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Every piece has its own personality.


自從接觸House,EDM, Alternative etc. 音樂類型後,漸漸開始享受沒有歌詞的音樂。覺得在不同的時間,不同的地點,不同的溫度,與不同的人,一首音樂便有萬千種意義和特點。

第一次聽到kozoro不是在SoundCloud, 而是在網易中聽到他的Friend,簡單的鋼琴,basic的鼓點,給人一種朋友之間單純的美好,不用複雜。沒有周華健《朋友》的激動人心,卻有一種不言而喻的appreciation。很喜歡網易中他上傳的封面,好像即便朋友不在身邊,思念依舊濃濃卻又安靜,希望分隔兩地的我們,依舊活出最好的自己,給彼此最好的祝福。


想介紹給大家的第二首作品叫 Reverie - 幻想曲/白日夢。 站在灑滿陽光的街頭,眯眼看著匆匆行人,便能夠想像與感受到一切美好與有希望的事物。封面依舊開闊夢幻,從鵝黃到粉色,從天藍到藏青色,EDM與旋律的搭配,一個人可以很美好。想像力與個人感知的神秘力量,他人不用體會,self contentment一定是那一刻的升華。

第三首想介紹的是帶有人聲的remix,他與Zeni , Koo Read合作的 In Your Eyes. 喜歡 Progessive/House的同學一定要聽聽。前奏30秒一定讓你紅心。就像歌詞中說的:

Take my hand and take me upon the sky


And if we fallin" through the clouds


Together we will fly


We are white,tonight we will see


We are the spirit in your eyes


Just travel in nghit



其實今天是想介紹一下這位叫KOZORO的musician。乍一看名字以為是來自日本的小哥哥,其實他是不折不扣的來自美國鹽湖城的21歲小伙(3月28日剛過了生日,在這裡遲到的生日快樂= 3 =)



My name is Collin and I make music under the alias "Kozoro". I am 20 years old and I live in the United States in a place called Salt Lake City. In my free time (When I"m not making music) I like to listen to music, watch anime, look at digital art for inspiration, talk to my friends, etc.


When I was younger, I would often hear music that I really liked, except the vocals or singer would take away from the track. This wasn"t always the case, but I feel that music without lyrics leaves the song to be more openly interpreted by the listener. It allows many different "meanings" or "perspectives" to arise from music, instead of leading you on a predetermined path through the lyrics. By no means am I saying lyrics are bad, but when it comes to me, I like to make music without lyrics the most.


I like to make all kinds of music and some examples of those are "Drum and Bass", "Progressive House", "Chillstep", etc. I like to focus more on the content of the song, rather than the genre. It"s hard to keep up with the ever evolving scene of electronic music so I tend to just make what I want and it will fall into whatever category or genre seems fitting at the time.


I"ve always been interested in Asia and the many different cultures that reside there. Many different artists, Nujabes for one example, have had a huge influence on my music. There are way too many to name off, but he is the most prominent one to me. The name "Kozoro" is a name that crossed my mind when thinking of different names I could go by. At the time, I didn"t think my music would see the success that it has, so I didn"t think about it too much. I put these Katakana together "コゾロ" and I ended up with my name. It doesn"t really have a meaning behind it. I guess I will leave it up to my listeners and music to decide that!


I found out about NetEase Music through some fans that messaged me on Social Media and immediately I was interested. I already had a fan base there that I wasn"t even aware of. It was a very happy day for me to say the least and I am still very happy about it! At this moment in time, I don"t really know enough about the music industry as a whole in China, so I don"t feel very comfortable commenting on it. I would like to learn more about it first!


Finally, I just want to say to my fans that I am incredibly grateful that you all have supported, and continue to support, my music. You are helping make my dream of making music full-time a reality, and for that I am truly thankful. Look forward to new music. I wish you all the best!




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