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In this case, the researchers examined 27 studies covering the use of plant-based medical marijuana to manage pain, and three observational studies plus two other systematic reviews on PTSD. For themost part, it seems as if there just isn"t enough evidence to claim medical marijuana helps either condition. There was a faint glimmer of hope for those suffering neuropathy, or nerve pain, but even that evidence was considered to be rather weak.

The simulation involved a soup of 25 chemicals that react with one another in myriad ways. Energy sources in the soup』senvironment facilitate or 「force」 some of these chemical reactions, just as sunlight triggers the production of ozone in the atmosphere and the chemical fuel ATP drives processes in the cell. Starting with random in itial chemical concentrations, reaction rates and 「forcing landscapes」 — rules that dictate which reactions get a boost from outside forces and by how much — the simulated chemical reaction network evolves until it reaches its final, steady state, or「fixed point.」

How hot a planet gets depends primarily on howclose it is to its host star – and on how hot that star burns. Though we cannot measure the exact distance from afar, KELT-9b circles its host star every 1.5 days. This results in a whopping 4300°C – which is hotter than many of thestars with a lower mass than our sun. The rocky planet Mercury would be amolten droplet of lava at this temperature. KELT-9b, however, is a Jupiter-typegas giant. It is shrivelling away as the molecules in its atmosphere are breaking down to their constituent atoms – and burning off.

Around 717 million years ago, the Earth turned into a snowball. Most of the ocean, if not all of it, was frozen at its surface. The land, which was aggregated into one big supercontinent, was also covered in mile-thick ice. And then,everything changed. Volcanoes released enough carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to trap the sun』s heat and trigger global warming. The ice melted, and the surface of the sea reached temperatures of 120 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. By 659 million years ago, the world had transformed from snowball to greenhouse.



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