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DMT Crew的宇宙日誌:


Cosmic Diary of the DMT Crew:

"Aboard the SYNESTHESIA Vessel, currently re-entering the orbit of planet earth. "


經過一整年的深空探索,DMT Crew發現了另一個世界,那是一個更高維度,未被人類所知的世界。帶著驚訝、狂喜和憂慮,我們終於返回了我們的故鄉:地球。

Dear Psy-Friends and Space Travellers,

After a year long journey into the deepest angles of space, having explored realities, dimensions and planets before unknown to mankind, we are finally returning to our homeland of Earth.



This journey has taken us to places where no living creatures had ever been before. But, unfortunately, we ventured too far into the cosmos. And at the furthermost point of our journey, we encountered something. We awakened something……

Artwork by Beau Deeley


What we encountered in the solitude and silence of the deep-space, behind luminescent nebulas and blinding stardust, was for more dangerous than we could have ever imagined.



An entity that is almost as ancient as the universe itself, and with only one scope: bringing everything into complete silence.


Our frequencies attracted it, and for how hard we have tried to leave it behind, it followed us all the way back home. But this entity does not know what awaits it here.


If there is one place where we can defeat it, it is here, on our planet. In battling it, we have discovered its only weakness :Music!



This is why, we have to return where everything started, 2 years ago, when we left home for the first time, aboard the SYNESTHESIA Vessel, through the portal we had constructed.


On May 25th, the Mansionwill be the ground of our last-stand. We will construct a impulse generator, to project our energy and musical vibrations into the sky, to defeat this monster. Only with the participation of all of you, as many as possible, coming together as our generator can only work if enough people (the more the better) bring their energy and share with each other, we can save our world from falling into complete silence. Forever.


抵禦堡壘:The Mansion


(1am - 3am 150¥, SO COME EARLY!!!)





So let』s all gather once more,

with our most comfortable dancing shoes and best smiles,

to stand and dance as one, again.



Our world needs us.

Let』s show this 「deep-space-junk」 what Earth is made of.

DMT Crew,通話完畢…

DMT Crew, over-and-out…



來自北京。他已經在Spirit Tribe和Shalanaya以及迷笛電子音樂節等國內大型Psytrance派對和音樂節表演過。2016年他和他的朋友們共同創辦了本土廠牌:Dark-Moon Tempo,並開始舉辦自己的派對。現在他不僅努力推廣這種音樂形式,並且致力於將相關的文化傳播到中國。

Bodysnatcher, a local Beijing DJ. He has already performed at local Psytrance parties & festivals such as Spirit Tribe & Shalanaya also MIDI festival. In 2016 he and his friends found the local label called: Dark-Moon Tempo, started to make Psytrance parties in China. Now he is not only promoting this type of music but also dedicating himself to introducing psychedelic culture into China.


幾年前,Cyclvps和朋友一起創辦了本土廠牌Dark-Moon Tempo,同時發起Synesthesia派對項目。鍾愛做藝術裝置的他,一直在試圖用自己的裝置為每一次派對多打開一維沉浸體驗,並受邀帶著不同的藝術裝置參與了Midi電子音樂節、Shalanaya等大大小小的音樂節以及派對。


Cyclmps found local label: Dark-Moon Tempo, and Synesthesia party several years ago. Deeply in love with making art installation, he"s been create and use his own devices to open a door to an extra-dimensional and immersive experience. He was invited to participate in, with his art installations, the E-MiDi and Shalanaya festival and many parties.

Nowadays, Cyclvps continues the show as a DJ, trying to build up a brand new aircraft with Drum&Bass, carrying people fly through the dimension of drum and bass.


來自Psy-Trance先鋒廠牌「GoaProductions」,也是本土廠牌Dark-Moon Tempo的發起人;PsychicNova已經參加和組織過許許多多Psy-Trance的派對,和許多世界上知名的Psy-Trance藝人有過接觸,並且受邀在上海,台灣,浙江,江蘇,河北,雲南等地進行演出,包括各種地下派對,上海著名的Psy-trance戶外派對Shalanaya,Midi電子音樂節以及國內最大的戶外Psy-Trance派對Spirit Tribe等。他一直堅信每一個人都可以在Psy-Trance迷幻律動又充滿深意的旋律中發現不一樣的世界,完全放鬆自己的心靈,讓意識帶領你在另一個空間中感受音樂的魅力。

PsychicNova met Psy-Trance Music by coincident, which completely changed his view of the past, he, a electronic music crazy fan, has been deeply attracted by Psy-Trance, Then he joined the Chinese famous Psy-Trance label "GoaProductions", and as well he is the original founder of Dark-Moon Tempo Label, has been trying to promote the Psy-Trance culture, by which he believes could change the world. PsychicNova participated in and helped to organize many Psy-Trance event. Besides, he』 been contacting with many of the world famous Psy-Trance artists. he believes that everybody can find a brand-new world in Psy-Trance psychedelic rhythm & melody, where to completely relax their mind and let you feel the music led by consciousness in another space.


這是一對定居在上海的二人DJ組合:DJ SUN和ONE-TWO。他們的友誼始於舞池,由於對迷幻音樂的欣賞和熱愛,命運讓他們二人多次在同場獻藝。最終他們決定組成一個現場表演的組合。



SCI-FLYERS is a music project brought to life by Shanghai- based DJs SUN and ONE-TWO. Beginning their friendship first in the dance floor, by sharing the appreciation and passion for psychedelic music, fate brought them together performing as DJs in several occasions, leading to the decision of uniting their musical influences and visions into a LIVE Project.

With each bringing and complementing the new-born project with unique influences, fusing different backgrounds resulting in a synth-full sound filled with spirituality, mysticism and groove reminiscent of global sounds gathered in years spent on dance floors.

In addition to performing on stages across the Middle Kingdom and beyond, the SCI-FLYERS are cooking their first full studio productions, ready to hit the sound systems of the whole world.


來自美國,畢業於舊金山音樂學院和紐約曼哈頓音樂學院;作為90年代紐約最主要的前衛搖滾樂隊之一——Crisis的組織者及貝斯手,演出足跡遍布美國各個城市及許多海外舞台。這樣的經歷使他早在90年代就接觸到電子音樂,當然也包括Psy-Trance。專業的音樂素養和做為音樂人的獨特直覺告訴他這才是最先鋒的音樂,受到早期的Flying Rhino、Dragonfly、Tip Records等等影響的他跑遍了紐約大大小小的Psy-Trance派對,2000年他搬到洛杉磯居住,參加了legendary psytribe和Moontribe組織的所有沙灘及森林派對。


Trixphonic comes from the Untied States and was graduated from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music and the Manhattan School of Music. He was the organizer and bass of 「Crisis」 ---one of the major progressive rock bands in New York in the 90"s. He has ever made performances in cities of the United States and abroad. Thoes experiences brought him into contact with electronic music, of course including Psy-Trance. Professional music accomplishments and the unique intuition of a musician helped him to know that it was the most avant-garde music. Influenced by the early Flying Rhino, Dragonfly, Tip Records and others, he ran through almost all Psy-Trance parties in New York. In 2000, he moved to live in Los Angeles and attended all beach parties and forest parties organized by Legendary Psytrib and Moontribe.

In 2011, he came to Shanghai and swept across the Psy-trance dance floor in the project name of Trixphonic. His music style, like his project name, was full of powers and speeds. In addition to these, the lively rhythm and melody made it perfect and unquestionable.


My psychedelic journey commended in earnest on Magical Mount Batur in Bali/Indonesia in 2012 during the Awaredance 4 Peace Festival, where I found myself together with my friends from Singapore while travelling the region. Following a move back from Hamburg in Germany to Hong Kong in 2014, my friends and I rather quickly became disillusioned with the mainstream music scene here. So, in 2017 we started Project X - now X-852 Parties; the main purveyor of psychedelic trance parties in and around the Island. As for my DJ name, it"s funny how everyone who doesnt know me expects to see a girl behind the decks - but SpacePimp just doesnt sound as fun ;) My style is foresty yet funky, proper psychedelic with a hint of dark, but always filled with fun! A bit like me, and in any case, I hope as much fun for others to listen to as it is for me!


Vanessa Zheng

新媒體藝術家,作品涉及audiovisual arts, 影像,裝置,空間場域設計等等。致力於基於人類學薩滿理論與腦神經科學的「藝術治癒」理論研究,同時在實踐領域積極探索致幻藝術與意識科學。她將大量神聖幾何與能量符號融於實時visual之中,實驗伴隨著巨大音場的聯覺效應,如何作用於人們的意識並且發生積極的維度轉換之旅。

New Media Artist, her field includes audiovisual arts, video, installation, ritualistic space design and so on. She devotes herself into developing her art healing theory through anthropology shamanism and cognitive neuroscience approach. Meanwhile she actively explores psychedelic arts and science of consciousness in practice. In her real-time visuals with sacred geometry and energy symbols, she experiments synesthesia effects with psytrance music, and observes how does it work on human』s consciousness transformation journey.



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