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According to the Yixing Ceramic Industry Association and Jiangsu Yixing purple sand craft factory, Wang Yinxian, the master of Chinese arts and crafts, died at 9:28 on February 28, 2018, at the age of 75. This news, or will push the price of its work up.

中國工藝美術大師 汪寅仙


Wang Yinxian was born in Jiangsu in 1943 1956 in Yixing dingshuzhen; redware craft factory under the tutelage of Wu Yungen, Zhu Kexin and other famous artists. China was a master of fine arts, China ceramic art masters, senior craft artist, the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage "Yixing production techniques of" representative successors, China Ceramic Industry Association Tao Yijia branch vice president of Yixing Ceramic Industry Association of women ceramists club president, national labor model, national "38 Jiangsu province"s Federation, outstanding communist party member.






Art for 60 years for Zishataoyi and diligent study, continuous innovation. He is good at injecting natural beauty and original ecology into the pot art. It has more than 300 sets of new products.

附:汪寅仙年表1943年6月 生於江蘇省宜興市丁蜀鎮陶瓷世家。

Attached: the chronicle of Wang Yinxian was born in June 1943 in Jiangsu province Yixing dingshuzhen ceramic family.

1956年11月 考入宜興紫砂廠,從師吳雲根學習紫砂陶手工成型法。

In November 1956 admitted to the Yixing plant, from Wu Yungen pottery manual molding method study.


In April 1958 with Jiang Rong scholarship.

1958年8月 被紫砂廠聘為小輔導老師,帶40名學生;後又從師於朱可心。

August 1958 was hired as a small plant tutor, with 40 students; and then from Zhu kexin.

1959年11月 畢業考試成績優秀,破格提升半級工資。同年,跟朱可心學習仿製國家一級文物《項聖思桃杯》。

November 1959 graduation exam achievement is outstanding, exceptional promotion half salary. The same year, the study of imitation of cultural relics at the national level "Xiang Shengsi Cup" peach with Zhu kexin.

1959年底 配合沈巨帶徒工培訓,擔任小輔導老師。

By the end of 1959 with Shen giant band apprentice training, served as tutor.

1960年至1964年 參加廠內技術革新,注漿成型,轆轤車成型試驗,成型車間帶成人班20多人,負責生產技術工作。

From 1960 to 1964 in the technical innovation, injection molding, jigger molding test, molding workshop with more than 20 adult classes, responsible for the production of technical work.

1971年 廠內第一成型車間擔任班長,負責生產技術。

In 1971, the factory was the leader of the first molding workshop in the factory, which was responsible for the production technology.

1973年3月 調入宜興紫砂工藝廠研究室,專門從事紫砂陶造型設計。

In March 1973 Yixing redware craft factory specializing in laboratory, pottery design.

1974年 設計製作的《紫砂葡萄杯》,入選參加日本、葡萄牙、加拿大等國家展覽,1979年被國家選為鄧小平訪日禮品。

The purple sand grape cup, designed in 1974, was selected to participate in exhibitions in Japan, Portugal, Canada and other countries. In 1979, it was chosen as a gift from Deng Xiaoping by the state.

1975年9月 參加中央工藝美術學院舉辦的「日用陶瓷美術設計培訓班」,進修學習11個月。結業設計的《九頭冬梅茶具》被中央工藝美術學院收藏。1979年又被北京故宮博物院收藏,同時被國家選為鄧小平訪日禮品。1976年8月 參加宜興陶瓷公司主編,北京輕工業出版社出版《紫砂陶瓷造型》一書的測繪製圖工作。

In September 1975, we took part in the "daily ceramic art design training class" held by the central technology Academy of Fine Arts for 11 months. The graduation design "nine head" is the central Academy of Fine Arts Dongmei tea collection. In 1979, it was also collected by the the Imperial Palace Museum in Beijing and was selected by the state for Deng Xiaoping"s visit to Japan. In August 1976, he participated in the editor in chief of Yixing ceramic company, and the Beijing Light Industry Press published the work of mapping and mapping "the molding of purple sand ceramics".

1977年至1978年 設計製作的《十二頭魚形文具》、《四頭梅椿文具》在1979年被北京故宮博物院收藏,《十一頭龍鳳酒具》被選入全國工藝美展和全國陶瓷展覽。

From 1977 to 1978 made "Twelve head", "four fish shaped stationery stationery" Chun Mei head in 1979 by the Beijing the Imperial Palace Museum, "eleven Dragon Wine" was inducted into the national art exhibition and the National Exhibition of ceramic technology.

1978年 收江建翔為徒。1978年至1979年兩年期間,曾為鄧穎超、鄧小平訪日,許家屯訪奧趕製《紫砂桃杯》、《葡萄杯》、《風轉葵壺》、《九頭冬梅茶具》、《雲龍酒具》、《詠梅壺》、《光集玉壺》、《彩鳥蓮蓬壺》等作品。

1978 Jiang Jianxiang acts. During the period from 1978 to 1979 for two years, for Deng Yingchao, Deng Xiaoping"s visit to Japan, Xu rushed visit to Austria "Cup", "peach purple grape", "wind cup pot", "nine sunflower turn head", "Dongmei tea wine", "plum Yunlong pot", "light", "color set Jade Bird lotus pot" other works.

1980年至1982年 設計製作的《九件百果水平壺》、《紫砂掛筆架》,於1982年全國陶瓷設計評比分別獲得三等獎;其中《九件百果水平壺》獲得較大批量訂貨而投產。

From 1980 to 1982 made "nine pieces", "purple sand pot under horizontal hanging" on the 1982 national penholder, ceramic design competitions were obtained third-prize; the "nine level" to obtain larger pot mince orders and put into operation.

1982年 與韓美林合作的四種《小水注》、五件《小花插》和《小扁壺》,製作效果深受人們喜歡,並有小批量出口訂貨。

1982年7月 任宜興紫砂工藝廠研究所副主任(不脫產),同年晉陞為工藝美術師。

In cooperation with Han Meilin in 1982 four "water", "five small" and "small flat small flower pot", making people deeply love, and a small batch of export orders.

In July 1982 of the Yixing ceramcics Crafts Factory deputy director (Part-time), the same year was promoted to the artist.

1983年 「梅椿系列小壺」獲得江蘇省四新產品評比一等獎,出口訂貨量較大,常年生產。仿製的《供春樹癭壺》獲得全國同類行業優秀獎,並收鄒玉芳為徒。《五頭苑菱茶具》獲公司新品設計二等獎。

In 1983, the "Mei toon series small pot" won the first prize of the four new products in Jiangsu Province, and the quantity of export orders was large and was produced perennial. Imitation for "Haruki gall pot" won the National Award for excellence in the same industry, and Zou Yufang received as a disciple. "Five heads garden tea set" won the two prize of the company"s new product design.

1984年 收吳亞亦為徒。設計的《夔龍圖案壺》、《高南瓜壺》,深受好評。

In 1984, Wu Yayi was taken as an apprentice. The design of the "dragon", "pumpkin pattern pot pot", well received.

1985年 收魏志雲、梅寶玉為徒。6月赴香港參加錦鋒公司舉辦的紫砂藝術展覽。《九頭高壽梅椿茶具》獲得江蘇省四新產品設計一等獎。

In 1985, Wei Zhiyun and Mei Baoyu were the apprenticeship. In June, I went to Hongkong to take part in the purple sand art exhibition held by Jinfeng company. "Nine head" Chun Mei Long tea won the first prize in Jiangsu Province four new product design.

1986年 接收丁洪順等9名學生為徒。與張守智合作設計製作的《回方咖啡具》獲得全國陶瓷設計評比二等獎。1987年《回方壺》被選為中南海紫光閣陳飾品。

In 1986, 9 students, such as Ding Hongshun, were received as apprenticeship. The "Hui Fang coffee tool", designed in cooperation with Zhang Shouzhi, won the national ceramic design award two award. 1987 "return Party pot" was selected as the Zhongnanhai, Chen jewelry.

1987年 《五代同堂壺》(3200cc)在香港電視新聞節目里向觀眾作特別介紹,《金秋南瓜壺》(3600cc)、《大南瓜壺》(4200cc)、《金龜子南瓜壺》(4500cc)在香港展覽及競購的情況,當時香港有關報紙作新聞介紹,並刊登於有關雜誌。

1987 "five generations pot" (3200cc) special introduction to the audience at the Hongkong TV news programs, "pumpkin pot" (3600cc), the "big pumpkin pot" (4200cc), "pot" pumpkin beetle (4500cc) at the Hongkong exhibition and bid, when Hongkong has closed as newspaper news reports and published in the journal.

1988年 首屆中國宜興陶瓷藝術節開幕,參加操作表演和學術交流活動。《紫砂塑器——花貨》一文刊登於《紫砂春華》一書中。與韓美林合作的《小壺》,與辛國勛合作的《爭春艷硯台》在日本東京展出時深受好評。與張守智合作的《曲壺》,先後到過日本、新加坡、馬來西亞、美國等國家展覽,深受許多壺藝愛好者、收藏家的青睞。日本紫砂愛好者把《曲壺》印在電話卡上作為標記。

The first China Yixing ceramic festival was opened in 1988 to participate in the operating performance and academic exchanges. "Purple flower" -- plastic goods a paper published in the "Purple Book" chunhua. In cooperation with Han Meilin "small pot", and Xin Guoxun cooperation "for" Chun Yan inkstone in Japan Tokyo exhibition received. Zhang Shouzhi"s "Qu Hu" co operated with Zhang Shouzhi has been to exhibitions in Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and the United States, and has been well liked by many pot lovers and collectors. Japanese purple sand enthusiasts mark the "koji" on the phone card.

1988年10月 作為中國陶藝家代表團成員,參加東京中日友好考察訪問展覽活動。同年,被江蘇省政府授予「有突出貢獻的中青年專家」。

In October 1988, as a member of the Chinese pottery delegation, he participated in the Sino Japanese friendly visit and exhibition of Tokyo. In the same year, the government of Jiangsu province was awarded the "outstanding contribution of young and middle-aged experts".

1989年 晉陞高級工藝美師,被國家評為「全國勞動模範」,獲得「全國『三八』紅旗手」光榮稱號。收姚志源為徒。

In 1989, senior beauty technology division, is named as "national model worker", "national" 38 "red banner pacesetter" title. Accept Yao Zhiyuan as an apprentice.

1990年 《曲壺》獲得國際精品大獎賽一等獎,獲得全國陶瓷設計評比一等獎。1991年4月 參加北京國際陶瓷研討會。收姚志泉為徒。《花貨的造型藝術及工藝技法》一文刊於香港出版《紫砂當代名人作品集錦》一書中。此文獲得上海《文匯報》與紫砂二廠舉辦的徵文活動二等獎。宜興市科委論文評比三等獎。

In 1990, "Qu pot" won the first prize in the international boutique Grand Prix, and won the first prize of the national ceramic design evaluation. In April 1991, we participated in the Beijing international ceramic workshop. Accept Yao Zhiquan as an apprentice. "The arts and crafts of Flower goods" is published in the book of "the collection of contemporary famous works of purple sand" published in Hongkong. This article won the Shanghai "Wen Wei Po" and the two prize for the collection activities held by the two factory of purple sand. The paper of Yixing Municipal Science and Technology Commission is appraising the three prize.

1992年 3月赴新加坡參加張蘇貿易公司舉辦的紫砂陶名人作品展。《曲壺設計製作的幾點體會》參加首次紫砂文化研討會。為香港羅桂祥博士定製6個品種贈送世界六大博物館藏品之作有:《曲壺》、《桃聖壺》、《梅椿壺》、《大一粒珠》、《秦權壺》、《南瓜壺》。收吳亞萍為徒。《五代同堂壺》由香港錦鋒公司辦展以312000港元拍賣成交。10月,上海許四海辦展,《大漁翁壺》以186000元拍賣成交。

March 1992 went to Singapore to participate in a Soviet Trade Corporation held a pottery exhibition hall. "Several experiences in the design and manufacture of the curling pot" participated in the first cultural Symposium of purple sand. For Dr. Luo Guixiang of Hongkong, 6 varieties were presented to the world"s six largest museums, including "koji", "peach holy pot", "Mei Chun kettle", "big bead", "Qin Quan kettle", "pumpkin pot". Accept Wu Yaping as an apprentice. "Five generations" by the Hongkong Jinfeng pot exhibition company turnover of HK $312000 auction. In October, Shanghai Xu Sihai exhibition, "big pot" shot to 186000 yuan auction.

1993年 9月,應台灣鴻德文化基金會及台灣同鄉會邀請,與顧景舟大師一行11人赴台北參加宜興陶藝大展,《淺談紫砂花貨藝術的魅力》作為講演資料。收汪葉為徒。同年,被授予「中國工藝美術大師」稱號。

In September 1993, Taiwan Hongde cultural foundation and Taiwan association invited master Gu Jingzhou, a line of 11 people went to Taipei to attend the Yixing pottery exhibition, "on the purple sand art charm" as the speech data. The leaf is the apprentice. In the same year, it was awarded the title of "Chinese arts and Crafts Master".

1994年 《九頭南瓜提梁茶具》在台灣辦展後,被台灣歷史博物館收藏。1995年 8月,赴北京在第四屆世界婦女大會上操作表演。9月,應馬來西亞大地茶行邀請,參加吉隆坡、檳城宜興紫砂名人作品展。

1994 "nine tea" pumpkin head handle exhibition in Taiwan, Taiwan history museum. In August 1995, we went to Beijing to perform the performance at the fourth World Conference on women. In September, Malaysia land tea should be invited to participate in the purple sand famous works exhibition in Kuala Lumpur and Penang Yixing.

1996年 5月,參加第五屆中國宜興陶藝節舉辦的「紫砂國際研討會」,《紫砂的藝術內涵》一文作為交流論文。7月9日,參加中、韓兩國陶瓷藝術家藝術交流活動。

In May 1996, he participated in the "purple sand International Symposium" held by the Fifth China Yixing ceramic Festival and the article "the artistic connotation of purple sand" as an exchange paper. In July 9th, he participated in the artistic exchange of Chinese and Korean ceramic artists.

2006年 被評為「民間藝術文化傑出傳承人」、「非物質文化遺產傳承人」。

In 2006, it was appraised as "the outstanding inheritor of folk art and culture" and "inheritor of intangible cultural heritage".


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