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Cathay IESP國際影視服務平台是一個由優秀專業人員打造的聯結中國影視創作者、全球影視製作公司以及電影行業從業者的國際化平台,服務區域遍布全球,旨在將中國電影市場與世界聯結。該平台提供電影產業鏈各個環節的國際合作以及本土化的影視商務、法務、財務、製作的全方位的幫助與專業化的服務。一個歐洲協調總部與一站式服務和中國員工平台網路共同管理中國業務,以確保我們能夠高效和迅速地調動全球資源,為客戶提供高質量的服務。

Cathay IESP(International Entertainment Services Platform)is an international platform that connects Chinese film, movie and television creators with production companies and other film industry players around the world,which is founded by excellent professionals and aimed at connecting the Chinese film market with the rest of the world.We supply International cooperation in all aspects of the film industry chain and the localization of film and television business, legal affairs, finance, production services and seeking for coordination and effective communication between different international regions roundly and specializedly.A European coordination headquarters and one-stop service and China staff platform network to jointly manage China"s business to ensure that we can efficiently and quickly mobilize resources to provide high quality services to customers.


在全球,我們有7個Cathay IESP國際影視服務平台基地、50個遍布全球的辦事處,目前這個平台還在不斷擴大。Cathay IESP國際影視服務平台就像一扇大門讓中國電影人通向國際娛樂市場,通過這扇門也讓國際電影市場更加認識中國電影人和中國娛樂產業市場。無論您在世界何地,我們都能支持到您的需求。

Our Global Coverage

In the world,7 Cathay IESP production locations, 50 offices all around the world. Cathay IESP serves as a gateway for Chinese filmmakers and Chinese entertainment industry market to the international entertainment market and vice versa. We take the best care of you wherever you would like to work around the world.


Global Coverage—POLAND







Reasons to Film

TAX INCENTIVES:According to government representatives, a new tax incentive system will be launched in 2018.

ABUNDANT LOCATIONS:The Waterfront (Baltic Sea), sand dunes, the Tatra Mountains, medieval castles and cities such as Krakow and Wroclaw.

STRONG SUPPORT:The Polish Film Institute, in collaboration with the local Film Foundation, provides various grants for international cooperation films filmed in Poland.

REMARKABLE MOVIE HISTORY:Poland has a long history of film production, Lodz Film School is one of the best film schools in the world.

DEVELOPED FILM INDUSTRY:Poland is the largest country in Eastern Europe with a well-developed film industry and a large selection of studios and equipment.

|| 在波蘭拍攝的著名電影 ||







( 圖片來源於網路,如有侵權請聯繫刪除)

IESP服務平台合作夥伴:Impakt Film

Impakt Film由Bartek Gliński和Maciek Hamela在華沙成立,其社交廣泛,主要製作劇情片,創意紀錄片及動畫片。公司致力於世界各地夥伴進行國際合作。作為國際客戶的製片人或執行製片人,該公司豐富的經驗帶動了東歐的電影產業並增加其優勢。

主要代表:Bartek Gliński

Bartek Gliński

鮑爾泰克是一名波蘭電影製片人,主要製作劇情片和紀錄片。在合夥創立自己的Impakt Film公司之前,他是電視紀錄片的導演和執行製片人。近年來,他也擔任一些劇情片、紀錄片及電視節目等國際性影視作品的製片人和執行製片人。



-拉羅謝爾 IFF 2015


-DOK Leipzig電影節 IFF 2016

最佳故事片(Artdoc Fest)2016

最佳電影(Other Views)

-Curtiba IFF 2017


-E tudo Verdade -聖保羅 IFF巴西 2017

Cathay IESP Partner:Impakt Film


Impakt Film, founded by Bartek Gliński and Maciek Hamela in Warsaw, has a wide range of social connections, including feature films, creative documentaries and cartoons. The company is committed to international partners around the world. As a producer or executive producer of international clients, the company"s rich experience drives the film industry in Eastern Europe and adds to its advantages.

Key representatives:

Bartek Gliński

Bartek Gliński is a Polish film producer focusing on feature films and documentaries. Before co-founded Impakt Film, he was a director and executive producer of television documentaries. In recent years, he has also served as producer and executive producer of international film and television productions such as feature films, documentaries and television programs.


Best Interactive and Cross Media Project -La Rochelle-IFF-2015

Outstanding Eastern European Movie

-DOK Leipzig Film Festival-IFF-2016

Best Feature Film (Artdoc Fest) 2016

Best Views-Curtiba-IFF-2017

Special Nomination Award-E tudo Verdade-Sao Paulo-IFF-Brazil-2017



Contact us

This is Cathay IESP』s Wechat Official Account where you can find Cathay IESP global network, project information, opportunities for business and cooperation related to entertainment industry and so on. If you have any questions or want to know more about us, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you !



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