首頁 > 新聞 > 長得好看&說得好聽,牛津華裔女辯手迷倒外國網友,你長得美說啥都對


在2月份牛津大學舉行的辯論賽上,來自聖凱瑟琳學院的華裔Cecilia Zhao作為反方辯手發言,她颱風穩健、妙語連珠。這段視頻被上傳到網上後,網友的注意力都不在她說了什麼上,而是她的外貌上。你願意聽聽她說了什麼嗎?

part 1

part 2

part 3



一名叫做Collected Reader在YouTube視頻下回復稱,她說什麼我一點都沒聽見,但我完全同意。


根據Facebook上的信息,Cecilia Zhao住在英國利茲,高中畢業於Woodhouse Grove School。這是一所寄宿制貴族學校,校友中出了大批的運動明星和政客、文人。





Cecilia Zhao, who hails from St. Catherine』s College, opened the case for opposition:

「The contemporary state is powerful, overreaching, and often imperfect in terms of accountability. Elections are flawed, political appeals lack transparency, and powerful individuals are capable of shaping policies. Yet, despite such imperfections and beneficence, we do not view the modern state as a threat.

「Indeed, the states offer protection for large proportions of the population through the police force and judiciary, offer support for the vulnerable minorities through the welfare system, and pioneer innovation through subsidizing entrepreneurship and education.」

「I agree with many of the proposition』s points that tech empires can be unaccountable, that they can elect transparency, that indeed, in certain extreme cases, insidious motives may prevail and cause some inconveniences. But [unintelligible] the proposition is more than that.

「It is to show that they exist no ways, no reasons, and no methods for us to hold tech empires to account. That in the face of rising prospects and benefits tech empires offer us, we resort to defeatist attitude of viewing them as threats. Instead, we should view them as potential allies, or at the least, manageable challenges.」

「My argument today is simple: acknowledge that tech empires can be dangerous, can cause inconveniences, and can be problematic. But more importantly, I would like to propose how society is not static, and how we can offer adequate insurance against even the most adverse impacts [unintelligible].

「It is essential that we weigh these minor harms against the improvements, communication, information processing, [and] entertainment that concretely benefit our everyday lives.」

While Zhao undeniably made strong arguments throughout her speech, they weren』t the focus of the conversation misogynists were having in the comment section, choosing instead to focus on her looks.





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