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蒙特雷房地產開發商Proyectos 9宣布Sordo Madaleno建築事務所是國際建築設計競賽的獲勝者,該建築設計競賽將在蒙特雷市中心區興建一座新的綜合體——Constitucion999。

Proyectos 9, a Monterrey real estate developer, announced Sordo Madaleno Architects as the winners of the international architectural design competition for the construction of Constitución 999, a new mixed-use complex to be erected in the downtown area of Monterrey.


Through this contest, and with the aim of initiating the process of urban regeneration in the center of this macro-city, the proposal contemplates the redensification of the Mirador neighborhood, opting for the unification of residential, commercial, corporate and hotel uses within this underutilized area.

整合,批准和振興是成為獲獎項目設計基礎的三個因素:該建築的落成,不僅提出了一個孤立的項目,而且將實體障礙擴展到其城市環境中,以與城市對話並實現重塑該地區公共空間的目的,如Plaza de los Compositores。

Integration, appropriation and revitalization are the 3 factors that became the basis of the design of the winning project: an architectural exercise where not only an isolated project was proposed but physical barriers were extended to its immediate context to generate a dialogue with the city and achieve the purpose of regenerating public spaces in the area, such as the Plaza de los Compositores.

由Sordo Madaleno Architects設計的總體規劃分兩個開發階段,考慮圍繞最初的項目創建一個橢圓配置的行動中心的幾個地塊的聯合,這允許模糊城市限制和連接不同的總體規劃,形成將中央建築物插入橢圓內。

The masterplan was designed in two development phases by Sordo Madaleno Architects, contemplating the union of several plots around the initial project for the creation of an epicenter of action with an ellipse configuration, which permits the blurring of urban limits and connecting different masterplans, resulting in the insertion of the central building inside the ellipse.


The main element of the complex consists of a tower that combines offices, hotels and homes inside, with a unique aesthetic that was the result of the integration of an innovative structural system to the facade of the building. This new tower will rise 227 meters and will become the new urban icon of Monterrey.

建築師: Sordo Madaleno Architects





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