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With many perceived health benefits, vinegar has been an ingredient since antient times. Among the natural food community, apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular vinegar.


What is Apple Cider Vinegar?

蘋果醋是由蘋果酒(apple cider)經過發酵製成的,在發酵過程中產生對人體有益的益生菌(probiotics) ,也讓蘋果醋的糖度和熱量比蘋果酒和蘋果汁低很多。一勺蘋果醋只有3-5個卡路里的熱量,所含的糖分也非常少。

Apple Cider Vinegar is made from apple cider through fermentation, during which health-promoting probiotics is produced. As a result, apple cider vinegar has much less sugar and calories compared to apple cider or apple juice. One table spoon of apple cider vinegar has only 3-5 calories with little sugar.


Benefits and Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar


Among the many proven benefits and experiential uses of apple cider vinegar, we will introduce three of them here:

促進腸道健康 Promote Gut Health


The probiotics in apple cider vinegar could be very beneficial for gut health. Within each of us there is huge amount of microbes (for an adult, there are about 1.5-2 kilo of microbes cohabiting within the body), most of which are within the guts. They could help with digestion (e.g. the digestion of lactose), enhance the absorption of nutrients, regulate metabolism and improve immune functions. Poor gut health is also directly related to allergies. Organic, raw apple cider vinegar can provide beneficial microbes to the body.

做法 How to use it


Put 1-2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in your diet every day. Having other fermented foods such as kefir or yogurt (after meal) may strengthen the health benefits.

調節血糖 Regulate Blood Sugar

研究證明,蘋果醋具有調節血糖的能力。美國國家生物技術信息中心(National Center for Biotechnology Information)的多項研究表明,吃過白麵包後再食用醋可以讓血糖平均降低31%[i];對於II型糖尿病患者和有」胰島素阻抗「的人,食用醋可以把胰島素的敏感度最多提升34%[ii].

Studies have proven that apple cider vinegar has the ability to regulate blood sugar. According to various studies by the National Center for Biotechnology Information: blood sugar may decrease by an average of 31% by having vinegar after having white bread; also for people with type II diabetes or insulin resistance, having vinegar may improve their insulin sensitivity by up to 34%.

做法 How to use it


Put 1-2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in 200ml (8 ounces) of water and dilute it evenly. Have it before meals.

天然清潔劑 Natural Household Cleaner


Instead of chemical cleaners, apple cider vinegar can be used as natural cleaner. Because vinegar』s antibacterial nature, it can kill the germs while keeping the house clean.

做法 How to use it


Put equal amount of vinegar and water together, mix it well, and you get your own simple yet effective cleaner.



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