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Who really came up with China』s 「four new inventions」?

中國發明了(invented)高鐵(high-speed rail),移動支付(mobile payment),電商(e-commerce),共享單車(bike-sharing).這樣的表達自2017年五月起就不斷的出現在中國的官方媒體中。(Such a claim has repeatedly come up in Chinese state media since May 2017)。


(these technologies did not originate in China and were first invented decades ago)


(But, China has led the way in their widescale implementation in our lives)

那麼,「新四大發明」的這個表述究竟是怎麼來的呢?(where did the claim come from?)


(this claim came from a Beijing Foreign Studies University survey from May 2017, which asked young people from 20 countries to list the technology they 「most wanted to bring back」 to their country from China.)


(The respondents』 top answers were high-speed rail, mobile payment, bike-sharing, and e-commerce)


(Since then, Chinese media and officials have drawn on this topromote these technologies as China』s 「four new great inventions」 in modern time」)

為什麼??? (why keep making the claim?)


(The term 「four new inventions」 harks backto the 「four great inventions」 of ancient China: papermaking, gunpowder,printing and the compass)


(China has been putting strong emphasis on technological advancement as it seeks to become an 「innovation nation」 by2020.)


(After years of subordination to the technological supremacy of developed nations in the West, China has come to realize the importance of developing core technologies on its own. Only by doing so canit truly gain independence and win respect from both partners and competitors.」– the Xinhua news agency)

高鐵 (High-speed rail)


(According to the Worldwide Rail Organisation, the first high-speed train service began in 1964 – Japan』s Shinkansen. The Tokyo to Osaka line was the first regular service to travel that fast – the first train has a maximum speed of 210 km/h.)


( China opened its first high-speed railline in 2008, from Beijing to Tianjin, just ahead of the Olympic games)


(China now has the world』s largest high-speed rail network, about 25000 km, and aims to double it by 2030)

移動支付 (mobile paymeny)


(The first payments by a mobile device were made in 1997 in Finland)


(Telecom Finland had enabled a music jukebox and drinks vending machines to be operated by calling a payphone number)


(China』s total mobile payments in the first 10 months of 2017 stood at $ 12.7 trillion, the world』s largest volume.)

電商 (E-commerce)

英國人Michael Aldrich在1979年第一次實現了線上購物的概念。

(Michael Aldrich is credited with inventingthe online shopping concept in 1979)


(He connected an ordinary TV set to the local retailer』s computer via a telephone line)


( China, with more than 700 million internet users, is also the biggest and fastest growing e-commerce market in the world)

共享單車 (Bike-sharing)


(the first large-scale bike sharing began in the 1990s in European cities)


(But Chinese firms like Mobike and OFO are at the forefront of 「dockless」 bike-sharing, a new system where users locate bike with their smartphone, and drop them off anywhere without the need to park them at a specific dock.


(There are 400 million registered bike-sharing users and 23 million shared bikes in China)



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