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Is it still okay to ask a colleague out on a date? Yes, but only once, according to Facebook and Google.



The office has always been a reliable place to meet a partner.


A 2017 Career Builder survey found that as many as 41% of workers have dated a colleague — and that nearly one-third of those relationships ended in marriage.

2017年,求職網站Career Builder的一項研究結果表明,41%的員工都曾與同事約過會,其中近三分之一的人最終都步入了婚姻殿堂。

Yet as sexual-harassment scandals continue to unfold in a range of industries, men and women alike may be justifiably concerned about blurring the lines between their personal and professional lives.


Yoree Koh and Rachel Feintzeig at The Wall Street Journal report that Facebook and Alphabet"s Google have landed on a seemingly sensible approach to modern-day office romance. Employees at the two tech giants are allowed to ask out a coworker just once. If the person turns them down, they do not get to ask again.

據《華爾街日報》記者高友麗(Yoree Koh)和瑞切爾·芬特澤格(Rachel Feintzeig)報道,Facebook和Alphabet公司旗下的谷歌針對現代辦公室戀情,採取了一種看似合乎情理的手段。這兩家科技巨頭允許員工邀請同事出去約一次會,如果對方拒絕,就不可以再約第二次。

"Ambiguous" responses — like "I"m busy," or "I can"t that night" — count as a "no," Heidi Swartz, Facebook"s global head of employment law, told The Journal.

Facebook全球就業法律主管海蒂·斯沃茨(Heidi Swartz)在接受《華爾街日報》採訪時表示:「我很忙」或者「那天晚上不行」之類的「含糊」回答也被看作是一種拒絕。

Facebook employees don"t have to report the date to human resources, even if one person is more senior than another, The Journal reports. But if there"s a clear conflict of interest and the employees don"t disclose the relationship to human resources, "disciplinary action" will follow.


It"s important to know your company"s policy on intra-office dating before you start a relationship with a coworker.


For those of us who don"t work at Facebook or Google, it"s still important to think carefully about making romantic overtures at work. Brittany Wong at HuffPost recommends checking what HR policies your company does have — and following them.

即使不是在Facebook或谷歌工作,在職場中發出約會邀請時也要保持謹慎。《赫芬頓郵報》記者布蘭妮·王(Brittany Wong)建議,員工應查閱並遵守公司人力資源部門制定的政策。

Wong also spoke to experts who advise against asking someone out at work or in a communal area. "Be ready to give the person an easy out if they"re not interested," one expert told HuffPost.


To be sure, even the clearest HR guidelines can still be interpreted in different ways.


The Journal spoke to Anna Wood, the founder and CEO of Brains Over Blonde who worked at Google for four years. Wood said she"d found herself on "accidental dates," meaning she thought it was an after-work drink with a co-worker and the co-worker had something more romantic in mind.

《華爾街日報》採訪了Brains Over Blonde的創始人兼首席執行官安娜·伍德(Anna Wood),她曾在谷歌工作過四年。伍德表示,她曾發現自己好幾次「不小心被約會」,她以為只是下班後和同事喝一杯,沒想到同事卻希望能有進一步的發展。

Even after a relationship starts at work, certain rules still apply. As Business Insider previously reported, you and your partner should get on the same page about what you"ll do if rumors start to spread — or if you break up.

即使是辦公室戀情,某些規則仍能適用。商業內幕網(Business Insider)此前曾報道稱,如果謠言四起,又或者已經分手,你和伴侶應該就如何處理問題達成一致的看法。

Consider, too, what you"ll do if things work out: Will one of you leave the company to avoid the relationship interfering with work? As Lynn Taylor previously told Business Insider, if "love happens to strike at work, don"t make a concerted effort to fight it at any cost. Just know the risks."

當然,也要考慮如果兩人進展順利又該怎麼辦:是否需要其中一人離開公司,來避免感情與工作上的衝突?林恩·泰勒(Lynn Taylor)在接受商業內幕網採訪時曾表示,如果「在工作中碰撞出了愛情的火花,不要不惜代價地去壓抑自己的情感。只需了解其中的風險即可」。

初譯 | 張思琦

審校 | 庄佳豪

定稿 | 庄佳豪



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