首頁 > 運動 > 科比拿奧斯卡,詹姆斯也有可能,他本身就是一部精彩的電影



LeBron said winning an Oscar hasn』t been a goal of his, but now that Kobe has one and he』s in the movie business...


[–]SunsSportsMasterGeneral 3086 指標 9小時前

LeBron directing a movie would probably be the funniest thing of all time

Halfway through the movie, the entire cast gets replaced



[–]NBAmikesituation45 515 指標 9小時前 

Get Christopher Plummer at the 5


[譯註1]在凱文-史派西爆出性侵醜聞後,原本由他飾演的《All the Money in the World》中的男主一角由普盧默接任。

[–][MIN] Karl-Anthony Townseeeedlef 192 指標 8小時前

Instructions unclear, Christopher Plumlee obtained...


[–]Rocketsmarksoutherntwain 82 指標 7小時前

Damn ANOTHER Plumlee?????


[–]Raptorsdfkognus 20 指標 7小時前

Plummer is more of an old school 5 in my opinion. Daniel Day Lewis has the range and ball handling ability to be a modern point center who can stretch the floor. Terrifying in transition as well.


[–][BKN] D"Angelo Russellj_cruise 265 指標 9小時前

Skip Bayless: "Jordan or Kobe can carry an entire film studio by themselves, but LeBron needs help!"

模仿Skip Bayless(美國第一大詹黑記者):「喬丹和科比才是那種能把整個劇組都扛在肩上的男人,而勒布朗就不行了,他還是需要幫手!」

[–]Wizardsireddit270 138 指標 9小時前

"Lebron couldn"t have done it without Ray Allen"s contributions to the screenplay"


[–]CavaliersKenchan21 73 指標 8小時前

"Ray Allen SAVED Lebron"s legacy with the clutchest acting performance in Acting history!"


[–]NBAMintastic 146 指標 7小時前

Morgan Freeman yelled, 「There you go!」 Leonardo DiCaprio gave a look of pleasant surprise. Donald Glover belted, 「We got an [expletive] cast now.」 And before LeBron James hit the trailer park, ex-Hollywood star Sean Connery hugged him & said, 「Y』all look so different.」



[–]LakersKingSol24 98 指標 8小時前

If the movie does poorly with audiences early Lebron will leave his own production team and join Pixar to win not 1 not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5 Oscar"s


[–]Rocketsrecursion8 37 指標 8小時前

"I"m taking my talents to Emeryville"


[–]Wizardsblast0ise 706 指標 9小時前

They should give him one for the Decision


[–]Wizardsimsrrybby 215 指標 9小時前

Like most franchises the sequel was not nearly as good. Wasn"t even televised.


[–]Cavaliers-Deinonychus 112 指標 7小時前

I thought it was pretty good.


[–]CavaliersI_cut_my_own_jib 61 指標 7小時前

10/10 did enjoy

Now I"m nervously anticipating if they go for a 3rd one... Hoping for a happy ending



[–][OKC] Russell WestbrookAnti_Thon 55 指標 9小時前

If that』s Oscar worthy then Thunderstruck got snubbed smh


[–]Wizardsblast0ise 110 指標 9小時前

Best Performance by a Snake


[–][OKC] Russell WestbrookAnti_Thon 55 指標 9小時前

I would still take prime Voldemort over him


[–]Pelicanslion5panel 31 指標 7小時前

Prime Voldemort had Nagini, KD had to carry that film on his shoulders


[–]KnicksThePassionOfKristaps 28 指標 7小時前

Nagini was only a system player smh, amazing how these young uns don"t know

He was all right during the regular season and had some nice moments like wounding Arthur Weasley, but when it came to the playoffs in May and June it"s like he"s not even on the floor. Where was he when Voldemort needed him in the Department of Mysteries?


[–][LAL] Brandon Ingramkerim98 199 指標 9小時前

Are there any updates about Space Jam 2?


[–]zo2_ 62 指標 9小時前



[–]CavaliersI_cut_my_own_jib 97 指標 7小時前

-Blizzard Entertainment


[–]Lakersdookoo 36 指標 7小時前

-Dr. Dre

-Dr. Dre如是說。

[–]TimberwolvesNinjavelociraptor2 39 指標 6小時前

-George R.R. Martin



[–]AKA-Doom 89 指標 8小時前

LeBron"s turn in Trainwreck single handedly turned my wife into an NBA fan. I live in Boston so I have to boo the man every time he touches the ball (like the Garden did the entire first quarter during Paul Pierce night) but he was so funny, I am looking forward to post career media mogul LeBron


[–]TimberwolvesTB7_aka_StopNPop 46 指標 10小時前

I won an Oscar in my dream last night AMA


[–][OKC] Lazar HaywardIncaseAce[S] 25 指標 9小時前

What movie did you make?


[–]TimberwolvesTB7_aka_StopNPop 85 指標 9小時前

It was a documentary about Teddy Roosevelt. I dont even know shit about him but apparently my dream self is an expert on him


[–]ThunderTraeRoyalty 326 指標 9小時前

Lebrons hair confuses the fuck out of me

He brought his hairline down and filled in the gaps but then got the plugs removed? Now he doesn"t give a fuck as long as his hairline is good




[–]RaptorsMasai-Ujiri 161 指標 9小時前

his hair looks fucked from the top now instead of from the front

Look at this: 



[–]Bullsdasoxarechamps2005 95 指標 8小時前

When your hair looks fucked up from both the top and the front :(


[–][MIN] Karl-Anthony Townseeeedlef 247 指標 8小時前

... you run for President.


[–][OKC] Russell WestbrookJWannet 66 指標 8小時前 

Prob cause people normally aren"t taller than him, so they won"t see the top of his head :P

估計應該是大部分人都沒勒布朗高,所以沒法看到他的頭頂吧 :P。

[–]HeatJacien_Visenad 60 指標 8小時前

[–]AxhaICY 12 指標 9小時前

Just shave it all off for Christ』s sake. Going completely bald》 whatever that is


[–]NBATuneHD 185 指標 9小時前

What do you mean whatever that is? It"s just a normal cut with thin hair lol. I"m guessing you"re bald since it"s always the bald/balding dudes that push everyone to shave their hair off for no reason.


[–]Wizardsfabosexy 16 指標 9小時前

He"s had a hair transplant as early as 2014. The fue strip scar they use for harvesting is right there on the side of the head. Sometimes hair doesn"t take and that leads to falling out again


[–]qwerty123000 22 指標 8小時前

Pretty sure he just isn"t taking his Propecia because it would mess with his testosterone. So basically he got the transplant which is good for the hairline but the rest of his hair will keep falling out unless he is on Propecia. But he can"t compromise his performance on the court so he doesn"t take it. I guess the hairline bothered him so much he"d rather have a good hairline even while the rest of his hair falls out.




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