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乘著科技的翅膀,我們能飛得多遠?BIBA Science&Tech Fair







追溯人類文明的進程, 每一點進步都離不開科技。正如巴爾扎克所說的:「真正的科學家應當是個幻想家;誰不是幻想家,誰就只能把自己稱為實踐家。」











Evelyn Digno

















What is the meaning of human life? You may think this is a philosophical question, but I think philosophy is dead and science is the key...


The invention and improvement of the steam engine in the first Industrial Revolution pushed mankind into the industrial age, and society developed rapidly.

The harnessing of electrical currents in the Second Industrial Revolution brought mankind into the age of electricity.

With the invention and application in the third scientific and technological revolution of the electronic computer and the application of information technology mankind has moved into the information age.

Tracing the evolution of human civilization, progress is indelibly tied to the pace of scientific and technological progress. As Balzac said: "A real scientist should be a visionary; He who is not a visionary can only call himself a practitioner."

The Science and Technology Fair is one of the special activities at BIBA. According to the course content, groups of students will study various phenomena and problems in a given subject field such as physics, chemistry or biology. Finally, the meaning, process and conclusion of the inquiry are shown in a lively and interesting form, and the audience is given detailed explanation through the science exhibition.

"Hypothesis -- survey -- experiment -- data collection -- hypothesis (tenable or not tenable)" In stage of exploration, students need to make assumptions about the selected topics and demonstrate whether the assumptions are valid or not through surveys, experiments, and data collection. In the stage of exploration, students need to make assumptions about the selected topics and demonstrate whether the assumptions are valid or not through surveys, experiments, and data collection. In this process , students should not only apply the knowledge learned, but also explore and research independently.

Evelyn Digno

MSHS scinece teacher

The science and technology fair is a venue for students to apply the scientific skills and and concepts they have learned in science as well as in math, reading, writing and technology. Students were able to ask questions about something they are interested in, for which they don』t know the answer, formulated a hypothesis or gave the best guess of what the answer might be, researched for information on the topic chosen, investigated and experimented, analyzed data gathered and came to a conclusion.

In this comprehensive method, the children took a project-based approach to learning, Explore Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math (STEAM) and other areas of knowledge, applying multi-disciplinary knowledge to solve practical problems!

Unmanned Four-Wheeled Independent

Drive-propulsion of the future

My project, a four-wheeled self-propelled tram, has an electric motor on all four wheels. Four motors can greatly reduce the number of parts in use, while saving space, the performance has been greatly improved: faster and more stable. The space saved can be used to place the sensor; At the same time, the cloud transmission system is used to transmit information and control the rotation angle of the camera. On the battery, we also use 3 redundant batteries, either of which can continue to run if there is a problem.

At the same time, we used acrylic panels to protect the camera, and a special lamp cup to prevent light from going up and improve the quality of the shot. In the future, this four-wheeler bike can be used anywhere humans can"t reach, underwater exploration, fire rescue, and even outer space!

——David Yang

LS Cleaning Machine

Using a real remote control car I was able to obtain the core components needed for the device. Then adding a CPU for control can affect the direction of the device. The cleaning head is on a switch to help mop the floor automatically. There are many devices for vaccum but not as many products for cleaning the floor with a rotating buffer.

——Luke Hamlin

The Calorimeter


My calorimeter is used to measure the calorie value of food by burning dry food in the inner can and seeing how much temperature change is experienced in the water. Then using a calculation based on temperature change times the volume of water it is easy to figure out what is the calorie value of the food.

——Edward Oh

Looking up at the starry sky, looking into the future, mankind stands on this side of the vast ocean, looking out to the other side, full of curiosity and longing! With the wings of technology, we will surely fly to a more distant future!



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