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好書推薦 | 《微觀內蒙古》

原標題:好書推薦 | 《微觀內蒙古》

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主編:莫久愚,內蒙古達斡爾族人,資深出版人、歷史學者、文學、美術和攝影愛好者。曾任內蒙古大學出版社副社長、總編輯,1996年當選「全國首屆百佳出版工作者」。 出版內蒙古歷史、地理、文化等領域的專著多部,如:《內蒙古文史研究通覽·歷史地理卷》(內蒙古大學出版社2015年)、《內蒙古歷史沿革地圖集》(中國地圖出版社出版即出)等;發表數十篇相關領域學術文章;另有書評、散文、隨筆30餘篇散見於各類報刊。策劃組織的圖書《蒙古民族通史》獲中國圖書獎(2004);論文《出版業的改革發展與觀念的變化》2000年獲內蒙古社會科學優秀成果二等獎;散文《在居延想起了李陵》2010年獲草原文學獎。







Although scholars may have a specific definition for what constitutes as 「capital city", the people of Horinger County in Hohhot strongly believe that the remains of Tuchengzi in the county is the first capital on the grasslands in history. 1,600 years ago, when the Tuoba tribe of the Xianbei people began to unify the northern part of China, the earliest capital of the Northern Wei Dynasty was established here. There』s a museum for the ruins here, Shengle Museum, which tells their history.



During the Northern Wei Dynasty, the vast andwide lands south of Yinshan Mountains and along the banks of Yellow Rivertransitioned from farmland in Qin and Han Dynasties to pastures. The Tuoba people, rulers of the Northern Wei Dynasty, sent large numbers of people ofChile tribe to the south of Yinshan Mountains to live as herders. The Chile Song describes the scene atthe time. In present day between Hohhot and Baotou, there is a natural lakecalled the 「Hasu Sea」, surrounded by flat land. When one goes boating upon it,one can see Yinshan Mountains to the north, and the Yellow River to the south, it』s a sight of open skies and vast landscapes, just like what is described in the old song.



There are many 「Wang Zhaojun』s Graves」 in Inner Mongolia. Historian Jian Bozan says : " It"s not really important where the actual grave of Wang Zhaojun is. What"s important is why there are so many of these gravesites. "These graves are all distributed upon the banks of the Yellow River, all at places where agricultural and pasturing areas intersect. These are the places where herders and farmers come into contact the most, and for them Wang Zhaojun is a common topic. To them, she symbolizes peace, reconciliation, and harmony.



In the dense forests of the Greater Hinggan Range there are many hidden historical secrets. Historian Jian Bozan once called this area the "quiet backyard " of Chinese history. The founders of the Northern Wei, Liao and Yuan dynasties-the Xianbei, Khitan, and Mongolian people all have ancestors who lived in the dense forests or on the mountain grasslands of the Greater Hinggan Range. As they walked out ofthe mountains, they changed Chinese history each time.



Gaxian Cave is a rare natural cave, situated in the Greater Hinggan Range within the borders of Oroqen Banner, that was inhabited 1, 800 years ago by Xianbei people who would go on to travel south and found the Northern Wei Dynasty. When they crossed the Yinshan Mountains and entered the plains of Hohhot, they became embroiled in the conflicts of the "Sixteen Kingdoms", but they didn"t let themselves become those who simply passed the history, instead they became the rulers of Northern China.They then went further and further south and gradually integrated into the community of the Central Plains of China.



人物 | 82歲喜得貴子,這個藝術家的一生都是傳奇!


人物 | 正在讓人類顫抖的,是中國的這七位年輕人!




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