ladies and 鄉親們,很高興又開始更新了。我想了很久到底接下來一個系列要更什麼,就在上個半秒,想到了一個我特別喜歡的一個作家的一個作品The Five People You Meet in Heaven。這部作品很溫情,從死亡這個角度去思考活著。活著就有愛,也會有創傷,也許是你的父母給你的,也許是你伴侶給你的,也許只是擦肩而過的陌生人給你的。Mitch Albom就從一個普通人的記憶里去解釋這些愛和創傷,最後這個普通的主人公發現自己的人生小故事其實都是相連的。因為這部作品很溫暖,所以呢,我就選一些正能量的句子或者段落來講一下英語的用法。
作品來源:The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
1. People oftenbelittlethe place where they were born. But heavens can be found in the most unlikely corners.
(1)People often think their hometown is unimportant and not good. However, heavens are probably those places like hometown.
(2)People always dismiss their hometown as unimportant. Nevertheless. heavens can turn out to be unimportant places too.
2. Sacrifice is part of your life. Sometimes when you sacrifice somethig precious, you are not really losing it. You are just passing it on to someone else.
Paraphrase:One part of life is sacrifice. when we sacrifice things that we treasure, we are not losing those things. Instead, someone else are having them.
這句話真的很勵志了,當你失去一些很珍貴的東西的時候,你可以換一個思路,你其實並沒有失去,只是別人在幫你保管著。sacrifice, 可以做名詞,也可以做及物動詞。這樣想的時候,也許你會心寬一些哈哈哈哈哈,可以考慮考慮把你的微信餘額讓我幫你保管啊。
3. All parentsdamagetheir chilren. Itcannot be helped. Youth, likepristine glass,absorbstheprintsof its handlers. Some parentssmudge, otherscrack, a fewshatterchildhoods completely intojaggedlittle pieces,beyond repair.
paraphrase:Every parent will definitely hurt their kids to some extent. Kids are like clean glass, where prints can be left. some parents make the glass dirty, some break the glass and some even break the glass into pieces and it cannot be repaired.
pristine:spotless, clean,in the original condition
prints: oily marks of your fingers etc.
smudge: make things dirty or dirty marks
crack: break, 這個crack還可以表示敲雞蛋, crack the egg
beyond repair: cannot be repaired,這是英語里介詞十分靈活的一面,比如beyond description 就是難以描述,beyond imagination就是難以想像。
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