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Ulrich Spiesshofer, CEO of ABB, attended the China Development Forum 2018 in Beijing, and shared his insights on how to accelerate the upgrading of China』s manufacturing industry through the deployment of advanced automation and artificial intelligence technologies in the White Paper titled Manufacturing in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.




Spiesshofer pointed out that since the 1970s, production processes have become increasingly automated by computerized control systems. In recent years, software has become a subset of a rapidly expanding range of digital technologies, including cloud computing, big data analytics and machine learning, which refers to the capacity of AI to rewrite its own software in response to new data.


Today, investment in artificial intelligence, especially in machine learning, is expanding rapidly worldwide. Progressively sophisticated algorithms and more powerful computers, together with the proliferation of data and the affordability of data storage, have increased the possibilities that we will witness a step change in the capacity of AI systems in the near future.


「Machine learning and other disruptive technologies have, to date, primarily been deployed by the consumer goods sector. The widespread application to the industrial and B2B sectors, however, will be a more critical test of the technology』s potential to reshape the economy,」 said Spiesshofer. 「Comparing with consumer-generated data, those generated by machines is often more complicated, and as much as 40 percent of it may prove to be irrelevant. There are no shortcuts available to companies that do not have large amounts of high-quality, structured data that can be processed by an algorithm.」



While many challenges remain, the potential benefits of this revolutionary innovation for manufacturing are enormous, such as optimizing processes, automating assembly lines, minimizing waste, speeding up delivery time and enhancing customer experience.


「To release the full potential, there must be a concerted effort first of all to fully digitize every aspect of a company』s operations, networking them together to create a 『smart factory』 that generates and transmits high-quality structured data about the whole value chain,」 Spiesshofer added.


Industrial robotics is likely to impact the future manufacturing and it is still a hugely untapped market. ABB has been in the robotics industry for more than 40 years. The development in smart components and sensors makes it possible to use machine learning to develop new ways of programming robots. This is exactly where value can be added. For example, instead of programming, ABB is moving towards teaching robots. The robot will be able to figure out and learn by itself, which will make it more flexible to meet the needs of mass customization.


ABB還從去年開始攜手IBM,共同開發ABB AbilityTM的機器學習能力。作為ABB面向電力、工業、交通和基礎設施領域的數字化解決方案與平台,ABB AbilityTM聯合IBM Watson計算系統,進一步開發具有機器學習功能的人工智慧解決方案,超越當前單一數據收集功能的互聯繫統,推動工業設備邁入自主認知的新時代。

Last year, ABB joined forces with IBM to develop the machine learning capabilities of its AbilityTM, which comprises ABB』s extensive portfolio of digital solutions for utilities, industry and transport & infrastructure customers. By pairing ABB AbilityTM with IBM』s Watson computing system, ABB is seeking to move beyond current connected systems that simply gather data into a new era of cognitive industrial operations.


China is one of the countries that are taking the lead in terms of AI development. Over the past few years, the Chinese government has rolled out a series of forward-looking policies, demonstrating its commitment to comprehensively upgrading its industrial base through the deployment of advanced automation and intelligent technologies.

緊隨中國發展的腳步,ABB推出了ABB AbilityTM數字化解決方案,積極致力於幫助中國客戶實現智能化轉型升級,提升運行時間、提高速度和產量,構建智能工廠,擁抱第四次工業革命浪潮下的前沿技術。

Following this trend, ABB has been committed to helping Chinese customers lay the foundations for smart factories with ABB AbilityTM to boost uptime, speed and yield, and preparing their shop floors to embrace the breakthroughs of the fourth industrial revolution.


The closer connection between AI and the physical world also leads to increased exposure of security vulnerabilities and ethical concerns. In the data-enabled era, it is the right time for us to think about the conflict between the advantages of sharing data and the risks of being exposed to from sharing that data. Cyber security regulations and ethical guidance will be a necessary part of the solution to boost its growth while managing its risks.



Looking forward, AI has the potential to reshape manufacturing in the years to come, yet the right conditions must be created for this transformation, such as accelerating the development of smart manufacturing, establishing rules and standards to ensure all the data generated are machine-readable and building a more sophisticated data ecosystem through cross-boundary collaboration. While the mass deployment of automation and machine learning will create vast new fields of employment, strong measures of recalibrating the educational system should be taken to secure a promising future for AI and manufacturing.


ABB(ABBN: SIX Swiss Ex)是全球電氣產品、機器人及運動控制、工業自動化和電網領域的技術領導企業,致力於幫助電力、工業、交通和基礎設施等行業客戶提高業績。基於超過130年的創新歷史,ABB技術全面覆蓋電力和工業自動化價值鏈,應用於從發電端到用電端、從自然資源開採到產成品完工的各種場景,譜寫行業數字化的未來。

ABB (ABBN: SIX Swiss Ex) is a pioneering technology leader in electrification products, robotics and motion, industrial automation and power grids, serving customers in utilities, industry and transport & infrastructure globally. Continuing a history of innovation spanning more than 130 years, ABB today is writing the future of industrial digitalization with two clear value propositions: bringing electricity from any power plant to any plug and automating industries from natural resources to finished products.


As the title partner of Formula E, the fully-electric international FIA motorsport class, ABB is pushing the boundaries of e-mobility to contribute to a sustainable future. ABB operates in more than 100 countries and has about 135,000 employees. ABB has a full range of business activities in China, including R&D, manufacturing, sales and services, with 17,000 employees located in 139 cities, 40 local companies, and online and offline channels in over 300 cities.




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