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The spiritual liveliness stints and vibrant philosophic of the month of March


Have we ever wondered about the month of March? Is it the true wealth of its magnificent symbolism bring transformation and rapid change?


The grips of Winter are just beginning to lose their hold in March the frosty coat of it is replaced with blooming flowers and warmer temperatures and with a mystery that make sense of the new growth of Spring from the deepest womb of the Mother (Earth), and encouraged as the continuation fresh season of Life (fecundity, sex, proliferation in human, plant and animal realms), which at this point in the year, we find this compassionate of Zealousness focusing on reigniting the hearts and consciousness of burgeoning parturition to the innovative verve.


Thus, this month rebirth characteristics and qualities is recognized as being Ascended Spiritual Wellness momentum, which explores the ?Awakening the Giant Spirit within? and its connection to the mind, body and Soul strength, and the world surrounding beliefs and values of one?s actions, thus, tackling the workplace to-do lists with fantastic time to cultivate endeavors, feeling the renewed energy, and the multitude progress of opportunities, and the unusual options for new directions by the inner-core influence capacities to follow intuition, instinct, ambition, altruism, creativity and imagination.


The month of March is named after aka-Mars "Latin Martius", which actually the original term for a paramount God of War and highly revered mythical ancestor to the Roman Empire of one the most prominent and worshipped deities that structured upon a capacious ardent icon of god of spring, growth in nature, and luxuriance, and the protector of sacred animals ?wolf and the woodpecker?, and thus, the Romans styled themselves "sons of Mars" and the armies was drilled and athletes were trained as a warriors in full battle brashness to these fiercely proud, patriotic and heroic qualities like; Conquest, Intrepidness, Fracas, Fighting for Country, Kin and Emperor equates to standing tenaciously to a new way of existence.

3月是以瑪爾斯的拉丁名字 " Martius"命名的,實際上它是至高無上的戰爭之神的原名,是羅馬帝國最顯赫、最受崇敬的神和羅馬人的始祖,是廣袤、熱情的春天和大自然的成長、繁茂的象徵,也是神聖的動物"狼和啄木鳥"的保護者。因此,羅馬人把自己塑造為"火星之子",他們的軍隊接受訓練,運動員被訓練成戰士,在這些極度驕傲的、愛國的、英雄品質的戰鬥中,勇敢無畏,勇往直前:征服、無畏、戰鬥、為國家、親人和皇帝而戰,就等同於頑強地堅持一種新的生存方式。

The third (3rd) month of the Year is the strong number as symbolized by limitless light; because it is the centre point of the Great Triumvirate Equilibrium that represents understanding the tripartite nature of the World as Heaven--Humanity--Earth and sanctifying intelligence, which is Universal third dimension that manifest in our physical realm roots of multiplicity, source of creative power and evolution in stirring accelerative energy, overcoming duality, expression, manifestation and synthesis.

一年中的第三個月,3是象徵著無限光明的一個強大的數字,因為它是偉大的三體平衡的中心,代表著理解世界的三元本質:即天性 - 人性 - 地球和聖潔智慧,這是我們物質領域中的普遍的第三維度,表現為多重性、創造力的源泉和激發加速能量、克服二元性、表現力和進化。

Three (3) are the circles (or states) of existence spring from vivacity of equalized awareness to One Truth, One Point of Freedom, which unites Infinite Wisdom, Infinite Love, Liberty in Humanity, and Felicity of Heaven. There are innumerable Trinities and Triads throughout myth and religious traditions and Celestial alignments for the purpose of commanding magical Life force oomph, which so powerfully manifested element of sacred geometry in generating ecstatic Life experiences through the process of Courage and Benevolence utilizing the power of Three to catalyze the alchemy of our World into the fully embodied nature of reality, i.e. Body, Mind and Spirit; Life, Death and Rebirth; Past, Present and Future; Beginning, Middle and End; Sun, Moon and Earth; and the threefold co-creative process described as Thought, Word and Deed.


The two Zodiac signs associated with March are Pisces and Aries, which they are under the Planetary rule of Neptune, it depicts the dissolution of reality, as it is actually about recycling, and transforming into spirituality and the mystical aspect of the secrets world personality, so love is also very much on the astral radar too, thus, represent by the aureole around the imagination through the hidden aspects of senses that prone in being unreceptive and acquiescent with minus points of over-emotional, over-sentimental and very pessimistic, indecisiveness and perplexed, shows escapist or indulgent behaviour.


The month of March blessed with the serene, tranquility and majestic Aquamarine as a unique birth gemstone, which is flawless and often varies in light colored, transparent and ranges from greenish-blue hues to cool deep blue or bluish-green to yellow to red that beautifully and perfectly compliments Spring and Summer in symbolizing Beauty, Courage, Awareness, Loyalty, Fealty, Friendship and is believed to have healing powers, in which often worn around the necks of warriors in battles to heal wounds, alleviate pain, calm bleeding and bodily disorder.


In addition, the alternative March birthstones is Heliotrope/Bloodstone, a dark-green jasper flecked with vivid red spots of iron oxide, which believed to be an improvement of one"s quality of Life by increasing Self-confidence and Wealth, also signifies Vivacity and Cordiality, Poise, Equipoise and Harmony, Coherence, Strength and Success, Stimulation and Fertility. Furthermore, March Spiritual Symbolism Flowers are Jonquil (aka Daffodil or Narcissus) and Shamrock a rare blend of inexplicable power and delicate charm, which are so rich, so pure and so vivid that it blasts away illusion -- and it speaks the language of the splendid enigmas of Desires, Affection, Romanticism and Receptiveness and is all about Forgiveness, Trust, Honesty and True Love, which seemingly the endurance of insuperable challenges to Live and Thrive.


Well the dynamism of this month is all about the shift from repose and reflection to explosive progression, ripeness and expansion. And with these times comes a greater understanding of the relationship within the Soul perceptivity, the personal accomplishments, self-esteem and self-worth, in which can take giant leaps towards finding the inner talents, urge, strength and beauty. So it is time for the resets, committed choices, ideas, and greater intentions to ignite, to be productive, innovative, and systemized to structure the seeds of visions for the future path of goals, priorities, dream, wishes, and relationships.


Thus, inspiring the internal changes to collect some much-needed fuel, firing up by provoking a tremendous momentums, and heading off towards outward manifestation in a new balanced direction with a new attitude on life itself in a sense of thrill, exuberance and optimism. And that readiness requires confidence, certainty, perseverance, focus, courage, decisiveness and a willingness to take a positive open risk to all the possibilities for an enhanced, accelerated health and well-being of an embraced environment and what is needed in an authentic lifecycle.


Translation by: Zhou Yiding


Translation editor: Yan Ping


Typeset by:Zhou Yanwei


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