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Why We Compete


OCTOBER 2015 ISSUE 總字數 502 words 估計閱讀時間 3 min

英文全文 + 中文翻譯


It』s said that when chased by a bear, you don』t need to outrun the bear; you just need to outrun your friend. Similarly, to win a championship, a promotion, or a date, you need only to beat the immediate competition, whether a team, a colleague, or a fellow suitor.


No wonder we constantly measure ourselves against our peers. In a survey of faculty, students, and staff at the Harvard School of Public Health, nearly half of the respondents said they』d prefer to live in a world where the average salary was $25,000 and they earned $50,000 than one where they earned $100,000 but the average was $200,000. Similarly, a majority favored relative over absolute advantage when it came to their own intelligence and attractiveness, their child』s intelligence and attractiveness, or praise from a superior. Apparently the survey respondents would rather the planet be filled with stupid, ugly children than have their own child left behind [1].

難怪我們老是和同伴比較。一個來自哈佛公共健康學院的調查顯示,將近1半的調查者願意選擇5萬的收入,當平均是2.5 萬,而不是,自己輸入10萬,平均是20萬的情況。同樣的,大多數的人喜歡相對的聰明,相對的漂亮,而不是絕對的。 包括對於自己孩子的期許。相對好就好。

H. L. Mencken was on to something when he defined wealth as 「any income that is at least $100 more a year than the income of one』s wife』s sister』s husband.」 According to one analysis of labor statistics, sisterly competition may have contributed to rising female employment after World War II. Among grown sisters not in the workforce, a woman was more likely to get a job if her brother-in-law outearned her husband [2].


People also suffer from a phenomenon known as 「last-place aversion.」 Although players in an economics game tended to give money to those with fewer assets, this tendency waned when a player was ranked second-to-last. The researchers who ran the game also found that in real life, people making just above the minimum wage were among the least supportive of a minimum-wage hike [3].


And yet, competitive though we clearly are, we underestimate the influence of social comparison. In one study, call-center employees said that achieving mastery at their job was more important than achieving superiority (ranking better than peers). But in reality, relative rankings affected their self-evaluations, and mastery did not [4].


Our desire for relative advantages is not irrational: Such advantages may make us happier. In 1974, Richard Easterlin, an economist, found that although a country』s richer citizens are happier than its poorer ones, as countries become richer, their citizens do not become happier—a contradiction known as the Easterlin paradox. Happiness, Easterlin reasoned, must depend on one』s wealth relative to one』s compatriots: When everyone gets richer, no one gets happier [5]. A study of 12,000 British citizens would seem to support Easterlin』s conclusion, revealing that increased income boosted life satisfaction only when income rose relative to peers of a similar age, educational level, or region [6].


And so it goes. We decry the goal of keeping up with the Joneses, even as we struggle ferociously to keep one step ahead of them. Perhaps this is with good reason. If we don』t, our rivals will win all the glory, and we』ll become bear food.

因此,我們不屑和周圍人比,及時我們瘋狂的想比周圍人好。 也許這也是一種生存之道,畢竟,如果你跑慢了,你可能就成了熊的晚餐。

LAB 出品


keep up with the Joneses:try to emulate or not be outdone by one"s neighbors.

hike n. 大幅度上升

no wonder 的使用:No wonder we constantly measure ourselves against our peers.


Similarly, a majority favored relative over absolute advantage when it came to their own intelligence and attractiveness, their child』s intelligence and attractiveness, or praise from a superior.

Bonus 任務


H. L. Mencken was on to something when he defined wealth as 「any income that is at least $100 more a year than the income of one』s wife』s sister』s husband.」







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