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【授課教師】Thomas Sheehan


Heidegger』s Being and Time:

The structures of Da-sein

This course will be structured as a seminar organized around the active participation of all students.

1. The focal text will be Heidegger』s Sein und Zeit (1927).

1.1 Students are encouraged to read the original German text Sein und Zeit (Niemeyer, not GA 2),hereinafter abbreviated 「SZ.」

1.2 Students are required to read:

? the Chinese translation 存在與時間

? the English translation Being and Time by Macquarrie-Robinson (not Stambaugh)

? a condensation and paraphrase (「CAP」) of the entire book in English by Sheehan, which will be provided to all participants.

2. After an introductory lecture (March 19), the seminar will progress as follows:

2.1 Students will be divided into groups comprised of from three to five members.

Each group is required to meet outside of seminar meetings for 45 to 60 minutes to

? discuss the assigned readings and

? to generate one (or at most two) questions.

? to be emailed to the Teaching Assistants by 8:00 pm before the next seminar meeting.

? The Assistants will collect the questions and mail them to the professor by 9:00 pm.

2.2 The seminar meetings will open with a brief lecture by the professor, followed by active discussion of the questions on the part of all participants.

3. The seminar meetings will follow this schedule.

Before the seminar:Students will read SZ §§ 1-4 (and §§ 5-7 if they wish)

  • March 19 Monday Introductory lecture
  • March 21 Wednesday Main focus: SZ §§ 9, 12, 14
  • March 23 Friday Main focus: SZ § 18 (but also read §§ 15-16)
  • March 24 SaturdaySZ §§ 25-27 and § 28
  • March 26 MondaySZ §§ 29, 30-32
  • March 28 WednesdaySZ §§ 40-41 and 「What Is Metaphysics?」
  • March 30 FridaySZ §§ 46-52
  • March 31 SaturdaySZ §§ 54-60 and § 65.



Thomas Sheehan,美國斯坦福大學宗教研究系教授、清華大學哲學系訪問教授;主攻當代歐洲哲學及其與宗教的關係,是當代西方最負盛名的海德格爾專家之一,著有: Making Sense of Heidegger: A Paradigm Shift (2015); Martin Heidegger, Logic: The Question of Truth (trans., 2007); Becoming Heidegger (2007); Edmund Husserl: Psychological and Transcendental Phenomenology and the Encounter with Heidegger (1997); Karl Rahner: The Philosophical Foundations (1987); The First Coming: How the Kingdom of God Became Christianity (1986); and Heidegger, the Man and the Thinker (1981).



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