首頁 > 最新 > 這年頭當吃貨都一定要懂這麼多嗎?


Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I』m Neil.


And I』m Rob.


Now Rob, you look like you enjoy a good meal.


Well, I do like eating out.And I like to think I know a good meal when I have one.


Well, that should give you an advantage with today』s quiz. In 2016, which is the last year we have statistics for, how many restaurants and mobile food services were there in the UK?Was it: a) about 75,000, b) about 83,000, or c) about 93,000 ?

好吧,那你回答今天的問題應該有優勢。2016年即我們最近一年的數據顯示,英國有多少家飯店和移動餐飲服務?是a) 大約75,000, b) 大約83,000, 還是c) about 93,000 ?

Well, I know there are a lot, so I』m going to say 93,000, but that is just a guess.


I』ll reveal the answer a little later in the programme. Today we』re talking about being a foodie. Rob, what is a foodie?


Well, I would describe a foodie as someone who has a strong interest in food. They like preparing it as well as eating it. They like using good ingredients and they』re probably not fans of fast food.


Angela Hartnett is one of Britain』s top chefs. In the BBC podcast The Bottom Line she talked about this topic. In this first clip how does she describe people who say they are foodies?

安吉拉?哈特尼特是英國頂級廚師之一。在BBC播客The Bottom Line中,她談到了這個話題。在首個片段中她是如何形容自稱吃貨的人?

I think people who say they are foodies buy the books, watch TV and will cook a little bit.


She is saying that people who say they are foodies may not actually know that much about food. They buy books and watch cookery programmes on TV and will cook a little bit.


『A little bit』 is a common phrase that means 『a small amount』.And if you do something a little bit, it means you don』t do it a lot. You could just say 『a little』, but adding 『bit』 to the phrase makes it very natural.

"A little bit"是一個常見片語,意思是「少量」。並且如果你少量做某事,指的就是你沒有做很多。你可以只說"a little",但是這個片語加上"bit"上會讓它非常自然。

Well, we heard a little bit of Angela Hartnett there. Let』s hear more now. What』s her description of a foodie?


My idea of a foodie is the very European idea that people go and shop every day, they understand one end of a pig from another. And maybe that』s a bit romantic. But I look at my mother, I look at my grandmother and our background, you know, they made food, they knew about what was expensive, they knew about quality and stuff like that.


Rob, do you know one end of a pig from another?


Well, I hope so.But the point Angela Hartnett is making is that a true foodie has a good understanding, for example, of the different parts of an animal that are used in cooking and what they are used for. She says that idea might be a bit romantic.


We normally think of the word romantic when we are talking about love and relationships.But that』s not what it means here, is it?


No. Romantic can also describe a pleasant ideal - an imaginary perfect way of life that forgets about the difficult things of everyday existance.


Let』s hear some more from chef Angela Hartnett now. What is she worried about?


I think we think we』re foodies. But I think food is expensive in this country. I don』t think it』s affordable for lots of people. And I think we are in danger of not knowing, you know, how to cook any more, how to make a meal for a family four for five pounds.


So Rob, what is Angela Hartnett worried about?


She commented that food was very expensive here in Britain. Many people don』t have enough money to buy it, as she said it』s not affordable. She thinks we might be in danger of not being able to feed our families cheaply.


Can you say a bit more about the phrase 「in danger of」?

你能多說說一點"in danger of"這個片語嗎?

Sure, the phrase to be in danger of is followed by a gerund. And it means that there is the possibility of something bad happening. It』s not happened yet, but it could happen.


Thanks, Rob. Right, well, we』re in danger of running out of time, so let』s get to the answer to the question I asked at the start of the programme. I asked how many restaurants or mobile food services there were in the UK in 2016.


And I said – it was a guess – 93,000. Was I right?


I』m afraid you』re 10,000 out! The answer is approximately 83,000.


Right. Well, I』ve still got a few more to get to before I can tick them all off my list!


Me too! Well, before we go, let』s recap the words and phrases we talked about today. The first wasfoodie.


Yes, foodie is a modern word to describe someone who is very interested in all aspects of food, from buying, preparing and cooking to eating.


And someone who may or may not know which end of a pig is which!


I think you』re being a little bit silly there, aren』t you?


Well,a little bitwas our next phrase, wasn』t it?

好吧,"a little bit"是我們下一個片語,不是嗎?

Yes, a little bit, a very simple but a very natural conversational phrase. That means a small amount.


The next word was the adjective -romantic. Not used in the context of love here though, was it?


No, it wasn』t. A romantic idea here is one that is not realistic but is an imagined perfect situation. For example, we have a very romantic view of our childhoods when every Christmas was a white Christmas and every summer holiday was baking hot and spent on the beach. Of course, it wasn』t like that at all. In reality both Christmas and summer were cold and rainy.

不,不是用於愛情。這裡romantic idea是非真實,想像出來的理想狀態。例如,我們童年的時候會假想每個聖誕節都會下雪,每個暑假都是炙熱的並在海灘上度過。當然,事實上完全不是那樣的。事實上聖誕節和夏天是寒冷多雨的。

Then we had the adjectiveaffordable, for something we have enough money to buy. Finally the phrase to bein danger of.


Yes, meaning the possibility of something bad happening.


Well, that』s it for this programme. For more, you can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and our YouTube pages and of course our website bbclearningenglish.com where you can find all kinds of videos and audio programmes and activities to help you improve your English. Thanks for joining us and bye!




Well, I have to say, I』m a little bit hungry. And if I don』t get some food soon, I』m in danger of getting very grumpy.


You』re always grumpy, Neil. But there is a very affordable café around the corner. Let』s head over there now, shall we?




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