首頁 > 寵物 > 養法斗的才會懂這些話!




2. Give me time to understand what you want from me

I don』t always get it right on the first try, but I promise I』m trying as hard as I can

2. 給我一點時間,讓我明白你想要我做什麼


3. Give me your trust

Just like I trust you, I need you to trust me, too



4. Don』t be angry with me for too long

And please don』t lock me up to punish me. You have your friends and family to keep you happy and entertained. I just have you

4. 不要一直生我的氣


5. Take me inside when the weather gets bad

The backyard doesn』t have air conditioning or a heater. You don』t have to let me on the couch, but a small part of the kitchen is much better than sleeping in the snow

5. 天氣惡劣時帶我進房間


6. Talk to me

Sure, we don』t speak the same language, but the sound of your voice brightens my whole day

6. 和我說話


7. Comfort me when I』m scared

You know a lot more about loud noises, strange people, and new places than I do. I need to know that you』ll protect me from them. I always feel safer when I』m with you

7. 在我害怕的時候安慰我


8. Remember that I』ll never forget how you treat me

Teach me that humans are made of love, not pain. And don』t ever let me forget it

8. 我永遠不會忘記你是如何對我


9. Come outside with me

The sights, sounds, and scents of nature are some of my greatest pleasures in life. I don』t care if we play, go for a walk, or just sit under a tree together — I want you to experience them with me

9. 帶我一起出去玩


10. Let me make new friends

Introduce me to other dogs, cats, or even bigger animals. We might now get along in the end, but having some more friends that look and smell like me makes my life that much brighter

10. 給我介紹更多的新朋友




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