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[Post Game Thread] The Golden State Warriors (1-0) defeat the San Antonio Spurs (0-1), 113-92.


[–][HOU] Patrick Beverley-Tell_me_about_it- 1516 points an hour ago

Ah shit it』s Klayoff time


[–]Lakersonlymostlydeadd 558 points an hour ago

okc fans ptsd time


[–]ThunderSplintzer 243 points an hour ago

i have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. nope not none.


[–][GSW] Calbert Cheaneyswollencornholio 160 points an hour ago

Klays stats in playoff games without Steph are absurd


[–]Warriorstalanted_o 60 points an hour ago

he was the leading scorer for a while in 2016. Dude had like 3 back to back games with 7 3"s




[–]Warriorstinkady 93 points an hour ago

I Love Klay Thompson.


[–]WarriorsCTRL_ALT_PWN 90 points an hour ago

Klay"s still mad from 2013. Dubs could have done real damage in the playoffs if Manu didn"t hit that walk-off three in 2OT.


[–]SupersonicsMammothMan34 192 points an hour ago

I realize it"s silly to criticize the offensive gameplan of a team that won by twenty one, but I really feel like we were cheated out of Klay scoring a million if they would have fed him the ball more. Dude was *河蟹* today.


[–]Warriorstinkady 111 points an hour ago

He took a lot of tightly contested shots. Not like he was getting open easily, and it"s hard to force offball action.


[–][GSW] Andris BiedrinsBlockerville 860 points 2 hours ago

Wow I forgot about how salty these playoff threads get. Saw multiple people calling for Kawhi"s head as if somehow this loss is his fault


[–]Lakerseyeofabronco 981 points 2 hours ago

Kawhi scored zero points today he deserves some blame for the loss


[–]Warriorsfitnesshalp45 423 points 2 hours ago

Nobody scored on him though, as expected from such a fantastic defender


[–]Mavericksandrude01 894 points an hour ago

Was a pretty good game until Golden State went on that 113-92 run


[–]Pacersnukestrike 119 points an hour ago

Basketball is a game of runs. Or in this case, one run.


[–][CLE] LeBron JamesSweaty_LeBron 969 points an hour ago

Watch this sub go from "Hmm can the warriors go out in the first round" to "WHO NEEDS CURRY,MCGEE FOR FMVP"


[–]ForeverTheKingslayer 428 points an hour ago

I couldn』t believe how down this sub was on the warriors lol


[–][WAS] John WallDylanG_ 197 points an hour ago

It wasn』t even just this sub, sports media, Twitter, NBA GMs, nearly everyone was doubting them lol


[–]Bullssnowcone_wars 191 points an hour ago

It"s because this sub has the attention span of a gold fish, so the only thing that matters for an opinion is what happened 10 seconds ago.


[–]Warriorsraikou1988 120 points an hour ago



[–][GSW] Klay Thompson_fran6co 114 points an hour ago

He said Javale is the best center in the playoffs


[–][GSW] Kelenna Azubuikelaidbackdrew 23 points an hour ago



[–][NJN] Vince CarterHevyWeather 173 points an hour ago

I"m not sure why anyone was expecting anything different. Warriors in 4 games that look like that.


[–]ChayDaKidd 84 points an hour ago

Doesn"t seem so crazy to think that the Spurs can win a home game, I feel.


[–]TimberwolvesOnePieceAce 585 points an hour ago



[–]HeatSmokingFrog 139 points an hour ago

Y"all were so busy talking about playoff LeBron that y"all forgot about the playoff Warriors.


[–]Warriorsoutofnowhere_ 46 points an hour ago

Iguodala is the best PG in the league


[–][GSW] Klay ThompsonBobRoss4Life 330 points an hour ago

JaVale is better than Wilt.

Probably not a hot take though



[–]Warriorsoneu1 246 points an hour ago

[OC] Wilt Chamberlain is secretly dominating professional basketball at age 81 under the false identity of Javale McGee.

[獨家] 身披賈維爾-麥基的虛構外衣,威爾特-張伯倫以81歲高齡暗中主宰職業籃球。

[–][CHI] Derrick Rosejeric13xd 110 points an hour ago*

Spurs need Kawhi and Tim


[–]Warriorswafino1 22 points an hour ago

Spurs need Kawhi, Tim, and the Admiral.


[–][TOR] Fred VanVleetSmugleaf_Raptors2012 34 points an hour ago

They also need Bruce Bowen to "guard" Zaza in the paint


[–]WarriorsSiege-Torpedo 23 points an hour ago

Zaza can"t jump high enough for Bowen to close out.


[–]Runs_With_Toast 71 points an hour ago

the spurs did well to limit klays shots. too bad klay made em all...


[–]NuggetsTheEagleHasNotLanded 117 points an hour ago

The only thing I took away from this game is that Derrick White and Kyle Anderson are impossible to tell apart on the court.


[–]Warriorsjustsomeguy5 43 points an hour ago

Kyle Anderson is the only person on the court jogging at half speed. Every time I see this guy "run" he looks like he"s just chillin on the treadmill. It"s crazy to watch, cause then he just.. I don"t even know, I think he just confuses people by how he moves only at his pace and then bam he"s laying it up and I"m always watching it happen and then I say "What the fuck just happened?" cause moving like that he shouldn"t score on anyone and yet I"ve seen this dude embarrass people all season long.

He"s definitely an enigma lol



Justin Termine on Twitter: Curry sitting right behind the bench supporting his teammates... Kawhi nowhere to be found.

庫里坐在板凳席後面為隊友加油……倫納德卻不見蹤影。來自Justin Termine推特。

Jackson and SVG are right, Kawhi not being with the team is strange.


Edit: Jeff not stan sorry

Even more so than the lack of transparency.. why wouldn』t the team captain be on the bench for the games? This his highly irregular in the NBA. Kawhi during the season has gone to NYC for rehab, but that would only be for a week or two at a time, then he would fly back to San Antonio, only to stay away from the spurs organization.. its very strange



[–][TOR] DeMar DeRozanDoyinYale 545 points 4 hours ago

He』s busy training on Mount Kilimanjaro with Kobe.


[–]Lakersttam23 41 points 2 hours ago 

In a Shanghai dumpling restaurant with Andrew Bynum 




[–][CHI] Derrick Rose_Gryffindor_ 34 points an hour ago

In a Thai prison with that guy




[–]Buckswwaalleess 428 points 4 hours ago

This whole situation is one of the most bizarre things I"ve seen in sports honestly.


[–]Raptorsgreentownblack 141 points 2 hours ago

More bizarre than this?


[–][GSW] Omri CasspiSteel_Conserative 979 points 5 hours ago

Why isn』t Kawhi there though?


[–]SpursDevilss_Advocate 933 points 4 hours ago

yea dont think hes coming back next year


[–][BOS] Kyrie IrvingKyrieWillRapeYou 177 points 4 hours ago

Damn even Spurs fans are saying this now


[–]Spurs8coffeesandcounting 114 points 4 hours ago

I think it"s been pretty clear for a while now


[–]Buckstheconfuserx2 456 points 4 hours ago

damn...fine we"ll take him then I guess


[–]Spurssm_1994 147 points 3 hours ago

give us giannis and its a deal


[–][MIL] Malcolm BrogdonBart_Dart 89 points 3 hours ago

You can have anyone but him. Take your pick.


[–]SpursSordidCanary 270 points 3 hours ago

Ok, we』ll take everyone but Giannis thx

馬刺球迷:好吧, 我們會帶走字母哥之外的所有人,謝謝啊。

[–][MIL] Malcolm BrogdonBart_Dart 116 points 3 hours ago

Sounds good! Enjoy John Henson!


[–]Spurswastelandavenger 492 points 4 hours ago

As Spurs fans we"ve all projected the image of "Tim Duncan Jr" onto Kawhi because we like thinking of him that way. The thing is that Kawhi never talks, we hardly know anything about him personally. This behavior is shocking to us because Duncan never did anything like this, but of course Kawhi isn"t Duncan and we should stop thinking about him that way.


[–]Timberwolveswhythehellknot 265 points 4 hours ago

I mean, it"s bizarre even without all of that. A franchise player not playing and going through weird back and forth with is he injured or not is weird. Then it happening to a guy who is quiet and never seemed to demand attention or anything is weird. Then it happening with an organization that for decades now has been known to be no nonsense and is very good to their players is weird.


[–]Spurswastelandavenger 54 points 4 hours ago

I agree. I think his Uncle-Agent has a lot of influence on this particular situation. Kawhi isn"t that motivated by money (he drove that Rav4 or whatever for years), my best guess is he wants to go home to California. He"ll take a team like the Kings or Clippers or something to keep out of the spotlight.


[–]PacersTURRRDS 216 points 4 hours ago

Did he just quit on the team for some reason?


[–]NBAStephCurryIsAPussy 200 points 4 hours ago

I honestly believe he』s not hurt and everyone knows he』s not hurt, so him being around the team while fine but refusing to play would be too awkward


[–]PacersTURRRDS 112 points 4 hours ago

It"s so strange. Hes been cleared but just refuses to play. I dont think I"ve ever seen anything like it. Gotta be something else that they"re not saying. If he just quit on the team, it"s a real bad look.


[–]itzReborn 90 points 4 hours ago

Yeah when it was mentioned I had a oh shit they right moment

是啊,當小卡不在現場這事被指出來時,我的反應就是「哎卧槽,還真是啊 」。

[–]76erstrynarunwithswag 213 points 5 hours ago

He gone. And I don"t say this lightly. Given the Spur"s ability to have a high level, respectable organization historically, the fact that Kawhi isn"t there means that the dispute is serious. Memes aside, I have 70%+ faith that Kawhi will be gone next season.


[–][SAS] Tim DuncanDrummerdude17 35 points 3 hours ago

Probably in denial, but I think he is rehabbing. I think he is still actively trying to get ready for the playoffs this year.


Kawhi is an insanely hard working dude. He has done enough for the spurs to give him the benefit of the doubt.

I』m not about turning on our players, what good did it do for us to bash Aldridge for the entirety of last season? I want to hear Kawhi』s point of view before taking sides.



[–]fvertk 38 points 3 hours ago

We know that he"s not cheering on his team during a playoff game.


[–]Spursfoug 43 points 4 hours ago

Kawhi can take his Jordan"s to Charlotte and miss the playoffs until he retires.


[–]Knickskingoflag79 578 points 4 hours ago

When Kawhi becomes a Laker, he might not be able to enter San Antonio. He"s going to be the most hated man in Texas.


[–]SupersonicsAlfalfa_Centauri 10 points 2 hours ago

The whole thing is just such a bummer, no matter how you look at it. He"s an incredible player, truly a generational talent, and I"m sure that deep down he feels he"s doing what"s best for him, as well he should be. But it sucks for the fans because we all want to see him play and be great.

The entire situation is weird and unsettling and I wish it was over because I genuinely miss seeing the dude ball out. I just hope he knows what he"s doing and I guess you Spurs fans have to trust that he is. Who knows, maybe we"ll all look back on this one day and laugh. Here"s hoping, anyway.





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