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順豐航空不懈努力 追求卓越


As a member of S.F. Group, SF Airlines engages in providing air cargo service for S.F. shipments, which is key assurance of the core competence of S.F. express business as well as the powerful extension of the S.F. brand.

順豐航空從中國南方航空購買了第一架飛機——波音757-200,並且將其改裝成運力超20噸的全貨機。業內人士表示:「貨運航空不需引進新飛機,一般用舊飛機改裝,而且20多噸的載量,經濟性非常好。」 順豐航空目前擁有以B767、B757和B737機型為主的全貨機機隊。順豐航空現主要運營基地位於深圳寶山國際機場,其構建了一個交通運輸網,以深圳為中心輻射到整個國家。隨著順豐集團的業務增長,這個交通運輸網在將來也將會有更進一步的發展。

SF Airlines purchased its first aircraft, a Boeing 757-200 passenger aircraft, from China Southern Airlines and converted it into a full cargo aircraft with a capacity of more than 20 tons. " 「Cargo Airlines do not require the introduction of new aircraft, as they generally use the ones converted from old aircraft. Those converted freighters have a capacity of more than 20 tons, which is very economical」 according to insiders. SF Airlines currently owns a cargo aircraft fleet including B767, B757 and B737. With its main operating site based in Shenzhen Bao"an International Airport, SF Airlines is building a transportation network, taking Shenzhen as a center and radiating toward to the whole country. In the future, this transportation network will be further developed and perfected as S.F."s business grows.


Since SF Airlines was established in 2009, it has gained huge success. From 2010 to 2013, SF Airlines was named "Standard Unit in Safety and Responsibility Assessment" by the Civil Aviation Administration of Southeast China for four years in a row. Furthermore,SF participated in earthquake relief two times. In 2010, SF Airlines began its first flight to the plateau area of Yushu, Qinghai to deliver earthquake relief materials. In 2015, SF delivered relief supplies to earthquake-stricken Nepal. Not only does SF make great achievements in business, but also it shoulders the social responsibility at the same time.


In the past year, SF Airlines fulfilled all missions well, and it still kept advancing. In 2017, SF had its transport capacity upgraded after going public. Furthermore, the airline was rated as a National 5A-grade Logistics Enterprise in the same year.


SF Airlines officially launched the 「Nanning-Dhaka」 international freight chartered route, being the second following the chartered air freight route from Nanning to Hong Kong launched in 2017.


On January 11, the airline launched the 「Shenzhen-Changchun-Ulan Bator-Shenyang」 international freight route with B757-200 freighters, which further improves the international freight route layout and development of SF"s international business.


On January 22, SF Airlines smoothly launched the "Lhasa-Chengdu" all-cargo air route, officially starting its periodic flight to Tibet with SF"s own air transportation. The route is carried by SFL B757-200 all-cargo aircraft and is expected to achieve normal operation in April 2018.


On January 26, SF Airlines made its maiden flight in Ningxia, marking another launch of freight route linking Northwest China and East China. The new route will be flown by a B737-300 freighter, whose maximum payload is nearly 14 tons.


Brookfield Aviation offers great opportunities for B757/B767/N737 Captains, with SF Airlines, based in Shenzhen and near to Hong Kong.

作者:Yuhuan Wang

翻譯:Yuhuan Wang

編輯:Yuhuan Wang

校審:Fei Xu


Brookfield Aviation




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