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Mozilla Firefox 60.0 Beta 9 (Quantum) 發布

在發布Firefox 59穩定版的同時,Mozilla同時也在積極推進下個版本的更新。Firefox 60是「Quantum」系列的最新開發版本,在進一步提升性能的基礎上更加註重用戶隱私的保護。新版本中引入了更多的隱私保護功能:當用戶面部沒有出現在網站錄製的時候Firefox就會自動關閉計算機的網路攝像頭,雖然攝像頭依然處於可用狀態但可以確保這些網站不會記錄到你。

Mozilla Firefox 60.0 Beta 9 (Quantum) 發布



為了改進登陸安全,Firefox 60還將支持網頁授權,允許用戶使用USB令牌來對用戶喜愛的網站進行認證。此外,Firefox 60還支持IT管理員通過全新的策略引擎在企業環境中自定義Firefox部署。

Firefox 60中,Mozilla還新增了一些全新的開發者功能:包括此前承諾的IndexedDB交換,以及明確控制某個網頁是否應該重新載入,這項功能已經通過 Responsive Design Mode進行部署。

Firefox 60有望於2018年5月9日上線,目前已經發布了Beta 3版本,用戶可以下載GNU/Linux,Windows和macOS系統版本。Firefox 60將會成為Mozilla的下個ESR(擴展支持版本)分支,替代目前的Firefox 52 ESR系列,這就意味著該版本將會棄用舊版的附件組件。Firefox 52 ESR將於2018年8月28日停止支持。

Version 60.0 beta, first offered to Beta channel users on March 14, 2018


The policy engine is now available to customize Firefox deployments in Enterprise environments (more details on https://wiki.mozilla.org/enterprise)

Added support for Web Authentication, allowing the use of USB tokens for authentication to web sites

Locale added: Occitan (oc)

The new CSS engine introduced in Firefox Quantum (57.0) is now used for the browser"s user interface, in addition to web content.


Various security fixes


On Windows, the shortcut for entering Reader View has changed to F9, for better compatibility with keyboard layouts which use AltGr.

It is no longer possible to have multiple bookmark keywords for the same url, unless the request has different POST data.

Enhanced camera privacy indicators: Firefox now turns off your camera when you face-mute on web-sites that use your camera, turning off your camera light so you don"t have to wonder if the site is still recording you. The light will come back on whenever recording resumes.


Responsive Design Mode now offers explicit control over whether the page should reload.

Developers can now use promises within IndexedDB transactions



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