梵文譯者:聖恩A.C.巴克提韋丹塔 斯瓦米 帕布帕德
語音朗讀:Vraja Sevika Devi Dasi
?rī-bhagavān uvāca
yoga ādhyātmika? pu?sā?
?mato ni??reyasāya me
atyantoparatir yatra
?du?khasya ca sukhasya ca
The Personality of Godhead answered: The yoga system which relates to the Lord and the individual soul, which is meant for the ultimate benefit of the living entity, and which causes detachment from all happiness and distress in the material world, is the highest yoga system.
tam ima? te pravak?yāmi
?yam avoca? purānaghe
??ī?ā? ?rotu-kāmānā?
?yoga? sarvā?ga-naipu?am
O most pious mother, I shall now explain unto you the ancient yoga system, which I explained formerly to the great sages. It is serviceable and practical in every way.
譯文 最虔誠的母親啊!我現在就要給您講解我以前曾給偉大的瑜伽師們講解過的古老的瑜伽系統。它在所有的方面都很實用。
ceta? khalv asya bandhāya
?muktaye cātmano matam
gu?e?u sakta? bandhāya
?rata? vā pu?si muktaye
The stage in which the consciousness of the living entity is attracted by the three modes of material nature is called conditional life. But when that same consciousness is attached to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one is situated in the consciousness of liberation
譯文 生物體的意識受物質自然三種屬性吸引的生活階段,稱為受制約的生活階段。但當同一個意識轉而依戀至尊人格首神時,人就處在解脫的意識階段中了。
aha? mamābhimānotthai?
?kāma-lobhādibhir malai?
vīta? yadā mana? ?uddham
?adu?kham asukha? samam
When one is completely cleansed of the impurities of lust and greed produced from the false identification of the body as 「I」 and bodily possessions as 「mine,」 one』s mind becomes purified. In that pure state he transcends the stage of so-called material happiness and distress.
tadā puru?a ātmāna?
?kevala? prak?te? param
nirantara? svaya?-jyotir
?a?imānam akha??itam
At that time the soul can see himself to be transcendental to material existence and always self-effulgent, never fragmented, although very minute in size.
譯文 那時,靈魂可以看到他自己超越物質存在,總是自放光芒,儘管體積很小,但卻永遠不被分成碎片。
?bhakti-yuktena cātmanā
paripa?yaty udāsīna?
?prak?ti? ca hataujasam
In that position of self-realization, by practice of knowledge and renunciation in devotional service, one sees everything in the right perspective; he becomes indifferent to material existence, and the material influence acts less powerfully upon him.
譯文 在覺悟了自我的狀態下,人通過做奉愛服務實踐知識與棄絕,就會以正確的觀點看待一切,就會不再關心物質存在,而物質的影響力對他的作用也越來越小。