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The Regulator Bookshop


The Regulator Bookshop


By Tom Campell

A small and perhaps improbable bookstore opens its door for the first time on a cold Saturday morning. It is early in December, 1976. There"s a vague memory of snowflurriesin the air.


We set things up so that our first customer that morning was Agnes Birkhead, the grandmother of one of the store"s founding lights. Agnes had been the courtstenographerat the Scopes "monkey" trial and gone on to be Sinclair Lewis"s personal assistant. Agnes Birkhead was a touchstone for us, a connection to a strong American tradition of truth-seeking and independent thinking. We hope that, 30 years on,our actions continue to honor her memory.

一切安排妥當,當天早上,我們的第一位顧客是書店其中一位創始人的祖母Agnes Birkhead。Agnes曾是美國猴子審判案(美國非常著名的一個有關進化論的案件)的法庭速記員,後來成為辛克萊劉易斯(美國第一位諾貝爾文學獎獲得者)的私人助理。 Agnes是我們的一個榜樣,把我們與美國追求真理、獨立思考的強大傳統緊密連接。我們希望,接下來的30年,我們能夠繼續以行動表達對她的敬意。

Thinking back on The Regulator"s earliest days, it"s clear that the bookstore was founded in a completely different universe, in a place you just can"t get to anymore. The power"s down, the roads are out, thetrailsare unmarked and overgrown. In this far away place there was a workingtextilemill across the street, and Ninth Street was populated by "mill village" shops-a couple of grills that only served breakfast and lunch, a hardware store, a post office, McDonald"s drug store. Durham was still a tobacco and textile town, and though we didn"t really know it at the time, the bookstore"s opening was aharbingerof change to come. More change than we could ever have imagined at the time.


But one thing has remained constant through all these years-the amazing support that this town has given to our community-oriented bookstore. That an independent bookstore the size (and may we humbly say) status of The Regulator continues to succeed in a city the size of Durham is highly unusual. Durham certainly gets its share ofbad press, and gets the cold shoulder from many of ourhaughtierTriangle neighbors. But here at the Regulator we"vecome to knowthat there"s a lot more to this town than the conventional wisdom, and the media, give it credit for. We wouldn"t want to run a bookstore anywhere else. Thank you, Durham, for thirty wonderful years.



1.flurry/?fl??ri/ n 一陣風、雨或雪

e.g.He opens the door and a flurry of snow blows in.


2.stenographer/st??nɑ?ɡr?f?r/ n. 速記員

e.g.The court stenographer registered the trial proceedings.


3.trail/tre?l/ n. 小徑

e.g.The trail led over Boulder Pass before descending to a lake.


4.textile/?teksta?l/ n. 紡織品,織物

e.g.Their main exports are textiles, especially silk and cotton.


5.harbinger/?hɑ?rb?nd??r/ n. 前兆

e.g.These birds are considered to be harbingers of doom.


6.haughty/?h??ti/ adj. 傲慢的;自大的

e.g.a haughty laugh



bad press負面報道

come to know開始了解到



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