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macOS:使瀏覽屏幕的內容更輕鬆 Make it easier to see what』s on the screen

macOS Sierra: 使瀏覽屏幕的內容更輕鬆



讓桌面較不透明:選取蘋果菜單 >「系統偏好設置」,點按「輔助功能」,點按「顯示器」,然後選擇「減少透明度」。桌面和應用窗口的透明區域將變灰。


讓邊框較暗:選取蘋果菜單 >「系統偏好設置」,點按「輔助功能」,點按「顯示器」,然後選擇「提高對比度」。macOS 會自動減少透明度並且讓桌面上的按鈕、框和其他項目的邊框更加清晰。

使顏色在夜間更護眼:您可以使用 Night Shift 以使屏幕顏色變暖,這樣有助於保護眼睛。

使指針變大:選取蘋果菜單 >「系統偏好設置」,點按「輔助功能」,點按「顯示器」,然後根據需要向右移動「游標大小」滑塊。

【提示】如果在屏幕上看不到指針,請在觸控板上快速移動您的手指或者快速移動滑鼠,指針會暫時變大,方便您看見。若要關閉此功能,請選取蘋果菜單 >「系統偏好設置」,點按「輔助功能」,點按「顯示器」,然後取消選擇「搖動滑鼠指針以定位」。



增加其他應用中的文本大小:在許多應用中,可以按下 Command-加號鍵 (+) 或 Command-減號鍵 (–) 來調整文本大小。如果這不起作用,請檢查應用的偏好設置。例如,在 iTunes 的「通用」偏好設置中,可以增加列表視圖的文本大小。

增加桌面上的圖標和圖標文本的大小:按住 Control 鍵點按桌面,選取「查看顯示選項」,然後向右移動「圖標大小」滑塊。點按「文本大小」彈出式菜單,然後選取一種文本大小。

增加 Finder 文件夾中的圖標和圖標文本的大小:在 Finder 中選擇文件夾,然後選取「顯示」>「查看顯示選項」。您正使用的視圖確定增加大小的方式。


對於「列表」或「Cover Flow」視圖,選擇「圖標大小」右側較大的圖標大小。點按「文本大小」彈出式菜單,然後選取一種文本大小。


增加 Finder 和「郵件」邊欄中項目的大小:選取蘋果菜單 >「系統偏好設置」,點按「通用」,點按「邊欄圖標大小」彈出式菜單,然後選取「大」。

放大屏幕:選取蘋果菜單 >「系統偏好設置」,點按「輔助功能」,然後點按「縮放」。


選擇「使用鍵盤快捷鍵來縮放」時,可以按下 Option-Command-等號鍵縮放。

選擇「配合修飾鍵使用滾動手勢來縮放」時,可以按住 Control 鍵(或其他修飾鍵)並使用兩個手指在觸控板上向上輕掃來縮放。

放大 Safari 中的網頁:在 Safari 中,選取「顯示」>「放大」,或者按下 Command-加號鍵 (+)。您可以選取「放大」或者按下 Command-加號鍵多次以繼續放大。如果只想縮放文本而非圖像,請選取「僅縮放文本」。

macOS Sierra: Make it easier to see what』s on the screen

If you』re having trouble seeing items on the screen, try these suggestions.

Make the desktop less transparent:Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Accessibility, click Display, then select 「Reduce transparency.」 The transparent areas of the desktop and app windows become gray.

Choose a desktop picture with fewer colors or shapes:Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Desktop & Screen Saver, click Desktop, browse through the picture folders on the left, then select a less busy picture or a solid color on the right.

Make borders darker:Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Accessibility, click Display, then select 「Increase contrast.」 macOS automatically reduces transparency and makes the borders of buttons, boxes, and other items on the screen more visible.

Make colors easier on your eyes at night:You may be able to use Night Shift to make the colors on the screen warmer, which is easier on your eyes.

Make the pointer bigger:Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Accessibility, click Display, then move the Cursor Size slider to the right as far as you need.

Tip:If you lose track of the pointer on the screen, quickly move your finger on the trackpad or quickly move the mouse—the pointer briefly gets bigger so you can see it. To turn this feature off, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Accessibility, click Display, then deselect 「Shake mouse pointer to locate.」

Increase the text size of emails in Mail:In Mail, choose Mail > Preferences, click Fonts & Colors, click Select next to 「Message font,」 then select a font size in the Fonts window.

Increase the text size of messages in Messages:In Messages, choose Messages > Preferences, click General, then move the 「Text size」 slider to the right.

Increase the text size in other apps:In many apps, you can press Command-Plus (+) or Command-Minus (–) to adjust text size. If that doesn』t work, check the app』s preferences. For example, in iTunes General preferences, you can increase the text size for list views.

Increase the size of icons and icon text on the desktop:Control-click the desktop, choose Show View Options, then move the 「Icon size」 slider to the right. Click the 「Text size」 pop-up menu, then choose a text size.

Increase the size of icons and icon text in a Finder folder:Select the folder in the Finder, then choose View > Show View Options. The view you』re using determines how you increase the size.

For Icon view, move the 「Icon size」 slider to the right. Click the 「Text size」 pop-up menu, then choose a text size.

For List or Cover Flow view, select the larger icon size to the right of 「Icon size.」 Click the 「Text size」 pop-up menu, then choose a text size.

For Column view, click the 「Text size」 pop-up menu, then choose a text size. You can』t choose an icon size.

Increase the size of items in the Finder and Mail sidebars:Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click General, click the 「Sidebar icon size」 pop-up menu, then choose Large.

Zoom in on the screen:Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Accessibility, then click Zoom.

For more information, see Zoom preferences.

When 「Use keyboard shortcuts to zoom」 is selected, you can zoom by pressing Option-Command-Equal Sign.

When 「Use scroll gesture with modifier keys to zoom」 is selected, you can zoom in by pressing and holding the Control key (or another modifier key) and swiping up with two fingers on your trackpad.

Zoom in on webpages in Safari:In Safari, choose View > Zoom In, or press Command-Plus (+). You can choose Zoom In or press Command-Plus multiple times to continue zooming in. If you want to zoom just the text and not images, choose Zoom Text Only.



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