首頁 > 運動 > 伊巴卡會三種語言羨煞旁人,美網友:學外語最好的方法是找個外國女友


Serge Ibaka answers 3 different interview questions in 3 different languages, fluently.



[–]HuskiesBlueWhatBlue 2556 指標 22小時前

Intellectual, turtleneck wearing man with high cheekbones, he"s handsome as hell, and his Black Panther accent is definitely a turn-on, but you"d expect him to have a deeper voice.


[–][GSW] Kevin Durantshanetrey5 360 指標 22小時前

If Ibaka could bottle his sex appeal and sell it then he』d be the richest athlete ever


[–]AstuteBlackMan 139 指標 21小時前

English, French, and Spanish. He also knows a couple more. Impressive.

I like Serge.


[–]PelicansGood_NewsEveryone 3213 指標 22小時前

Damn. That』s legit. Serge is a pro


[–]NuggetsEricStoltz-MaskMorty 792 指標 19小時前

For real. I can barely stutter my way through a sentence half the time, and I only speak one language...


[–]AwHellNaw 474 指標 19小時前*

He"s probably also fluent in Lingala and Kongo


[–]african_panther 275 指標 19小時前

He def is. A couple of years ago on IG he sampled what he had taught keri hilson

肯定的。兩年前,他在Instagram上示範了他教Keri Hilson說林加拉語。

伊巴卡和Keri Hilson>>http://t.cn/RmQGMVG

[–][NJN] Jeremy Linearthbendinglemur 86 指標 18小時前

woah, I had no idea they were together


[–]Lakersshocksweg 140 指標 17小時前

Not really surprising, I guess


[–][BOS] Guerschon YabuseleJimboujee 1736 指標 22小時前

Serge from Congo, moved to Spain as a teenager

So in chronological order, he learned French, Spanish and English


[–]Raptorsraptosaurus 927 指標 20小時前

You can definitely tell, his English is the worst out of the 3.


[–]HornetsYizWasHere 1954 指標 20小時前

And he speaks Spanish with a French accent lmao.


[–]RocketsLebronJamesHarden 291 指標 19小時前

Spanish with a French accent sounds so weird, even more so than Americans speaking Spanish IMO. But the opposite (Spanish speakers speaking French) sounds a lot less strange to me.


[–]Warriorsjralha 150 指標 15小時前

French has a pretty characteristic pronunciation of words, it"s pretty hard for native French speaker to lose their accents when speaking foreign languages.


[–]Rocketsis_a_socialist 75 指標 17小時前

It threw me off when he started speaking in Spanish. I』m not fluent, by any means, but I can understand most of what is said to me in Spanish, but it took me a second to catch what he was saying because of his accent. It sounded more Portuguese/French at first.


[–]CavaliersLeHova 73 指標 18小時前

My first language is Spanish and he definitely speaks "worse" Spanish than English. But I understood him so that"s what"s important.


[–]Warriorsbobsil1 122 指標 20小時前

Wakandan accent on point tho


[–]LakersAnxiousYak 1873 指標 22小時前

I』ve never regretted not keeping up my Duolingo streak as much as I do right now.




[–]RaptorsSelfShine 212 指標 20小時前

does that really work? I"d like to learn more


[–]LakersAnxiousYak 353 指標 20小時前

I tried learning Spanish but didn』t keep up with it. A friend of mine is poly-lingual though and she』s used it to become at least proficient in one or two languages.


[–]Pelicansblakemann 124 指標 18小時前

Duolingo is great for getting a very basic understanding of pronunciation, common phrases, and grammar, but you can"t really get that far by only using duolingo


[–]RaptorsKheten 229 指標 19小時前

Honestly the best way is to find someone who is willing to have a conversation. Mundane everyday talks will do way more for anyone trying to learn a language than any set of instruction ever could.


[–][MIN] Kevin Garnettbson612 183 指標 18小時前

Can confirm. My coworkers from Ecuador and all shift long he teaches me Spanish and I teach him English. We』re both getting better and can carry conversations in the others language now


[–]Warriorswafino1 96 指標 17小時前

I guess the only con is, all the Spanish-speakers you talk to from now on will say how you have an Ecuadorean accent, but at least it"s authentic.


[–]Knicksajonstage 107 指標 20小時前

It can be an okay compliment to a language learning program but it"s no substitute for a real language class + immersive practice.

It spends way too much time teaching you useless vocabulary/phrases - I finished most of DuoLingo Spanish a couple years ago and they kept making me say THE TURTLE EATS RICE.



Ultimately DuoLingo"s goal is to make you more proficient at translating web content, which is how they make money. But translating and speaking a second language are different skills, and you shouldn"t really learn a second language via translation from your first.


I"m not just saying all this because I"m salty - I am already fluent in Italian, which I learned after 6 years of traditional middle/high school classes and now almost 2 years of living in Italy.


[–]NBANinjaxNinja 161 指標 20小時前

best way to learn a foreign language is get a foreign girlfriend. if that doesn"t work, marry her and have your mother in law who only speaks her native language move in.

source: I can finally kick my mother in law out in her own language



[–]ThunderKapUSMC 36 指標 19小時前

Doesn"t have a mother in law that only speaks a different language incentivize not leaning it?


[–]NBANinjaxNinja 54 指標 19小時前

god damn it... where where you 4 years ago


[–]RaptorsKibago 866 指標 22小時前

Ibaka ending up in a city like Toronto makes a lot of sense to me.


[–]yepyougotit 191 指標 17小時前

Yeah. Most internationally diverse city I"ve ever been to. Most competitive rival is Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia given it"s location between China and India, and its history as a cultural melting pot


[–]junweimah 80 指標 16小時前

Wow damn. Never thought I"ll see my city mentioned in r/nba comment. Are you Malaysian?


[–]yepyougotit 22 指標 11小時前

Nope, Canadian teacher in Asia. Been all around these parts


[–][HOU] Hakeem OlajuwonBradGroux 43 指標 13小時前

Houston, Texas of all places is extremely diverse. Believe it or not, Houston is the most ethnically diverse large metropolitan area in the US.


Within two miles of my house, I have huge cultural centers for China, Korea, Vietnam, Pakistan, India, Western Africa and Latin America. My zip code, is just 6% white... Needless to say, I am fat from all of the great food.




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