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別花錢上課了,逐字逐句教你自學新概念英語:第二冊 Lesson 3

Lesson 3

Please send me a card



★send v. 寄, 送

send a letter 寄信

send sth. to sb. /send sb. sth. 給某人送(寄)什麼東西

send/take children to school:take強調某人親自送;send則是通過第三人去送, 如美國的校車

take flowers to his wife 自己送

send flowers to his wife 叫店裡的人送

Postcards always spoil my holidays.


別花錢上課了,逐字逐句教你自學新概念英語:第二冊 Lesson 3

★postcard n. 明信片

name card /visiting card 名片

Here is my name card. (口語常用, 同時伴隨著遞出的動作)

ID card 身份證(ID 身份)

Last summer, I went to Italy.


別花錢上課了,逐字逐句教你自學新概念英語:第二冊 Lesson 3

I visited museums and sat in public gardens.


A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian.


★teach sb. sth. 教某人做某事

He teaches our English.(錯)

He teaches us English.(對)

語言不可數, 所以要用a little Italian或a few words of Italian

I can speak a little English/a few words of English.

a few可與複數可數名詞連用,表示肯定,含有some,a small number of(一些,少數幾個)的意思。

The police would like to ask him a few questions. 警察要問他一些問題。

Then he lent me a book.


★lend v. 借給

lend to(借出):lend sth. to sb/lend sb. sth.

Can you lend me $20 please? I』ll pay/give it back tomorrow.

borrow from(借進):borrow sth. from sb./borrow sth. (borrow不能用 borrow sb sth.)

He borrowed my pen yesterday. He hasn』t given me it yet.

I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word.


Every day I thought about postcards.


★think about/of 考慮, 思考,指某一段時間一直在想/考慮某事, think of還可指想到

What do you think of?

What do you think of TV program last night?

What do you think of the weather today? 你覺得天氣怎麼樣?

think over 仔細考慮,反覆思考

What』s the weather like today?

cold, chilly(非常非常冷), freeze

I"ll freeze.我要凍僵了

My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send any cards to my friends.


別花錢上課了,逐字逐句教你自學新概念英語:第二冊 Lesson 3

On the last day I made a big decision.


★decision n. 決定

make /take a decision作出決定

It was not easy for me to make/take this decision.

Are you made/taken a decision?

make a big/great decision (big:重大;great:偉大, 更重大)

decide v. 決定

I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards.


I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card!


★whole adj. 整個的

a whole bottle of milk 一整瓶牛奶

the whole…,the whole day 整天 ,two whole weeks 整整兩星期

all the…,all the day (the可省略) 整天

all of後面如果加代詞, 代詞前面不需要修飾詞;一旦要加名詞, 前面一定要加the

all of us;all of the students

★single adj. 唯一的, 單一的

反義詞 : double 雙倍的

別花錢上課了,逐字逐句教你自學新概念英語:第二冊 Lesson 3




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