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On Protein Quality and Quantity


(1)Protein Classifications


In 1914, researchers studying the protein requirements of laboratory rats reported that rats grew more rapidly on animal-based proteins than on plant-based proteins. Other studies yielded the same results.


At the time, the protein and amino acid requirements for humans were unknown, but scientists suspected that vegetable foods might not support normal growth in rats (or by extension, humans) because they did not contain sufficient amounts of certain amino acids.


Animal foods (dairy, meat, and eggs) were thus classified as "Class A" protein sources, while plant foods (vegetables and fruits) came to be seen as inferior, or "Class B" proteins.

動物性食物 即 所謂的 「A 類」 蛋白質來源:

植物性食物 即 所謂的 「B類」 蛋白質來源:


(2)The Meaning of "High Quality"


All animals must continuously replenish their proteins, and the protein they take in through food provides the amino acids necessary for protein synthesis.


The more closely the ratios of individual amino acids in a given food match the ratios of individual amino acids in the eater, the more efficiently that eater will use the food to synthesize protein.


Animals』 amino acid ratios resemble the amino acid ratios of other animals much more closely than the amino acid ratios of plants. Therefore, humans and other animals utilize all animal-based proteins more efficiently than all plant-based proteins.


As a result, animal-based proteins are said to have higherbiological value,and have been described as "high-quality" proteins.


From a strictly scientific perspective, ahigh-value,high-qualityprotein is simply one that tends to promote more efficient protein synthesis (and therefore more efficient cell division and body growth.)


However, this terminology implies that such a protein is superior—and indeed scientists used this language because they assumed these proteins tobesuperior. From a consumer perspective,high-value, high-qualityfoods certainly sound preferable. But are they really?


(3)Rethinking the "Problem" with Plant Proteins


Unbeknownst to early scientists, efficient protein utilization is not necessarily advantageous for humans.


As it turns out, "high-quality" proteins also tend to promoteundesirablegrowth (such as that of cancer cells and atherogenic tissue) quite efficiently.


By contrast, the amino acid compositions of plant proteins—always a bit of a mismatch with ours—are also less efficient at promoting unwanted growth. However, scientists were not able to intuit this relationship between protein and disease.

植物性食物具有「較低品質」的觀點是因為它們提供的是「不完全」蛋白質(即蛋白質缺少某些特定的氨基酸),這造成很多人的憂慮,包括Frances Moore Lappe(拉佩),在她1971年出版的書《一座小行星的飲食方式》中將「蛋白質補充」的想法普及。

The idea that plant foods were "lower quality" because they provided "incomplete" proteins (i.e., proteins deficient in certain amino acids) concerned many people, including Frances Moore Lappe, who popularized the idea of "protein complementing" in her 1971 book,Diet for a Small Planet.


Lappe, a sociologist promoting a vegetarian diet as a solution to world hunger, shared early scientists" concerns about plant proteins. She concluded (as did many others) that vegetarians could only be healthy if they ate particular plant foods in combinations that provided all the essential amino acids. The idea became entrenched in our common thinking about protein—but it wasn』t valid.


4Plants and Amino Acids


Scientists now understand that plant foodsdocontain all the essential amino acids.


Note how the amino acid contents of some common plant foods compare with World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations:


世界衛生組織(WHO)得出的結論是只要吃了足夠熱量,「很少會有天然食物不能提供足夠必需氨基酸的情況,」 評論如下:

The World Health Organization (WHO) concludes that as long as they are high enough in calories, "few natural diets provide insufficient amounts of indispensable amino acids," commenting:


"Clearly the content of indispensable amino acids in […] legumes, root crops and cereals is considerably greater than the proposed requirement values overall, and for each individual amino acid, with two exceptions. First, lysine is present in cassava and yam at just over 90% and in cereals at between 57% and 86% of requirement levels…Given the uncertainty which exists in identifying a secure value for the lysine requirement, it is clear that more work is required in this area."


Even if the very slight theoretical "deficiencies" in grains and cassava observed in some lab studies could be problematic for human health, the issue is easily addressed if we consume sufficient calories of avariedwhole food, plant-based diet, limiting "junk" and refined foods.


In other words,plant proteins are referred to as "incomplete" because they do not match our human amino acid profile, but they are not "incomplete" when it comes to fulfilling our dietary needs.


Likewise, the terminology "lower quality" means that plant proteins are used somewhat less efficiently than animal proteins; however, the implication of inferiority for human health is misleading.


Protein "complementing" is unnecessary.


Lappe agrees. In later editions ofDiet for a Small Planet, she reversed her initial views on protein complementing, writing:


"In 1971 I stressed protein complementarity because I assumed that the only way to get enough protein…was to create a protein as usable by the body as animal protein. In combating the myth that meat is the only way to get high-quality protein, I reinforced another myth. I gave the impression that in order to get enough protein without meat, considerable care was needed in choosing foods. Actually, it is much easier than I thought."


She adds:


"With three important exceptions, there is little danger of protein deficiency in a plant food diet. The exceptions are diets very heavily dependent on [1] fruit or on [2] some tubers, such as sweet potatoes or cassava, or on [3] junk food (refined flours, sugars, and fat). Fortunately, relatively few people in the world try to survive on diets in which these foods are virtually the sole source of calories. In all other diets, if people are getting enough calories, they are virtually certain of getting enough protein."


The American Dietetic Association has also reversed its earlier position on protein complementarity. Here is a statement from its 2009 position paper on vegetarianism:


"Plant sources of protein alone can provide adequate amounts of essential amino acids if a variety of plant foods are consumed and energy needs are met."


The bottom line?


Plant proteins have different amino acid ratios from animal proteins. Humans use them less efficiently, which is actually beneficial for us. Plant proteins do not have to be "completed" by our combining different plant foods in a particular meal, or any time. A varied, whole food, plant-based diet provides all of the essential amino acids, and all the protein we need.


(4) A Note About Quantity


The issue of protein quantity has been overblown as well. Many people believe we generally needmoreprotein than plants can provide, and that excess protein is nothing to be concerned about. The question remains though, can wereallyget enough protein from plants?

圖中:SD= standard deviations =σ=標準差 (譯註)

蛋白質推薦每日需求量(RDA)自從1943年設立以來每5年會重新複審一次(理論上來講,這個RDA量會達到或超過98%的人的生理需要),蛋白質需要量一直保持在大約佔8 – 10%的總熱量攝取。這個水平(RDA)實際上高於實驗方法確定的蛋白質需求量(估計平均需求量,或稱EAR)。全蔬食飲食方式也可提供8 – 10%蛋白質。

Set in 1943 and reviewed every five years since, the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for protein (theoretically, the amount at which 98% of people will be meeting or exceeding their physiological needs) has remained at approximately 8-10% of total calories. This level is actually higher than the experimentally determined protein requirement (the Estimated Average Requirement, or EAR). A whole food, plant-based diet also provides 8-10% protein.

EAR:0.5 – 0.6克/公斤體重或(攝取足夠熱量)大約是4 – 5%的熱量來源於蛋白質。

EAR: 0.5 - 0.6 g of protein per kg of body weight or (for someone consuming sufficient calories) approximately4-5% total calories as protein.

RDA:EAR + 2標準差或(攝取足夠熱量)大約是8 – 10%熱量來源於蛋白質。(約0.8克/公斤體重)

RDA: EAR + 2 standard deviations or (for someone consuming sufficient calories) approximately8-10% total calories as protein.(approximately 0.8 g/kg body weight)

譯註:人奶的蛋白質含量約5%(熱量來源),人在嬰兒期是生長最快的時期,純母乳餵養即可滿足嬰兒的生長需要。而成人的平均蛋白質需求也大約是4 - 5%,即EAR可以滿足約50%的人的生理需要,而RDA則可滿足98%的人的生理需要。

例如:50公斤體重的人蛋白質需求量RDA = 50 * 0.8 = 40克/每天,EAR = 50 * (0.5 ~ 0.6)= 25 ~ 30克/每天



注1.坎貝爾(T.Colin Cambell)博士指出必須攝取8或9種必需氨基酸。人類需要8種必需氨基酸—圖中所示—是由William Rose 1952年確立的。組氨酸(Histidine),是最近增加的,也被認為是必需氨基酸,這是在發現對一項飲食中缺乏組氨酸對研究對象的血紅蛋白濃度的不利影響的研究後增加的。

1. Dr. Campbell notes that 8 or 9 amino acids are essential and must be consumed. Human requirements for 8 indispensable amino acids—the ones in the chart—were established by William Rose in 1952. Histidine, a more recent addition, is now considered indispensable as well, following a study showing that an absence of histidine in the diet had a detrimental effect on hemoglobin concentrations in research subjects.


2. Values are calculated based on: a person eating a 2200 calorie diet, WHO』s "safe level of protein intake" ( 0.83 g/kg per day of protein) for a person of 60 kg (132#), and the approximate energy requirement for a moderately active person.



Craig WJ, Mangels AR, American Dietetic Association. Position of the American Dietetic Association: vegetarian diets.J Am Diet Assoc2009 Jul; 109(7): 1266-82.

Food & Agriculture Organization. (2001). Human Energy Requirements Report of a Joint FAO/WHO/UNU Expert Consultation. Retrieved from:Italy.http://www.fao.org/docrep/007/y5686e/y5686e08.htm#bm08.

Lappe FM.Diet for a Small Planet.New York, NY, Ballantine Books. 1985.

McDougall J. The McDougall Plan. LaVerne TN, Ingram Book Company. 1983.

Osborn TB, Mendel LB. Amino Acids in Nutrition and Growth.J Biol Chem1914; 17: 325.

World Health Organization. (2007). Protein and Amino Acid Requirements in Human Nutrition: Report of a Joint WHO/FAO/UNU Expert Consultation. Retrieved from: http://whqlibdoc.who.int/trs/WHO_TRS_935_eng.pdf.




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