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Wintrust體育館 PCPA佩里·克拉克·佩里建築師事務所


The Wintrust Arena, like Tulsa』s BOK Center, is a multi-purpose events space that hosts the performing arts as well as sports and convention-related events like keynote speeches. While not performing arts centers in the traditional sense, these venues benefitted in a very essential way from Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects』 experience with performing arts center design. The firm』s performing arts team at PCPA led the design effort on these projects, and many of the consultants who contributed to the performing arts centers, including acousticians, theater planners, and stage-lighting consultants, are part of the team.

舉辦藝術表演的Wintrust體育館 PCPA佩里·克拉克·佩里建築師事務所


Arenas are often dead spots in the city fabric. Large and opaque, they are only active during events, and even then, the activity is shut away from the life of the street. In Tulsa, and again in Chicago, Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects endeavored to create an arena that contributes positively to the streets that surround it, sharing the activity inside and investing the design with features that are active all the time, not just during the events.

Wintrust體育館位於芝加哥南部,已於2017年秋季正式對外開放。 它是德保羅大學男子和女子籃球隊的主場,也是國家最大的會議中心McCormick會展中心的大型活動空間。體育館作為再開發規劃的一部分,新設了餐飲、娛樂場館、酒店及街景,力求將周邊街區轉變成一個充滿活力的娛樂區域。

The Wintrust Arena (opened in the fall of 2017) is located on the Near South Side of Chicago. It is the home of DePaul University』s men』s and women』s basketball teams and a large events space for McCormick Place, the country』s largest convention center. The event center is part of a redevelopment plan to transform the surrounding neighborhood into a vibrant entertainment district with new dining and entertainment venues, hotels, and streetscapes.

總平面圖 PCPA佩里·克拉克·佩里建築師事務所

剖面圖 PCPA佩里·克拉克·佩里建築師事務所

該體育館的主要設計特色是別出心裁的屋頂:坐席上方的屋頂向上隆起,形式上呼應了芝加哥的一些大型公共空間,如阿德勒和沙利文設計的羅斯福大學禮堂劇院、海軍碼頭大宴會廳和聯合車站。拱形屋頂呈階梯狀,讓人聯想起排列的「眉毛」。 到了晚上,華燈初上,其外形產生了獨特的光影圖案,這從芝加哥中央商務區中的環路上清晰可見。 在體育館的內部,屋頂的結構暴露在外,使其鋼製桁架成為了設計中富有表現力的部分。 芝加哥傳統的結構表達具有抒情色彩 ,即將工程技術升華為了藝術,而Wintrust體育館就是其中的一部分。

The event center』s main design feature is an inventive roof that swells upward over the arena seating, recalling some of Chicago』s great public rooms like Adler and Sullivan』s Auditorium Theatre of Roosevelt University, the Navy Pier Grand Ballroom, and Union Station. The arching roof is stepped, creating an evocative series of eyebrows. At night, when they glow with light, the shapes produce a distinctive pattern that is visible from the Loop, Chicago』s central business district. Within the arena, the roof』s structure is exposed, making the steel trusses that hold it aloft an expressive part of the design. As a result, the Wintrust Arena is part of the Chicago tradition of lyrical structures—engineering raised to the level of art.

體育館外觀 PCPA佩里·克拉克·佩里建築師事務所

體育館內部 PCPA佩里·克拉克·佩里建築師事務所


While the building』s design is contemporary and unique, it grows from a careful study of the adjacent city neighborhoods. Located at the boundary of the pedestrian-scale Prairie Avenue District and the larger-scale convention center campus, the event center is designed to create a transition between the two. The upward-swelling roof allows the eaves to be lower, near the height of the surrounding buildings. Additionally, medium-scale, metal-clad pavilions are located intermittently around the building, mediating the change in scale and housing many of the event center』s support spaces, likevertical circulation, concessions, and restrooms. This helps with the urban expression of the building and makes for an especially spacious arena.

體育館屋檐 PCPA佩里·克拉克·佩里建築師事務所

金屬表皮與玻璃幕牆細部 PCPA佩里·克拉克·佩里建築師事務所

體育館圖解 PCPA佩里·克拉克·佩里建築師事務所

在金屬表皮小館之間,高大的玻璃幕牆使得建築物內的活動在街道上也清晰可見,為過路人創造了一種包容感。從外部向體育館西南角的部分坐席之間看,可以瞥見內部活動,另外「惡魔平台」——懸臂結構的坐席區專門預留給 「德保羅藍魔隊」的學生球迷。

Between the metal pavilions, tall glass curtain walls make the activity within the building visible to the street, creating a sense of inclusion to the passerby. Arena seating parts at the southwest corner, offering a glimpse of the events inside, as well as the Demon Deck—a cantilevered section of seats reserved for student fans of the DePaul Blue Demons.

體育館外觀 PCPA佩里·克拉克·佩里建築師事務所

懸臂結構的坐席 PCPA佩里·克拉克·佩里建築師事務所

容納10,600個座位的體育館位於街道地面層,大廳的流線和大樓梯的活動得以貼近人行道。街道可直達體育館的部分設施。 裝卸台、機械設備空間、後台區和更衣室等後勤空間也經過了精心布置。 易達、透明的零售和櫃檯在街道面,從而進一步提升街區的生活。

The 10,600-seat arena is at street level, putting the activity of the concourse circulation and grand stair adjacent to the sidewalks. Some of the event center』s amenities are accessible directly from the street. Support spaces such as loading docks, mechanical spaces, backstage areas, and locker rooms are discreetly placed. However, retail and concessions are at street level—accessible and transparent— contributing to the life of the neighborhood.

入口大廳 PCPA佩里·克拉克·佩里建築師事務所

觀眾套間 PCPA佩里·克拉克·佩里建築師事務所

團體設施間 PCPA佩里·克拉克·佩里建築師事務所

一層平面圖 PCPA佩里·克拉克·佩里建築師事務所

二層平面圖 PCPA佩里·克拉克·佩里建築師事務所

三層平面圖 PCPA佩里·克拉克·佩里建築師事務所

四層平面圖 PCPA佩里·克拉克·佩里建築師事務所





客戶:德保羅大學、Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority


記錄、設計建造團隊:Moody Nolan


助理建築師:Interactive Design Architects, Inc.


聲學設計:Wrightson, Johnson, Haddon & Williams, Inc.

助理建築師:Interactive Design Architects, Inc.

視聽和電訊:Wrightson, Johnson, Haddon & Williams, Inc.

土木工程:Milhouse Engineering & Construction, Inc.

代碼諮詢:Jensen Hughes

飲食諮詢:S2O Consultants, Inc.

圖形/標識設計:Infinite Scale

景觀設計:Terry Guen Design Associates

生命安全:Jensen Hughes

燈光設計:Brandston Partnership Inc.

燈光設計:Milhouse Engineering & Construction, Inc.

機械與電子:Environmental Systems Design

給排水工程:Milhouse Engineering & Construction, Inc.

安全和監視諮詢:Environmental Systems Design

結構工程:Stearn-Joglekar, Ltd. ,Thornton Tomasetti

可持續設計:Environmental Systems Design

導向設計:Infinite Scale

翻譯| 王一凱(高校小站)、易智麗(實習生)

編輯| 易智麗(實習生)

視覺| 李夢迪

校對| 李菁琳




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