首頁 > 最新 > 中國抗議未能奏效,國寶青銅器被拍賣。英語讀頭條


Chinese protests fail to stop "illegal" water vessel sale


The Chinese government demanded the sale of the rare water vessel should not go ahead


A rare sacred Chinese bronze water vessel made between 2,200 and 3,600 years ago has been sold despite protests by the Chinese government.

不顧中國政府的抗議, 一個罕見而神聖的來自於2200至3600年前中國青銅水壺已經被出售。

The recently discovered bronze Tiger Ying sold at auction for £410,000, Canterbury Auction Galleries said.



China"s State Administration of Cultural Heritage condemned the auction saying the relic was taken illegally from the country in the 19th Century.


Only six similar vessels were previously known to exist.


The vessel dates from the Western Zhou dynasty - 1027-771 BC - and was named the Tiger Ying because the spout and cover were each cast with models of the animal, the auctioneers said.

拍賣行說,該器皿來自於公元前1027-771的西周時期 - 而且因其壺嘴和蓋子都是由老虎模具鑄造的而被稱為虎鎣。

spout:美 [spa?t] n. 噴口,噴嘴;水柱,噴流;(鯨類的)噴水孔;

"Respect national feelings』


It was taken by a British soldier during the capture of what is now called the Old Summer Palace in 1860. The auction house said letters from a Royal Marines captain to his family detailed the looting of the site, with one reading: "I succeeded in getting several bronzes and enamel vases that will, I hope, some day find their way to [his home in the UK].」

這個文物是在1860年圓明園被攻佔時被一個英國士兵拿走的。拍賣行說,一個皇家海軍陸戰隊隊長在給他的家人的信件中詳細的描述了對圓明園的掠奪,在一封信中寫道: 「我成功地拿到了幾個青銅和搪瓷花瓶,我希望,有一天它們會到 (他在英國的家)。「

looting:looting v. 搶劫,掠奪

enamel:美 [??n?m?l] n. 搪瓷;琺琅;指甲油

The vessel was found with three other later Qing dynasty bronze works of art in a home in Kent and had been given an estimated price of between £120,000 and £200,000, a Canterbury Auction Galleries spokesman said.


The Chinese government agency said it had contacted the auction house "through various channels", demanding the cancellation of the sale and telling the auction house to "abide by the spirit of international agreements and code of professional ethics, as well as respecting the cultural rights and national feelings of the Chinese people」.

該中國政府機構表示,曾與拍賣行 "通過各種渠道 "取得聯繫,要求取消出售,並告訴拍賣行應「遵守國際協議和職業道德守則的精神,以及尊重中國人民的文化權利和民族感情。」

The Chinese government said it would be taking "all necessary measures" to get the relic back


Hajni Elias, a Chinese art and cultural historian, said: "We cannot underestimate the wealth and sophistication of the late Zhou culture that created such an outstanding bronze vessel.

中國藝術和文化史學家 Hajni Elias說: 「周朝晚期文化的財富和深度是不容忽視的,這種文化創造出如此傑出的青銅器皿。

Only men of high status, such as a king, his nobles and officials were able to obtain them.


"They represent some of the finest vessels and are treasured by collectors and connoisseurs worldwide.」


connoisseur:美 [?kɑ:n??s?:r] n. 鑒賞家,鑒定家;行家,內行,權威

The State Administration of Cultural Heritage said it would "continue to take all necessary measures to retrieve cultural relics illegally obtained from China」.

中國國家文物局表示,將 「繼續採取一切必要措施,取回非法從中國獲得的文物」。

relic:美 [?r?l?k] n. 遺物,遺迹; 廢墟; 紀念物; [古生物] 殘遺體;

The auctioneers said they would not be commenting on the Chinese requests.





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