholder because in this article, because she gives some advices to those women on choosing jobs and majors.

翻譯:此段落我參考了Folbre Nancy在2013年4月1日發布在」紐約時報「的《未來的性別變化》。





Sharon Jayson, 「Family Life, Roles Changing As Couples Seek Balance」. USA Today. USA Today, 18 Apr. 2009. Web. 19 Apr. 2009. In this essay written for the men and women in families, especially the couples, the author argues against gender inequality in the family. Jayson takes Amy Vachon, a mother of two, as an example to explain four aspects of family life changed, including kid-raising, household chores, breadwinning and fair leisure time. The other supporting point is from Oriel Sullivan, a sociologist at Oxford University in England, whose study about men』s family contributions has improved in the past three decades, especially the time that they spend on family is increasing. I believe that this is a credible source because Jayson references many research findings from five family experts who are clinicians, sociologists and psychologists, who have the professional background. In addition, this article is published in USA Today, which is 「the widest circulated print newspaper in the United States (United States Census Bureau)」. However, one limitation with this source is that it only shows the data and research from experts but he did not explain how these researches link to his purpose, so I think this article lacks coherence. This source gives me some credible research and four aspects on how gender roles in family have changed. It also sheds light on the views of two major stakeholder groups: females and males in family, because he gives some examples of men』s changing contributions in family and women have more time for their own pursuits than before.

翻譯:此段落我參考了Sharon Jayson在2009年4月19日發佈於「今日美國」的《家庭生活和角色變化,夫妻間正尋找新平衡》。



Biddle Tabby, 「How Changing Gender Roles Are Affecting Marriages」. Huffpost. Huffpost Healthy living, 29 Jan, 2010. In this article written for people who concern the society institution and common people in the society, Biddle believes that the changing gender roles raise the divorces rate. Her central evidence is an example of her male friend, who thought that his ex-wife did not respect him when she earned more income than him, so they divorced. Also, she thinks the partnership between a couple changes toward sacred soul mate by concluding the main idea of the book 「The Seat of the Soul」 from Gary Zukav. Finally, what she thinks is that the gender roles of couples and the out-dated marriage concept should be broken. I believe that this is a credible source because Biddle references a lot of official data such as the research from the Pew Research Center. She also appeals to her audience』s ethos of her successful marital status with her husband; according to the article, she keeps good relationship with her husband with 「one step and one day at a time (Biddle, 2)」. However, there is a limitation with this source is that she does not appear a fair mind about who is the bread earning in the family and she thinks male needs to be the pillar of the income in rather than female, which is discrimination on female, so I need to be critical to not make gender bias on this article. This source gives some ideas about how gender roles』 changed affect marriages, such as divorce and who is bread earning. The major stakeholders are common people in society especially who are married because she gives some suggestion to the couples about refrain to divorce.


此段落我參考了Biddle Tabby在2010年1月29日發布在「赫芬頓郵報」的《性別角色的變化如何影響婚姻》。


局限性:此文用了「bread earning(掙麵包的人)"這個詞來描述男性在家庭中是經濟支柱,這本身就是性別歧視。因為家庭中經濟支柱並不僅是男性,女性也可是支柱。














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