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美國徳克薩斯州奧斯汀分校有一位偉大的心理學家,年紀輕輕的他發現了一個秘密:受過創傷的人如果像祥林嫂般四處講述自己的故事,會比那些把事情默默藏在心中的人要更加健康。這讓他意識到語言表達的神奇功效,並開始在意大家說的每一個小詞:I、He、She。從此,一發不可收拾,他深深得迷上了一件事情: 數單詞,是的,你沒看錯,這一數就是20年的春夏秋冬。這一數就開闢出了語言學研究的新陣地。



A Sample Text Corpus Analysis in LIWC

Because it is hard for the human brain to count and compare all the I』s, a』s and the』s in a sample of speech or writing, Dr. Pennebaker had to invent a software program to do it. The program,Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count(LIWC, pronounced luke), contains a vast dictionary, with each word assigned to one or more categories.

There are social words (talk, they), biological words (cheek, hands, spit), 「insight」 words (think, know, consider) and dozens of other groupings. LIWC compares a text sample to its dictionary and, within seconds, provides a readout of how many words appear in each category.



To test-drive the program, Dr. Pennebaker, a pioneer in the field of therapeutic writing, asked a group of people recovering from serious illness or other trauma to engage in a series of writing exercises. The word tallies showed thatthose whose health was improving tended to decrease their use of first-person pronounsthrough the course of the study.


Health improvements were also seen among people whose use of causal words — because, cause, effect — increased. Simply ruminating about an experience without trying to understand the causes is less likely to lead to psychological growth, he explained; the subjects who used causal words 「were changing the way they were thinking about things.」

使用because, cause, effect等因果詞頻率增加的人,健康狀況也隨之改善。僅僅思考一次經歷,而不去理解起因,不太能夠改善患者的心理狀況。他解釋道「使用因果詞的受試者正在改變他們理解事情的方式。」

Dr. Pennebaker has conducted numerous studies since then, all of them demonstrating that it』s not just what we say that matters but how we say it. Where traditional linguistics 「is really more interested in context, how sentences are put together and what a meaningful phrase is,」 he said, 「our approach is simply counting words.」



In study after study, the articles and pronouns, which text analysts often call 「junk words,」 have proved crucial. For example, Dr. Pennebaker has found thatmen tend to use more articles(a, the) andwomen tend to use more pronouns(he, she, they). The difference, he says, may suggest thatmen are more prone to concrete thinking and women are more likely to see things from other perspectives.



Still, the technique is drawing attention from a variety of sectors. Dr. Pennebaker has received a grant from the Army Research Institute to study the language of social dynamics, particularly how leaders use language. Joseph Psotka, a research psychologist at the institute, said that over time, this kind of study 「could be veryhelpful for training and leadership development, but precisely how we don』t know yet.」

目前,該技術吸粉無數,教授爺爺甚至得到軍方研究機構授權,研究語言的社會動態,特別是領導人使用的語言。該機構的心理學家Joseph Psotka指出:「這類研究未來有助於推進培訓和領導力發展,但我們目前還不知道該怎樣做。」






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