Journal of Virology:中國學者在豬流行性腹瀉病毒致病機制研究方面取得新進展
導 讀
豬流行性腹瀉病毒(Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus, PEDV)是引起豬流行性腹瀉病等腸道疾病的一種動物冠狀病毒,是危害我國及世界養豬業的重要病毒性病原。2018年4月25日,Journal of Virology雜誌在線發表了中國農業大學動物醫學院豬病研究團隊題為The Sgene is necessary but not sufficient for the virulence of porcine epidemicdiarrhea virus novel variant strain BJ2011C的研究論文。研究揭示了豬流行性腹瀉病毒(PEDV)流行毒株毒力是多因子作用結果,其中,S基因僅是BJ2011C株致病的必要條件,結構蛋白編碼區促進PEDV在仔豬腸道內定殖,並和3UTR協同作用,影響病毒致病力,為闡明PEDV流行毒株的致病機制提供了科學依據,並為PEDV疫苗設計提供了重要的思路。
豬流行性腹瀉病毒(Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus, PEDV)為有囊膜的單股正鏈RNA病毒,屬套式病毒目α冠狀病毒屬,自上世紀80年代初在我國發現以來,一直呈散發性流行。PEDV感染以豬只後表現為的急性腸炎、腹瀉、嘔吐、脫水等臨床特徵,即為豬流行性腹瀉。
結 語
The recently emerged highly virulent variants of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) have caused colossal economic losses to the worldwide swine industry. In this study, we investigated the viral virulence determinants by constructing a series of chimeric mutants between thehighly virulent strain BJ2011C and avirulent strain CHM2013. When tested in the 2-day-old piglet model, WT BJ2011C caused severe diarrhea and death of the pig lets within 72 hours. In contrast, its chimeric derivative carrying the Sgene from CHM2013 (BJ2011C-SCHM) was avirulent to the piglets. Moreover,reciprocal substitution with BJ2011C S gene (CHM2013-SBJ) did not enable CHM2013 to gain any virulence. However, when swapped with the whole structural protein-coding region of BJ2011C (CHM2013-SPBJ), CHM2013 started to gain theability to efficiently colonize the intestinal tract and caused diarrhea ofpiglets. A further gain of virulence required additional acquisition of 3』 UTRof BJ2011C and the resulted virus (CHM2013-SP+3UTRBJ) caused more severe diarrhea and death of piglets. Together, our findings suggest that the virulence of PEDV epidemic strains is a multigenic event and the S gene is onlyone of the necessary determinants.
1. Li J, Jin Z, Gao Y, Zhou L, Ge X, Guo X, Han J,Yang H. Development of the full-length cDNA clones of two porcine epidemicdiarrhea disease virus isolates with different virulence. PLoS One. 2017 Mar16;12(3):e0173998.
2. Wang D, Ge X, Chen D, Li J, Cai Y, Deng J, ZhouL, Guo X, Han J, Yang H. The S gene is necessary but not sufficient for thevirulence of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus novel variant strain BJ2011C. JVirol. 2018 Apr 25.
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