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第21屆 Andrew Martin 國際室內設計大獎


Martin Brudnizki Studio是一家國際知名的室內建築和設計工作室,總部設在倫敦和紐約。該團隊由Martin Brudnizki於2000年創建,由70多名室內設計師,建築師,照明設計師,產品設計師和藝術顧問組成,並具有創建酒店,餐廳,酒吧,私人會員俱樂部的經驗。Martin Brudnizki Studio is an internationally renowned interior architecture and design studio headquartered in London and New York. The team was created in 2000 by Martin Brudnizki and consists of more than 70 interior designers, architects, lighting designers, product designers and art consultants, and has experience in creating hotels, restaurants, bars, and private member clubs.



Martin was born in Stockholm and his passion for design started in his youth. His mother is a stylist and his father is a mechanical engineer. The combination of these elements embeds a deep understanding of aesthetics and a functional basis.

After earning a degree in economics from Stockholm University, Martin studied indoor architecture at an American university in London. He was highly acclaimed by various architects including Carlos Capa, Paul Dreypirin, and Dorothy Draper. Inspired by the designer. After a number of successful positions at a well-known interior design company, Martin established his own studio of the same name in London in 2000 and established a New York studio in 2012.



Pink Mamma餐廳

Pink Mamma Restaurant

醒目的粉色外牆,不同的材質及花紋壁紙貫穿其中,翠綠的植物帶來了新的生命力,大膽的撞色令空間更生幾分活力!The eye-catching pink exterior walls, different materials and pattern wallpapers run through them, the green plants bring new vitality, and the bold color hitting makes the space rejuvenate.


Aquavit Nordic Restaurant

受到Gunnar Asplund瑞典哥德堡市政廳建築設計的啟發,Aquavit展示了一個充滿自然光線和簡單美感的廣闊用餐空間,完美體現了斯堪的納維亞半島。玫瑰金鏡面和木鑲板的弧形參數構成了位於夾層樓的兩個私人用餐室,而瑞典原產的大理石石材則覆蓋了整個底層。Inspired by Gunnar Asplund"s architectural design of the Gothenburg Town Hall in Sweden, Aquavit showcases a vast dining space filled with natural light and simple beauty that perfectly embodies the Scandinavian peninsula. The curved parameters of rose gold mirrors and wood panels constitute the two private dining rooms on the mezzanine floor, while the Swedish native marble stone covers the entire ground floor.

Temple Court酒店

Temple Court Hotel

比克曼酒店是位於曼哈頓金融區附近的湯普森酒店,擁有287間客房。 最初名為Temple Court,建於1881年,以美國安妮女王風格建造,建築豐富的建築歷史引導了酒店的設計。從其獨特的外觀,到內部破舊的維多利亞內部的美景,比克曼酒店是一家擁有出處的酒店,其全新的室內設計也為這個故事增色不少。The Beekman Hotel is a Thompson hotel located near Manhattan"s financial district and has 287 rooms. Originally named Temple Court, built in 1881, built in the style of Queen Anne of the United States, the architecturally rich architectural history has guided the design of the hotel. From its unique appearance to the beautiful interior of the old Victorian interior, the Beekman Hotel is a well-established hotel, and its new interior design adds a lot to this story.



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