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Designing an Indoor Garden Oasis 設計一個室內花園

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Environmental & Health Blog; follow 52 weeks of challenges this 2018 to being healthier & making the world better!


Never Be the Same

 Never Be the Same

Camila Cabello 


Week 16

Designing an Indoor Garden Oasis


Duplicating Mother Nature indoors for our plant friends can take some time and planning. If you"re interested in creating a successful indoor garden, whether for the beauty of flowers or to grow produce for you kitchen, our tips today may help you create a lively indoor garden.


First: Decide on your container and space


When gardening indoors, there are two general styles of gardening; container gardening, and hydroponic gardening. We???re going to focus on container gardening because it???s the simplest. Collect tins, plastic/glass bottles, bags, egg cartons, planter pots or bowls, anything that can hold soil.


Now choose an area that has lots of windows and sunlight, if possible near a window to allow for more heat and sunlight. Avoid rooms that have cold temperatures or that are near air vents or fans, as these can dry out your plants and cause damage to them.


Second: Control the environment


Your garden, your reign. Temperature, water, and soil are your gardens survival necessity"s, and they will vary slightly depending on the plants you decide to grow and the location you place them. Know which of your plants needs are so you can help them flourish in your home!


Third: Picking your plants


Now before you run off to the store and start buying everything pretty or plentiful in sight, know that some plants are easy to grow indoors while others may struggle or take more time.


If you???re interested in having more home grown veggies, try; lettuce, chilies, carrots, eggplants, cabbage, potatoes, onions, beans, peas, and mushrooms, and fruits like strawberries, and tomatoes.


For herbs; basil, bay, chives, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, tarragon, and thyme and mint.


For more of a flowery show peace lilies, African violet, marigold, begonia, lavender, cactus, and succulents are nice options.


Now that you???ve got the basics- get started! Choose your pot, get your potting mix, set up your system, and maintain your plants with sunshine, water, love and care.


Extra tips小提示:

If you notice any plants with brown spots, that are wilting, or are clearly dying, remove them from the rest in case they carry a disease or pest that might spread.

You can incorporate compost or fertilizer into the containers every few months to help supply the plants with nutrients. If you have a drip irrigation system, you can dose a liquid fertilizer in the system every few weeks to keep plants going strong.

You can set your pots in trays of rocks so that the water that drains out will provide humidity for them as they grow.




Sources: https://www.wikihow.com/Design-a-Successful-Indoor-Garden



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