首頁 > 最新 > 女人一定要清楚自己想要的是什麼




Therefore, the fickleness of women』s needs for self leads to divorce, marriage, divorce, and marriage. They don』t even know what they really want, and if they don』t, they try to divorce themselves. Extramarital affair escapes problems because they have such a wrong thought in their hearts. There will always be such a person who is able to satisfy himself 100% and is able to match himself perfectly. Therefore, they kept looking for, waiting, waiting, etc.

It"s not hard to fall in love with someone. It"s hard to be sure if you really love him. A kind of love is a pure appreciation of the other side"s advantages, but also only see the advantages; the other is to appreciate the advantages while also accepting each other"s shortcomings, saw a more comprehensive person. The former"s love can easily be abandoned, and the latter can be more time-honored. Love is not marriage, love can make two people full of passion for the future, and marriage is to let two people face the reality better.



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