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在家人可以收出家人給的東西嗎?Are lay people allowed to accept things from





Question: Are lay people allowed to accept things from monk or nun?

Guru answers: If the things are his or her personal belongings and they are willing to give, it is allowed. But if stuff belong to the group of monk or nun, it needs to get permission from the sangha.

Once in Larong during the Dharma assembly, some lay people had to go home and cook, they were inconveniently for eating. His Holiness Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok wanted to suggest that they may eat together with monks and nuns. However, His Holiness was afraid that it would create sin. Therefore, His Holiness asked all monks and nuns whether they agreed or not. With the monks and nuns』 agreement, His Holiness allowed the lay people eating the food offered to monks. Normally without special and meaningful situations, lay people are better not to use the monk or nun』s stuff for which are faith wealth and death wealth, we are hard to afford these.




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