首頁 > 最新 > 貧窮限制了我的想像力:全球最貴寵物狗外套,價值86萬元


你願意花多少錢打扮自己的寵物?100元還是1000元?寵物防護品公司Doggy Armour和VeryFirstTo網站近日合作推出了全球首款24K黃金狗夾克,價值高達13.7萬美元(約合人民幣86萬元)。

How much do you really love your pet dog? Enough to buy it the world』s first 24K gold jacket encrusted with Swarovski crystals and black diamonds? It』s 「only」 $137,000 and it』s armored, meaning it will protect your pooch from bites and even knife slashes.


The world』s most expensive dog jacket is the result of a collaboration between Doggy Armour and VeryFirstTo. The lavish canine garment is made of 「Golden Textile」 24K gold Nano coated fabrics, which apparently 「has the authentic values of gold itself and embraces 99.99% gold that is nano-structured」. Clients also have the option to have the jacket decorated with either 20 Swarovski crystals, or 20 black diamonds.

這件全球最昂貴的狗夾克是Doggy Armour和VeryFirstTo網站合作推出的,由24K黃金納米塗層織物製成,這種材料極其奢華,「具有黃金的真實價值,並含有純度為99.99%的納米結構黃金」。買家還可以選擇在夾克上裝飾20顆施華洛世奇水晶或20顆黑鑽。

But if the 「wow」 factor of this lavish doggy jacket isn』t enough, maybe its protective features will convince you that this thing is worth the asking price of $137,000.


According to the VeryFirstTo website, the super-lightweight garment is enough to protect your pooch from bites or even knife wounds. Pure gold is not the toughest material in the world, but this nano-fabric is apparently 15 times tougher than steel and 8 times tougher than Kevlar.


「Thanks to Doggy Armour your precious pooch will both be well protected and resplendent in glittering gold. You』ll never see a more golden Labrador, dashing Dachshund, cavalier King Charles Spaniel, or pompous Pomeranian,」 VeryFirstTo founder Marcel Knobil said.

VeryFirstTo網站創始人馬塞爾?諾比爾表示:「多虧了Doggy Armor,這件耀眼的金夾克將讓你心愛的小狗得到更好的保護,變得光彩奪目。沒有它,你永遠沒機會看到毛髮更加金光閃閃的拉布拉多,更時髦的臘腸,更有貴族范兒的查爾斯王犬,或是氣質更尊貴的博美。」

As you』d expect, the $137,000 price tag of this 24K gold dog jacket also includes a bespoke tailoring service to ensure a 『best in show』 fit.


So if you wanted to get your pooch something special and luxurious for its birthday, this jacket fits the bill.


英文來源:Oddity Central






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