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Jack Ma:Core technology capability is more important than market value

(Chinese Version)

「I think, a large enterprise not merely equals one on a huge scale or with excellent performance and the large-captured market, moreover, taking on heavy responsibilities and possessing an overall vision,」 Jack Ma said.

「The real large enterprises do not depend on how much market share they win, but whether they master key technologies or not. China needs a group of responsible enterprises to lead to a revolution in core technologies.」

The executive chairman of Alibaba Group Jack Ma said these in his speech for the first Digital China Summit held in Fuzhou, Fujian province.

According to Ma, there are a huge number of vibrant companies serving as the main force of innovation but fewer ones holding technologies. 「I think, a large enterprise not merely equals one on a huge scale or with excellent performance and the large-captured market, moreover, taking on heavy responsibilities and possessing an overall vision.」

He deems it is currently crucial that Internet technology is bringing about revolutions deeply into traditional industries. Therefore, decisions made today will be influencing the next thirty years, or even longer.

In Ma』s analysis, in the next thirty years, data will become means of production, calculation will be productive forces, and the Internet is to perform as relations of production.

「If we do not accept digitalisation nowadays, not make use of the Internet or not welcome the change, the situation will be much more terrible than it was thirty years before when we had no electricity. Imagination we have today cannot limit our future.」




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