首頁 > 最新 > 婺源的夢裡老家何德何能吸引到如此多國際遊客?Why!打造中華傳統文化演藝小鎮





Wuyuan has been receiving tourists from across the world: U.S., UK, Russia, South Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, etc.

What makes it such a most-visited tourist attraction?


Following our report, we find that green mountains, clear water and ancient Huizhou culture serve as the most significant reasons for tourists.

come on ,跟著帥哥美女們一起,

穿越千年至繁華什錦的徽州古鎮 ,


So, we are inviting you to take a time travel with us, here the Huizhou ancient town will help you discover glamour of Chinese folk cultures.



『I left home young, I came home old; I speak as I did then, though my hair』s grown thin.』 (Excerpt from Coming Home by He Zhizhan)

For Huizhou merchants who lead a wandering life away from home, the greatest happiness lies in returning home with successful business. They would give back to the hometown by helping build roads, bridges, houses, schools, and ancestral temples.



『After ten years " studying hard noticed by none, his fame fills the land once honors are won.』 (Excerpt from Tale of the Pipa by Gao Ming)

Obtaining the highest degree (Jinshi) or good ranking was regarded as glory of a lifetime for ancient Chinese scholars when imperial examinations were practiced. In this sense, Huizhou culture has proved its rich heritage with hundreds of Jinshi produced in Wuyuan.



『A maiden of the Tengs to womanhood just grown; in inner chambers bred, to the world was unknown.』

In ancient Huizhou, marriages were mostly arranged, with "dictates of parents and words of matchmakers". However, Xiuqiu (silk balls) tossing was a more interesting way for girls to seek fated life partners, in that a girl would toss the ball high where a bunch of boys were and the boy who caught it would become the husband-to-be.



『There is always passion and pleasure when modern meets history』

As the saying goes 『Joys shared with others are more enjoyed』. You will marvel at the dreamy scenery when you join the dance with our dancers in fairy-dresses.



『He lets out an outburst of anger when running into injustice on the way; He kicks someone"s ass when he has to』When you can only admire Liangshan heroes of Water Margin through TV, we are bringing valiant and heroic bearing of those heroes directly to you at our performing arena, which will fuel your passion.



『Discover cultural essence of Huizhou and promote folk custom of Wuyuan.』

『Home in the Dream』 is a large-scale live performance, with traditional Huizhouculture as background, achieved by natural scenery of Wuyuan and cutting-edge technologies in sound and light, which totally makes it a must-see.


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