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Inside a dog』s mind


原文BY Chris Baraniuk



狗狗模特: 鳳梨酥、COOKIE、豆五花、KIMI、六六、柒柒、小炮、MORNING、貢丸、雞翅、辛巴(排名不分先後)


We have had a sneak peek into a dog』s mind. Scientists can now work out what a dog is looking at, just by examining a scan of its brain.In recent years, researchers have shown what dog owners claimed:our furry friends can recognise human facial expressions. A 2015 study showed that dogs can tell a happy face from an angry face (Current Biology, doi.org/f64zrj).



Now Laura Verónica Cuaya at the National Autonomous University of Mexico in Mexico City and her colleagues have studied how dogs do it. They used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to scan the brains offour border collies, who were trained to sit still in the scanner. The dogs were shown four facial expressions – happy, sad, angry or fearful – made by humans they didn』t know, and the fMRI recorded their brain activity.



By looking at patterns of activity across the whole brain, the team could tell what facial expression each dog had seen.A computer algorithm found small sites of activity –clusters of firing neurons– that appeared in certain locations, depending on what human emotion the dogs had seen. It was therefore possible to predict what emotion the dogs had seen just by looking at this brain activity (bioRxiv, doi.org/cmwr).

通過觀察整個大腦的活動模式,誇亞教授的團隊可以分辨每隻狗看到不同的面部表情的反應。計算機演算法發現腦部的小部分活動區域——放電神經元集群——出現在什麼位置,取決於狗狗所看到的人類的表情。 所以可以通過觀察這種大腦活動來預測狗狗所看到的人類情緒(生物學前沿,doi.org/cmwr)。


The findings mirror a recent study of the human brain. Earlier this year, researchers revealed an AI that could tell what image a person was looking at, just by examining a scan of their brain.



Cuaya』s team found that seeinga happy face produced a highly distinctive pattern of activity, mainly in the temporal cortex on the side of the brain. This region is thought to handle complex visual information, such as faces, in humans and animals including dogs, primates and sheep.



This is a really similar activity to human processing of emotions in general,」 says Cuaya.



What』s going on inside thatadorable little head?



However, it washarder to differentiate between the more negative emotions, especially anger and sadness.



The work is more evidence that dogs acquired the ability to read human facial expressions as they adapted to live with us, says Alexandra Horowitz at Columbia University in New York.



「I like to think of dogs as 』canine anthropologists』 among us, carefully noting our behaviour patterns.」



The findings 「demonstrate thehigh sensitivity of the dog brain to human emotions」, says Márta Gácsi at Eotvos Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary. However, she says the sample size is too small to draw strong conclusions about how all dogs process faces and emotions.


原文刊載自:NEW SCIENTIST,2018年4月7日刊





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