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DoYou Have A Great House In Your Heart?

Somethings make us happy, and some things make us unhappy. In the fact, only a few of things are really bad things which bring the bad message and big trouble to us. Besides, a lot of things just make us feel unhappy occasionally: something could be different from your expectation or make a small problem disturbing your plan and your good mood incidentally; even, it is a matter of routine you did it every day, but attaching a little inconvenience today… Nobody knows which thing would affect our good mood in the next minute, but you can protect ourselves far from a bad mood if you have a really strong heart.

First, most times your mood relies on yourself rather than the things you meet, and the stronger a heart you have, the less unhappy you feel. The story,Three Little Pigs, has told us about that. Three little pigs built their houses in the forest, one of them built his house by using the bricks and stones while the other two little pigs built their house with the grass and tree branches. The big bad wolf was going to catch the pigs and eat them. He had blown down the grass-house and pushed down the branch-house, but he was not able to break the brick-house, which was very solid and protected his owner from any danger. In the same way, facing the same "unhappy things" even the "bad things", someone could feel terrible or angry as he/she is teased while others keep calm. The brittle heart, like the shelter made with grass and branches, always is easier to be broken by the "big bad wolf" than the strong heart.

Second, be a responsible master of your heart, and make it stronger for a good mood and a good life. Which one must be responsible for the broken house, the big bad wolf or the little pigs? Of course, the little pigs, who were the builders and masters of their shelters. So don"t be lazy for your "house". If you don"t like an untidy room filled with thick dust, dirty trash, and sick smell, you must clean it up regularly; if you don"t like living in the house with the broken window or rainy roof, you must fix it immediately. Keeping the house dry and warm inside does not depend upon whether is it sunny or rainy outside, but rather the roofs, walls, windows, doors and heating systems. In a similar manner, you ought to do something inadvance to keep your heart in a good condition before we meet any 「bad weather" and be a good master.

Profiting from plenty of exercise and training, an athlete"s heart not only undergoes more rapid beat rates than normal but also recovers quickly. Similarly, those people who have a strong heart grow up from their conscious learning and practices. They are willing to take on more responsibility for others, and face greater challenges as well; they are strong-willed, open-minded, and well-behaved; they seek liberty in their self-discipline, and become powerful in their humility and forgiveness; they were called "Junzi"(君子) in Chinese culture, as opposed to other peoples who only care about their own interests and usually were controlled by emotion. So, Confucius said, 「A junzi is always calm and atease; a petty man is full of worries and anxieties.」

Last but not least, you should learn to accept the positive effects and refuse the negative effects of unhappy emotions. The unhappy feeling is a kind of special signal which can be discovered when you confront it calmly. It gives both warning and advice to you. For instance, when you would be late to an important meeting or date and you must stop your car in front of the red lights at an intersection time after time, you may be anxious and angry. At this time, you need to know, actually the unhappy feeling is reminding you with aplainspoken tone: "You must take special action- be smart but not stupid!」 "You had better prepare a pre-arranged plan in case a bad result catches you!" "Bear this in mind: DON"T BE LATEAGAIN!" A real wise person always listens to the correct suggestions from his/her strong heart and makes correct decisions and actions modestly.

Conversely, if you cannot control the negative feeling under social circumstances and human intellect, could make a mistake(ie: running the red light) even create adangerous situation(ie: traffic accident) to yourself and other people. Did you scream at your kids for a broken vase which is your favorite and threaten to throw away all their toys? Did you scold your spouse or friend with some badwords for making you angry? But making 1,000 apologies never compensates the 1-meter distance after your emotional action rush past the "STOP"sign. Saying "Sorry" is merely easier than having a strong heart.

Both cardiologists and psychologists advise us to have a strong heart. So,mental health isas important as physical health. To be an active, responsible and well-managed master of your heart, the happiness will enjoy living in your "house".




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