首頁 > 運動 > 洛杉磯樹廣告牌招募詹姆斯,美JRs:應在克利夫蘭樹啊



A banner has been put up on the highway in LA recruiting LeBron to the Lakers:



[–]Lakersfriskydongo 406 指標 12小時前 

Worked for Dwight!


[–][SEA] Delonte Westdunedog223 157 指標 11小時前 

I forgot about that. That billboard is hilarious.


[–][TOR] DeMar DeRozan60-22 147 指標 11小時前 




[–]MavericksDark-Cuban 76 指標 10小時前 

"I know we spent the year slandering you despite you putting up all star numbers with 

a fucked up shoulder all year and didn"t complain but #StayD12"


[–]LakersP00nz0r3d 98 指標 9小時前 

He had great stats but he did complain a lot. Not about the injuries, but about pretty m

uch everything else.


I always gave him the benefit of the doubt because he did come back from a back surg

ery and had a nagging shoulder injury, but he outright refused to play the pick and roll a lot of the time for example.


Hell he got yelled at by Steve Fucking Nash mid game for not moving into a position to receive a pass. Dude was standing there under the basket calling for the ball while Nash was double teamed in the corner.


[–]LakersDoctorPuddingPop 39 指標 9小時前 

Didn』t complain? Lol ya Dwight didn』t add any distraction at all. You know because it makes total sense to go to the media about not being the number one option all year long and then after the fact say that his shoulder was hurt all year and could barely move it. Also great idea to not want to run the pick and roll with Steve Nash of all people despite not having an actual post game. Here』s a good play where he did a ton to help his trapped teammate by literally not moving at all despite two people in front of him. Then starts an argument.


I』m not saying he didn』t have reasonable stats or that he wasn』t injured in any way but there』s other reasons for us to dislike Dwight than him just choosing Houston.


[–]Raptors Bandwagonillmatica 21 指標 6小時前 

OMG, the lowest period in the history of the Lakers. Still can"t believe they did that.


[–]Lakersi_am_penis 44 指標 5小時前 

Oh no lol we went even lower with the Deng and Mozgov signings.


[–][LAL] Chucky AtkinsOldSoultheMojo 1048 指標 12小時前 

Times New Roman 

湖人球迷:用的是Times New Roman(新羅馬)字體。

[–]CavaliersSuperSamSucks 351 指標 11小時前 


[–]zo2_ 233 指標 11小時前* 

Well... it beats Comic Sans

好吧,這比Comic Sans字體強多了。

[–][CLE] Kevin Lovequentin-coldwater 79 指標 10小時前 

Does it?

Comic Sans screams "I have the taste of a 5 year old".

Times New Roman screams "I created this banner in Microsoft Word 2003 without switching from the default font"


Comic Sans字體給人的強烈感覺就是:「我的審美水平跟5歲小孩兒差不多哦」

Times New Roman 則是:「我打開Word 2003,沒有切換默認字體我就能創作出這個標語哦!」[譯註2]

[譯註2]:Comic Sans是一種似手寫的字體,由文生·康奈爾(Vincent Connare)設計。這種字體受到一些平面設計師的反對,認為不夠正式。而文生·康奈爾本人也曾反駁說,此字體並不適用於任何情況,只適合給兒童使用的軟體。Times New Roman是很多文字處理軟體的默認字體。而騎士老闆吉爾伯特在2010年休賽季發表公開信辱罵詹姆斯用的就是comic sans字體,被美國網友瘋狂調侃他太幼稚。

[–]Warriorssubliminali 10 指標 8小時前 

I think this guy made his mockup for the billboard in Microsoft Word in about 5 minutes. If you"re going to spend thousands on 3 billboards, maybe pay a graphic designer to make sure it doesn"t look like a child made it.


[–]WarriorsFrostmoth76 508 指標 12小時前 

It"s so far off the highway lol, looks like they paid a hundred bucks to put it on the side of a run down taco bell

勇士球迷:哈哈哈,這個廣告牌離主幹道可真遠。看起來好像他們花了100美元在一個快要關門大吉的taco bell旁邊做廣告。

[–][LAL] Kobe BryantBagelBites619 122 指標 11小時前 

They probably did. If you read below it says who paid for the billboard. Its kind of hard to read but it wasn"t paid for by the Lakers lol.


[–][BOS] Jaylen BrownJaylenBrown7 291 指標 11小時前 

Well obviously not, think magic has had his fair share of big tampering fines


[–][LAL] Lonzo BallSatisfactoryRanching 156 指標 9小時前 

Paid for by DefinitelyNotMagicJohnson.com


[–][LAL] Coby KarlCaptMarvel23 29 指標 9小時前* 

It"s paid for by Jacob Emrani a big time lawyer in L.A. and an advertiser on the local sports radio channel and home of the Lakers ESPN 710. I hear his damn commercials all the time on my commute.

湖人球迷:這個廣告牌是Jacob Emrani贊助的,他是洛杉磯非常知名的的律師,他在當地體育廣播電台和ESPN L電台上也有打廣告。我在上下班路上經常聽到他的那破廣告。

Edit: He actually put up 3 Billboards, shout out Sam Rockwell


編輯:他其實立了3塊廣告牌,為Sam Rockwell打call![譯註3]



[譯註3]:Sam Rockwell剛憑藉犯罪電影《三塊廣告牌》獲得第75屆金球獎電影類最佳男配角獎、第90屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳男配角獎。

[–][SAS] Manu Ginobilimindthenew 148 指標 11小時前 

2 Billboards (so far) Outside Cleveland, Ohio


[–]frugalNOTcheap 38 指標 7小時前 

Let"s just make the Lebron billboard challenge. All 30 teams can put one up plus the Ste




[–][BKN] Rondae Hollis-Jeffersonnyargleblargle 30 指標 6小時前 

We exist. #LeBrooklyn


[–]Cavaliers BandwagonSexyTimeDoe 58 指標 10小時前 

There is a ~2% chance that LeBron made all of these just to fuck with people


[–]LakersParanoides 20 指標 7小時前 

He would be absolute favorite player of mine


[–]ethan_at[??] 22 指標 10小時前 

They did it wrong, u gotta put the billboard in Cleveland. That"s kinda where lebron lives


[–]SupersonicsSportslegend 17 指標 11小時前 

Cheap way to advertise yourself too


[–]LakersVIARPE 13 指標 10小時前 

cheap? it"s very smart, now we all searching for calljacob. Otherwise ofc we wouldn"t


[–]LakersWhiteAdipose 4 指標 9小時前 

you haven"t already heard call jacob on the radio in LA?

湖人球迷:你之前沒有在洛杉磯的廣播里聽到過call jacob嗎?

[–]LakersVIARPE 14 指標 8小時前 

I live in Chile, so no :/


[–]LakersKingSol24 12 指標 9小時前 

They play that fuckin jingle every commercial break on 710 ESPN LA

湖人球迷:710 ESPN LA的每一次廣告休息都會響起那該死的鈴聲。

[–][OKC] Wally SzczerbiakKevinDurant_The_GOAT 23 指標 11小時前 

I went to the billboard guy"s website (calljacob.com) and the music is very catchy lol


[–]NBAInTheAbsenceofTrvth 51 指標 10小時前 

Nice try Jacob


[–][MIN] Tyus Jonespollinium 6 指標 11小時前 

Dude really is a superfan. His business website is in purple and gold and the welcome image is him talking in a room full of Lakers stuff.

Also his website looks a lot better than his billboard






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